Part 2 |Pinky promise|

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Taika showed me around the props and mostly everything was done other than a few character outfit designs.

"So we still have background characters to design?" I asked looking to the papers. He nodded letting me take the iPad. I thought for a moment before sketching up a design.

"Horns? I like it. Hey, Nat do you think you could whip something up?" She looked to the sketch.

"Yeah simple enough." She went off and Taika tapped my shoulder.

"We've been here for over an hour. I'm sure you're wanting some fresh air." We left heading towards the trailers where the actor's trailers were. It was sunny out and I noticed Chris with Tom and Tessa.

"(Y/n) you've returned!" Chris cheered jumping up with a plate full of food.

"Calm down I was only gone for an hour." Placing a hand to my hip Chris waved me off.

"I was about to tell them about your date to the school dance." My face went sour.

"Then how about when you first got drunk."  Tessa and Tom laughed at our scrobble.

"How about lunch first," Tom said and Chris laughed sitting back down.

"I like that idea," I said back grabbing a plate full of food with Tiaka before sitting down.

"How long are you staying?" Chris asked as everyone started eating and listening to music.

"Just over a month. I have a client in London, it might lead to a contract for an upcoming fashion show."

"Ohhh fancy." Tiaka swooned and I laughed pouring myself a glass of water.

"Do you often have clients in London?" Tom asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I drift around a lot. London, Nek York and Melbourne mostly. Had to buy apartments everywhere to make things more stable for myself."

I got to watch the takes of the movie for the rest of the day which was exciting although I hope not to see everything installed for the movie otherwise there's no surprise.

"Hey (y/n) wanna come to the hotel and have some drinks?" I stood stretching and nodded.

"Yeah, we have a lot to catch up on." Catching a ride with Chris to the hotel we ordered drinks him as always Vodka soda and my favourite cocktail.

"Welcome to the hotel room of an actor." Rolling my eyes I stepped inside and the drinks were waiting. Wow, that was fast. Taking up a glass Chris downed one quite quickly, he must have been stressed out.

"Hey calm down, you have work tomorrow remember." Chris waved me off but slowed down a little. That's going right to his head. It was another hour and a half of us laughing at our slightly jumbled stories before there was a knock on the door. Giggling I went over seeing Tom standing there.

"Oh (y/n). Didn't think to see you here." Tom said and I smiled grabbing onto his hand.

"Join us for a glass. Chris has gotten tipsy it's the funniest thing but I'll need help to sober him up." Tom saw the glass in my hand nodding, probably worried I was out of it too.

"Sure. I needed to ask Chris something anyway." Tugging his hand a little he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

"Chris I have a friend here... Where'd you go?" I placed down the glass and heard a grunt. Looking beyond the sofa I saw Chris doing push-ups. "Alright now you're just showing off." Crossing my arms Tim chuckled next to me.

"I've seen him do this once before. We were at the hotel for the last Thor movie, it was the last night of filming so he had a few drinks." I placed my foot to Chris's side and lightly pushed him making him fall.

"Yep and we tend to drink a bit when catching up for the first time in a while although he's normally not working the next day."

"Hey, I was almost at 100." I rolled my eyes at him as Chris stood.

"He needs a glass of water and food. Could you order some room service?" Tom nodded and I finished off my glass. The only one I'd had before using that glass to give to Chris only after rinsing it out first.

Chris was grumbling things for the next half hour while eating and drinking water. Only after that did he go to his bed knocked out.

"Well, that deserves a drink." I breathed flopping down to the couch with new glass in hand. Tom shut the door to the room.

"Chris really can't take his alcohol." Tom chuckled and I giggled.

"No, he can't. You going to stay for a glass?" I smiled pouring a wine glass for him.

"I did promise that didn't I." I passed it over as he sat down next to me. "How many have you had?" His question made me smile leaning over him to grab the hot chips leftover.

"Only two glasses. One of us had to be responsible. Chris loves acting like a child when I'm around." Smiling I sipped the wine in my glass.

"Can't imagine how much of a hand full he was when he was first drunk." I made an oh shape with my mouth.

"Oh, you trying to get the goss from me?" I smirked turning my body towards him more.

"Only if you want to share." He smirked also and I bit my inner cheek. Tom is a looker, although I try to avoid this kind of attraction he's so alluring.

"It happened after Chris's 18th birthday. He wanted to get smashed for the occasion. Stupid really. We were walking to his house when he tripped over the hose of the neighbour's house and he got soaked in water. It sobered him up but I almost peed myself laughing until we had to run away from his shitty neighbours. His mum thought he jumped in the nearby lake." I giggled throughout the story holding myself together. Tom chuckled softly taking a sip of his wine. I meant in more. "Any stories you'd care to share?" He laughed stopping for a moment to swallow.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can think of." I pouted placing my glass down as well as the chip is been snacking on.

"Oh come on. I promise not to tell. Pinky promise even." I noticed his drink was now empty.

"You got me at pinky promise." I laughed lightly holding out my hand extending my pinky.

"Alright let's shake on it." My voice got softer as if I suddenly thought Chris might wake up from the other room. Our shoulders were now touching and I felt his hand on my thigh. He raised his opposite hand and we tangled our pinkies together.

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