Chapter 40

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a MiChaeng story

*Chapter 40


We arrived at the hospital immediately because of Dahyun's condition. We are apparently waiting outside the ER where dahyun is. Chaeyoung walking side by side , waiting for the doctor to come out. I am sitting and just staring at her blankly. When suddenly my phone rings. It's Jeongyeon.

M: Hello?
JY: I'm here with nayeon, where are you guys? You left the apartment open.
M: I-I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. We are in the hospital right now. D-dahyun is in c-critical state.
JY: What??!! Where is that. We will come.
M: It's in the xxxx hospital. Please hurry up. I don't know what to do.
JY: Okay, we'll be quick. Bye.
M: Bye.

Chaeyoung still walking side by side, her eyes is so red because of non-stop crying. I walk to her to calm her down.

M: H-hey chae, come on. Just sit here.
C: I-i can't wait mina. I want to know what is Dahyun's condition right now.

She said while sobbing..

M: Me too chae, but please help me to help yourself to calm down. All we need to do is to be brave for dahyun. She needs us. We will be her strength. Dahyun  don't want to see you weak chae.
C: But i can't! I am weak! I am so weak! After what happened to her?! How am i supposed to calm down!!
M: Ssshh. Don't shout, the guards will put you outside. Come on sit.

Chaeyoung sit beside me and hug me. She cried herself out in my embrace.

C: Please fight dahyun!! I'm sorry I'm not at home to protect you!! Im sorry if i came too late dahyun!!

M: Shhh its not your fault,  okay? Whoever did that to her. It will pay, for sure. Lets pray that she will survive and recover fast. It's okay, I'm here. Just cry on my shoulder.

C: I can't believe it will happen to her! She's a very good friend. Very nice,caring and full of lame jokes. How can a adorable, kind and pretty girl make someone mad and did it to her. Whoever does this you will rot in hell!! I promise!!

M: Calm down chae.

After a minutes chaeyoung passed out in my arms because of crying. I'm so glad that jeongyeon and nayeon came when chaeyoung is already asleep.

JY: hey mina, what happen?
M: Remember what i told you earlier?
JY: about the girls?
M: Yes, chae tried to call dahyun again and we found out that her phone is just in her room. When we open the door we saw Dahyun's  body tied on her bed. Body full of bruises and some cuts.
N: What???!!
JY: That's terrible!! Who did that?
M: we don't know. dahyun is still in the ER.
JY: wait, if you said that dahyun is just in her room maybe...
M: Oh hell no!!
N: Holy sh*t!! Tzuyu and sana maybe is just in their room too!!
JY: F***!! We are going there now, we are calling the police.
M: Wait, if you ever find it out please check for Momo and Jihyo too.
N: Okay, we do. Let's just wish that whatever happened to dahyun, never happened to others.
JY: I'll call you later. We will update you if we find them.
M: Thankyou guys. Let's pray for dahyun and for the others. Take care on your way.
JY: We will. Take care too.
N: Call us too if the doctor is already out.
M: I will.


an hour have passed the ER door suddenly open. and the doctor is now approaching our seat.

DR: are you the patients relatives? family?
M: we are her friends, we live in one apartment.
DR: where is her guardian?
M: we are, we stand for each other. we are her family.
DR: I see, so about her condition. We will transfer her to a private room for monitoring. She has a difficulty on breathing, whoever does this choke her really hard. so you need to monitor her breathing and heartbeat. I can't say that she is stable now, but i know she can. She is fighting. Let's pray for her recovery. In my observation she is tied for almost three days based on her cuts and bruises. You need to report it to the police.
M: Thankyou doc, yes we will. Our friends already call the police . Thankyou for helping us.

DR: don't worry, it's our job. once they transferred your friend you may rest also in the room. looks like your friend is drained because of crying.

M: yes she is. thankyou doc.

DR: just press the emergency button if something happen okay? I'm going now.

M: Thankyou again doc. Chaeyoung will be relieve if she knows that her buddy is still fighting.

Then the doctor walked away, again may phone rings its jeongyeon.

JY: hey mina
M: what happen?
JY: I'm sorry, but..
M: what??
JY: Tzuyu and Sana
M: What happen to them?
JY: They are in the same condition as dahyun.
M: What?!!
JY: yes,  we found them in their own room. Tied with bruises and cuts everywhere.
M: F***!! Oh no! Chaeyoung may lost her mind if she knew about it!
JY: We are with the police, they started the investigation.
M: What about momo and Jihyo?
JY: Nayeon go there with the police. I'm going now to the hospital , the ambulance is on the way.
M: Okay, take care.

Jeong hanged up. F***!! I don't know how to tell this to chaeyoung. I walk and sit beside her who is sleeping soundly at the bench. I just stared at her and found myself crying. I can't take it anymore. It's too much for a day. It's too much for us. Specially for chaeyoung. Her friends, her best friends are now suffering for an unknown reason. Why did this happen? Who did this?!!

Then i suddenly think of Jimin. He followed us earlier. Maybe he want to abduct us? I don't have anyone to blame right now. Just him. He act suspicious earlier. If he didn't do it, then who? and why? Why them? For now, all i know is to protect chaeyoung and myself.

We don't know maybe we are next. I'm still hoping that Jihyo and momo is fine. Please, don't let that crazy psycho hurt anymore of our friends. Then i breakdown in silent, careful not to wake up the girl who is sleeping beside me.

*No one's

Meanwhile, on the other side of Chaeyoung's apartment there is a man standing nearby checking the commotion made by the police amd residents.

???: Oh, guess I'm too late to pick up my victims. I thought they will reunite while fighting death. They're lucky they survive. Tch! Be thankful i didn't caught you four. Poor momo and Jihyo they are nowhere to be found.

Then the guy walked away like he sees nothing.

end of chapter 40
sorry for not updating for almost a month. I've been busy for this past weeks. TO MY LOVELY READERS can i ask you a favor?
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