Chapter 32

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a MiChaeng story

*Chapter 32


I'm still waiting for chaeyoung to comeback. She's been gone for an hour. I fight my eyes that will be shut anytime. I'm sleepy now.

Suddenly ..

C: Hey mina! Still awake?
M: Now i am.
C: Sorry if i take too long. It's hard finding your phone. It's drained, so i charged it a bit then head out.
M: It's okay, thank you for this Chae. It's a really big help.
C: So, do you mind telling me what bothers you?
M: Okay, but can you charge my phone over there. I'm not rushing to use it anyway.
C: Okay.

Chaeyoung get a chair and sit next to my bed.

C: Okay, I'm listening now.
M: Jimin went somewhere.
C: I see, you're alone here.
M: He whispered something on me before he left, i faked my sleep to see what he is into.
C: What did he say?
M: He said he's going to fix something that i don't have any clue what is it about.
C: I don't get any clue too, i know nothing between you two.
M: I know, I'm just confused about it. He didn't even explain to me why he is drunk earlier.
C: yeah, i remember that. That is so strange.
M: That's what I'm thinking too.
C: About the phone?
M: I'm going to call Jennie. I know there is something going on.
C: Maybe tzuyu is right
M: What about it?
C: You know, about what she said earlier. I don't want to believe in that, but it's kind of something connected , you know?
M: yeah. i have a feeling too.
C: If it's okay that i stay here with you?
M: It's okay, why do you asked that?
C: You know, Jimin might get jealous ?
M: he won't, in fact he left me here. alone.
C: yeah, i feel sorry about that
M: no! it's not your fault. I'm thankful that you didn't hesitate to come here when jihyo asked you.
C: I won't mina. It's you after all. I'm taking care of you no matter what happen.
M: Really?
C: yes I'll do.
M: So, are we okay now? You know? About last night?
C: You know I'm hurt. But when it comes to you I can't stay mad at you. I can avoid you , Yes. But it really kills me inside mina.
M: I know, so please. Whatever situation we put into don't you ever try to avoid or stay away from me. It kills me too.
C: Okay, I don't. But, no promises.
M: It's okay, atleast we are okay now. Can you hug me?
C: I'd love too.

Chaeyoung embrace me and i never feel so light and relax when somebody is hugging me, only chaeyoung made me feel like that. It felt like all the things that bother me and my current situation right now is just blew away by her embrace.  I really love being close to her. She's my stress reliever, my happy pill and my ray of sunshine. We stayed like that for a minute then she release the hug.

C: feeling better now?
M: I'm always feel better when I'm with you.
C: Really? I'm glad to hear that.
M: yeah, remember . you are my doctor.
C: I remember. hehe

Chaeyoung and i shared a laughed together. We talk almost an hour to anything that comes to our mind.

C: Hey mina, go to sleep now. It's almost midnight.
M: Oh, we lost tracked of the time. But can i make a phone call first before i go to sleep?
C: Sure, then you need to rest.
M: I will chae.
C: here's your phone.

I dialed Jennie's number and wait for her to answer.

JN: Hello?
M: Jennie?
JN: Oh mina . Hi, why are you calling at this late. You need to rest
M: I know, but something is bothering me. And it can't wait.
JN: what is it?
M: Can i ask why do you come at my apartment this morning?

the other line went silent for a minute.

JN: i-i want to invite you to my party . because I'm going back to New Zealand and i didn't have time to visit you when i came back.

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