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"Lily wake up your gonna be late for our flight " My Little sister may shout "what" i groan as my sister shake me energetically "were gonna be late " She say" Aaah i forgot " I say as I wake up"Hurry up mom and dad are waiting for us" " Ok let me get ready get ready " I said as she left the room I take a quick shower and dress up this what I were

"Lily wake up your gonna be late for our flight " My Little sister may shout "what" i groan as my sister shake me energetically "were gonna be late " She say" Aaah i forgot  " I say as I wake up"Hurry up mom and dad are waiting for us" " Ok let me...

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A ponytail And converse shoes oh sorry I forgot to tell you I'm jeon lily I'm half Korean and half American I was born in Korea my dad is from one of the most powerful families in Korea and today I and my sister are going to China since I've been working hard to study as you read you'll get to know me but let's return to the story. So yeah just like I said I was getting ready for the flight when I was ready I went to the kitchen took a fast breakfast and met my parents and my sister waiting for me in the limo "hi mom Hi dad" "Hey honey " My mom said

"hi Lil" That's how my dad calls me after greeting them I take a sit with my sister in the limo "yeah you took so long to get ready," Said my sister "well at least I didn't make us miss the flight" "Yeah your right but have at least be fast 😤" Sorry 😅" The ride was pretty fun until we arrived at the airport "honey you're sure you guys don't need anything" "Mom it's gonna be ok me and May are gonna be ok" I can see that you are excited " Dad said chuckling "Of course, I am dad " I replied The speaker: "passengers attending from Korea Seoul to Beijing please take a seat the plane is about to go" "looks like we gotta go " I said "Yeah bye Mom and dad " May said "aww I'm gonna miss you my babies" mom said hugging us "Me too mom "

I and my sister say, we do a last hug and say our last goodbye "be careful out there and take care of yourself" We will dad bye " "Bye" We arrived on the plane and take our seats "are u excited sis" "Sure I wish we can meet Boy story there" she said " Me too maybe we will " I replied. Me and my sister enjoyed the flight and the view from the plane. "Lily Unnie wake up we arrived" "Uhh we did? " I said sleepily "Yes let's go out" she said, we got out of the plane and we heard fans and girls screaming, and we saw...


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"Oh my gosh May did you saw that? " "Wha- wait Boy Story !!!! " "I think we have time before the driver comes, wanna get a closer look?" I told her "sure " We walked to the group's of fan to take a closer look and god it was like a dream they were so beautiful after a few minutes of admiring over them I felt someone taping me on the shoulder I turned around to see my sister "can we seat a little bit I'm tired" "Sure " We sat and waited for our driver to arrive (but not to far so we can see boy Story) it was like a dream I took pics of my bias it looked like that

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now