Chapter 22

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   "I can't believe you hurt her Geralt! That combination alone was deadly!" Geralt flinched at the harsh tone. "I was expecting her to step into the middle of it!" At this point selene was waking up and her entire body hurt like she was being stabbed repeatedly. "You shouldn't have started arguing with Iorveth." "There's no reason for him to be as close as he is!" Selene however had hurt enough and with whatever strength she had she blasted Geralt across the forest as she stood up. "Selene?!" Said woman looked over and saw a worried Yennifer and Triss.
      "Are you okay?" Selene felt her fingers twitch the second she saw Yennifer and as much as she wanted to be mad at the woman she couldn't be. Iorveth saw this but made no motion to go near her just Incase he was also on her to kill list. Yet what amazed him was the fact she hadn't outright tried to kill Yennifer who was now standing beside her. "Selene, I need to know if you're okay." Selene however was still trying to get a grip of what happened. "It's possible she's trying to remember what led up to this." Cedric spoke, he was the one closest to her.
      "That's true Yen, she was out of it for over a week." "Yeah, a week in which Geralt dealt with the crones learned more about Ciri but not where she fucking is." Geralt was trying to sit up at this point and Selene looked at him before white hot anger coursed through her. "You left me?!" Geralt flinched. "It's not like that." "Oh so it's not like that. So you wanna fucking explain?!" No one dared to breath at this sudden outburst of rage. "Almost killing me wasn't enough huh?! You had to go and look on your own when it was suppose to be a joint effort!"
      Geralt glared at her. "You were in the way! No one told you to get in the middle of the fight! I left because we have to find Ciri!" That did it. That broke Selene's control and she blasted him again. "You son of a bitch! I got in the way because you two had no reason to be fighting! He led me away and he's close to me because I allow it!" Geralt groaned in pain before spitting. "Then fucking leave with him! I should have known you were fucking him when you let him see you half naked!" Yennifer felt her eyes widen and Triss took a step back.
    Iorveth was livid yet before he could lash out an arrow imbedded itself in Geralt's shoulder. Selene felt her own eyes widen as she saw it was Cedric who fired. "What gives you the right to make that assumption about her? Iorveth gave her that mark because she earned it! He saw her like that because he can't tattoo someone with clothes on! She wouldn't cheat on you! But I'm damn sure you fucked the other witch here before you came back!"
       Selene was oddly silent. Something in her was breaking, but what was it? What was causing all that pain. "Now hold on, Yennifer wouldn't sleep with Geralt knowing He's engaged to Selene." Yennifer however looked away. Pain. All she felt was pain. He slept, with Yennifer? Why couldn't she speak? Why, what was causing all this pain? Iorveth noticed this and so did Triss. "I can't believe you two! Geralt you Swore!" He looked away. "It was an adrenaline rush. We both had one." Triss didn't care she took a defensive stance in front of Selene and pushed Yennifer away. "'re awful! The both of you! Can't you see what you've done?! No wonder Yennifer was here when I fucking showed up with Cedric!"
       Selene finally moved, the simple action shocking everyone. "Selene?" "Sele?" Geralt glared at Iorveth and before anyone could stop her she dropped the ring to the forest floor before she ran over to Iorveth who caught her in his arms. Leaving Geralt shocked and Cedric now blocking the view. "Iorveth, get her out of here. Now." Iorveth whispered something into Selene's ear and she weakly nodded. Picking up the woman Iorveth quickly vanished through the trees a few others not far behind.
      Cedric turned to Geralt. "We are leaving, we are taking Séléne-e away. No worries we will continue our hunt for Ciri, Selene will play her role in the final battle, we will meet you all in Kaer Morhen. And Geralt?" The man was shocked, he hadn't expected the fight to get this bad. "Don't come near my sister ever again. While she remained loyal to you, you were not loyal to her. Now she has a chance to find real happiness. Triss Merigold was it?" Triss looked at him and nodded. "We will meet you in Novigrad. I'm afraid the shock is to much on Selene and needs a few days to adjust." "Of course. I'll be there in the Chameleon."
       Cedric nodded before he vanished. Sadly he had for seen this. Not the exact reason, but Selene and Geralt fighting. Not the end of them. However it struck him as odd. Usually soulmates were impossible lose, unless they were never meant for the other. Then it clicked. He couldn't see Selene's path with Iorveth. The first sign of a soulmate. The way they clicked when they first met. To how close they were now. It was never sibling affection they showed. It was the affection one would show a lover.
      As he got closer he could hear the broken voice that was Selene. "Why....why did he....Iorveth? Why did he do it?" And Iorveth's heart broke. Holding the woman as close as he could he placed his forehead against hers. "I don't know Sele, I really don't know. But we're gonna fix this okay?" Selene sadly shook her head. "I can't be with him. He....he was..." "no, Sele, thats not what I meant. I wouldn't let you near him again even if you begged.
I meant we will fix you. The hurt we will fix that."
       She weakly nodded, she knew he was a man of his word. He would never let Geralt near her again. Whispering a promise into her ear he once again picked her up. "Where to Cedric." "Novigrad, triss will be at the Chameleon waiting for us." And with that they left, each one with a worried look at Selene. A woman who was once so happy now looked broken beyond repair. Cedric could only hope that Iorveth would be able to fix the damage before it was to late.

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