Chapter 41

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a MiChaeng story

*Chapter 41

*No one's

At some hospital.

???: Hi bro, are you feeling better now? You won't believe what i just do to the bitches who ruined your life.  Just wait, i am just started the misery they need to solve. Hope you recover fast and wake up now. It's been a day since you didn't wake up yet. Get all the rest you want and we can do this thing together. I know you want to kill all of them.  I will be right back bro, i need to check for the two bitches in the basement.  Get well soon.

The man drive his way home to see his victims inside his basement.

???: Let see what i can do to the two girls today. Hmm. What if i pour some muriatic acid in their eyes. Or in their mouth. They are too loud. Maybe i can cut their tounge. Hm. Let see what will i do when i get there.

*Meanwhile in another hospital where Mina and Chaeyoung at.

C: Mina??
M: Hey chae you awake.
C: yes, what is the update on dahyun? is she okay now?
M: Yes, she already move on a private room. Bht her condition needs a strict monitoring. She is unstable still.
C: I see, atleast she survive. And i know she can! Can we go to her room?
M: of course, come with me.

Mina and Chaeyoung headed to Dahyun's room.

M: here she is.
C: Oh my god dahyun!

Chaeyoung come in quickly and give dahyun a hug. She started to cry again .

M: Everythings going to be okay chae, let's pray for their recovery.
C: I will, wait. Their? Who is "their"?
M:(fu**!! I messed up so bad! No need to lie on this, i need to tell her whatever may happen) Uhm chae, There is something important you really need to know.
C: What is it? tell me now Mina!
M: I will, but please calm yourself first. then i'll tell you.
C: Okay okay, I'm sorry love. I'm calm now.
M: Are you ready?
C: Yes i am.
M: It's about tzuyu and sana.
C: What happened to them?
M: Jeongyeon and the police found them in their room. Same condition as dahyun. The ambulance that take them off is on the way here.
M: I know, i don't know what to think now! I don't know what to do! Momo and Jihyo is still missing! Whoever did this is really playing a death game with us. Chaeyoung please, get yourself together. We need to do something about this!!
C: We do! We really need to do something about this. If the police can't find it quickly we are going to find this f***ing psycho on ourselves! I will never forgive her or him. No matter what it is! They can hurt me but not my friends, my family either you . I will find that mo****f***ing psycho!!

Chaeyoung breakdown after dropping those words. Mina came over to her and pat her back to comfort.

M: I will help. For now let's get stronger for them. Lets wait for sana and tzuyu to arrive, i wish they fight for their lives to as dahyun does.
C: I cant see them like that Mina! My eyes cant take it anymore! I dont want to see my friends who also my family suffering like that! I cant! I cant!!
M: We are going to end this chae, shh. Lets be strong for them. They need us. We will find it no matter the cinsequences are! They need to pay for this!


I arrived at my house to check the two victims in my basement. Are you curious now for my identity?? It is not the day to know me. Someday, someday..

I opened the secret door for my basemaent who is just behind my fridge. Its a secret door. Only me and my brother knows.

I went down the stairs. I clearly hear that the two girls is now awake. They are shouting for help. Sadly, no one will hear them because they are underneath of my house.

I opened another door of a room where i put the two ladies.

???: Good afternoon ladies. Anyone came in to help you? I guess no one.
JH: F*** you!! Who the hell are you?!
???: You didnt know me? Thats sad. Every girls love me.
MM: you really look familiar.
???: Am i?
MM: i think i saw you in Magazine or somewhere.
???: Wow, nice! Thats a clue right there.
JH: Hell no!! I know you!! You are J---- umhp!!

Before she could say my name i already tape her mouth. Her voice is so loud.

???: Teach your friend to be quiet. I might cut her tounge off is she break my eardrums.
MM: what the hell! You psycho!!
???: dont be so loud momo. Do you want to get your tounge off first?

Momo didnt answer her face looked so frightened and shocked after i said that

???: Good girl. Just be quiet and i will be nice to the both of you. Unlike those three girls. They cant control their mouth. So you know, i have to beat them up till they cant shout and scream at me.
MM: three? T-three girls??
???: Yes three girls. I am sure they will be dead by now. They cant breathe normally when i left them. Hahaha what a weak ass girls!
MM: w-who are t-they??
???: why are you suddenly interested? You know them? You know the name, sana .... tzuyu .... And D-A-H-Y-U-N ??
???: Wow! You are louder than them and your friend right here. You want to know what i did to her? Okay let me tell you a story.
???: Are you going to listen or you just let yourself waste your energy for shouting at me when you cant do anything for it.
???: Oh sure i will, but let me put you and your friends to hell first. As i was saying , i am going to tell you a story. But first, let me tape your mouth first. I dont want any interruption when i am speaking you know?
MM: You will rot in hell !! You f---- !!

???: There you go, so I am going to start now. Its been a week since Im following the nine of you. yes nine of you! Everyone that involve that night that change my brothers life forever. So when i got the chance i grab it.  i saw Sana outside  in their apartment  so i go there like an innocent man asking for direction. When i knew that she was alone i ask her for a water because you know, i really need some acting to get her trust and attention. She walks inside left the door open and that was my cue to follow her and shut the door. I punch her really hard then she passed out. I carry her into her room and tied her up. Put some tape on her mouth. When someone just arrived, and it was tzuyu. What a timing right? Two birds in one shot. I break a glass in sana's room to make her come in. And my plan works. She comes up running to check and yeah, when she entered i hit her in the head with a chair then bam!! She passed out too. Like what i did to sana. I carry her to her room. Tied her up ,put some tape in her mouth. But then again, someone just arrived again. Looks like it was you and your girl dahyun. But sadly you left quickly so dahyun was the lucky one who get tied on the bed. Same as sana. I break something on tzuyu's room and guess what? She did the same thing as tzuyu. What an idiot! When she open the door i quickly punch her in her face and she passed out too. Am i that lucky to have a three victims in one day?? So after that. I went home. I change my clothes and take dahyun's phone. And yeah i texted Jihyo and you to meet me using dahyun's phone in different places . As lucky i am. My olan works. I get you both. Now you are here in my basement. Hahaha! What o fool! So after i caught you ladies i went back to back to beat the hell out on all of you! I beat those three girls realy bad that made their life want to went away from them. Sadly, my four victims find it out earlier, So,  i need a new plan to get them. Specially that one girl. Who really need a punishment!!  That's for today, Im going to do something about those four. You both lucky today. Im busy to touch you both. Ill be right back at night. See you ladies.

Before i left i take off the tapes on their mouth, then some hurtful words full of anger came out in their mouth. Ill just ignore it. It doesnt bother me anyway. I need to get those four to finish my revenge. You will see ladies what i can do! Just wait!

End of chapter 41
sorry for not updating for almost a month. I've been busy that time. Thankyou for reading my story. 💚😘

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