Chapter 21

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a MiChaeng story


*Chapter 21

*No One's

They are all done cleaning the living room and throwing the empty bottles and other trash. Sana already asleep on her room. While dahyun and momo just went out a few minutes ago to Momo's apartment.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon head to Dahyun's room. While chaeyoung go to her room and to take a shower.

Mina and Jihyo are the only one who still on the living room. When jihyo suddenly remember her phone.

JH: hey mina! Are you sober now?
M: I don't know what sober is!
JH: she still drunk after we cleaned everything. Hey mina. Did you get your phone? Where is our phone?
M: I don't know. Ask chae-chae. (she said while her eyes closed)


I went to chaeyoung's room to ask her about our phones. Her door is open i hear a running water in the bathroom. She still there. I knock on the door.

C: Who's that?
JH: It's jihyo i just want to ask if where is our phone at?
C: Sorry i forgot to give it to you. It's on the 2nd cabinet in the kitchen.
JH: Thankyou.

I go to kitchen and find our phones. I'll get everyone phone and put it all in the living room table.

JH: hey mina! wake up!
M: what is it?(still sleepy)
JH: Jimin bombarded me with miscalls and text

I see mina's eyes get open quickly and get back to her state.

M: where is my phone?
JH: here.


After hearing Jihyo's words my sense went back to normal. I really forgot Jimin today. I checked my phone. I saw 56 miscalls and 78 messages. I messed up really big!

I read his messages but not all because it's too many.

JM: it's already 5pm babe. are you still with them?
JM: i miss you
JM: why did you have to keep your phone.
JM: just update me please!
JM: hey babe it's 7pm
JM: where are you?
JM: still you didn't answer any of my calls
JM: what are you up today?
JM: I'll wait for you in your apartment outside.
JM: babe?!
JM: im calling your friends but they didn't answer too!
JM: I'm so worried now!!
JM: please answer!
JM: it's very late now!!
JM: who's with you!?
JM: are you cheating on me?!
JM: better not Mina. I warned you!
JM: you keep pissing me off today mina!
JM: just text me where you at. I'm coming to pick you up!
JM: it's already 10 mina!
JM: Jihyo left my messages seen!
JM: what the hell happening?
JM: Better explain tomorrow mina
JM: I'm going home now!
JM: Better explain everything. every detail why i can't reached you all day!

I'm so scared right now. Jimin is really mad. It's my fault. I wish i didn't agreed on keeping away my phone in the first place. Jihyo looking at me worriedly.

JH: what are you gonna do now?
M: I'll text him tomorrow. I'll talk to him after work. I'll explain everything.
JH: be careful mina, want me to come with you?
M: No, i can handle this jihyo. thankyou
JH: how about chaeyoung?
M: What?
JH: I already know mina. WE. We all heard everything you both talking in her room earlier.
M: F*ck!
JH: Do you really love her?
M: I'll do jihyo. I love her!
JH: Do you still love Jimin?
M: I love him too. But, it's not like the old times. I'm confused right now.
JH: It's okay. Don't think too much for now. I'll always be here if you need me. Take a rest now. Go to her room and rest. I'll be heading to tzuyu's room.
M: Okay jihyo. Thankyou so much. ( i hugged her )
JH: Goodnight mina!
M: Goodnight jihyo.

I entered chaeyoung's room Because it's open. i see her going out in the bathroom.

C: Take a shower mina. I'll prepare a comfy pajamas for you inside the bathroom.
M: Thankyou chae. (I'll walk close to her and kiss her forehead)

After I'll take a bath. I saw chaeyoung locking the door and walked towards me.

C: You already done. Dry your hair first so you can rest now mina. (then she lay on the bed while looking at her phone)
M:( i blowdry my hair then i lay next to her and leaned on her shoulder) what are you doing?
C: Just checking out some socmed post of my friends.
M: Okay. Can we sleep now?
C: Do you want to let the lights on?
M: No,  I can't sleep with the lights on. Can you turn it off please?
C: Okay. (then she turned off the lights)

I hug chaeyoung and rested my head on her shoulder. she hug me back and kiss my forehead then my nose , to my cheeks and chin. I was waiting for her to kiss my lips but she didn't. I guess she's teasing me. So i went on top of her and kiss her lips hungrily . She kissed me back and start pulling off my top . We switched position. I am now under. She put a little kisses on my face the  went to my ear. I feel her breath and it gives me chills. She bite my ear then lick the outer part. She kiss my neck down to my collar bone. Then she go back at my neck . I can feel that she is sucking it, and it makes me moan in pleasure. The way she move her hand on my body is making me feel more heat inside. She unhook my bra and put it aside. She stopped and look at me.

She kissed me on the lips again. We are kissing passionately while her hands is on my breast  playing with my nipple. I feel more pleasure because of it.



I went to sana's room and she already sleeping. I lay next to her and started to run my hands to her hair.  When she suddenly speak.

S: I know you love me too tzuyu (then she open her eyes)
T: so you're still awake?
S: yes. I'm just waiting for you to come here.
T: what if i didn't come here?
S: but you already did. in fact, you will do it anyway .
T: you're so full of yourself.
S: Just admit it that you like me too.
T: Go to sleep now. Goodnight (i face my back at her)
S: Goodnight tzuyu! One day you're the one who will say "i love you" to me. (then she hug me)
T: in your dreams sana.
S: I'm always dreaming of you.
T: Stop talking let's sleep now.
S: I won't, unless you kiss me.
T: Then keep talking, I'll go to my room now.

I get up and about to go away when sana pulled me. And she hold my face and kissed me. I feel the time stopped. We are not moving an inch. Her lips still attached to mine, and i like the feeling. I can see her that her eyes is close. She start moving her lips waiting for me to kiss her back. I'm shocked of her sudden move but i didn't get mad about it. I just closed my eyes too and kiss her back.

I didn't expect that we are doing this tonight. Then she stopped kissing me . She look at me and smile.

S: I knew it. You love me too don't you?
T:(I'll just remain silent while looking at her. I like her. i really like her, i just love teasing her because her reactions is too cute for me)
S: I know you're shy right now. You don't have to say it. I already know the answer.
T: ( I'll just smile at her then i lay on the bed facing her side)

She lay on the bed too. we are facing each other. She's just staring at my eyes. it's when i feel like she was about to kiss me again, i pull her closer and kiss her.

*And another history again.

end of chapter 21
sorry for the short update. ANTOK NA AKO 12:20 am na po.😴😴
hope you like it. sorry for the wrong spelling and grammar. labyuu💕

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