Part 19|Night out| smut

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I was nervous. Intense butterflies in the pit of my stomach. For a moment I thought I was getting sick but deep down I knew why. Leaving after tonight would mean being away from Tom. Only for two weeks but what if in that time he doesn't care for me any more? Or finds someone else. For the second time today, I sat in the rental car gripping the steering wheel tightly in hopes to stop the stress from getting to me. But I've waited long enough. Toms probably waiting.

I was right. Tom was sat out by one of the windows looking out to the ocean. It was pitch black out into the open sea. Even so, Tom was very interested staring out until our eyes met through the reflection of the glass. The waiter left as I started removing my coat.

"You made it. I was getting worried." Guilt drew out of me.

"Sorry I wasn't feeling well. Nerves I think." Tom smiled holding my hand from across the table rubbing his thumb along my hand.

"Nervous? Whatever for?" I let out a sigh. Smiling sadly I glazed out to the ocean as it calmed my beating heart.

"Leaving. It's always been hard even though I know I'll come back. More so now, knowing that you're..." Tom squeezed my hand for a moment.

"I was also nervous. It's been a long time since... Well since I've been in a relationship. I'm worried I'm doing something wrong." I went to say something but our main meals came to the table. Tom let go of my hand as we ate, both of us ate slowly. Not wanting the night to end.
"Did you want me to accompany you home?" A large smiled spread across my cheeks. Nodding Tom took my hand leading us out of the restaurant. "Which way to the car?" He breathing into my ear kissing the outer shell quickly.

"Just down the block." It was cold outside but I suppose it was past ten at night. People were noticing us together, I knew that much. Did I care? No, not one bit. Tom hand our arms woven together, stealing little kisses on my cheek all the way down to the car. All it did was make me giggle. "Tom." I breathed once we made it to the car getting out my keys. "You're perfect. In every way." Leaning towards him our lips almost touched before we heard the click of a camera.

"Maybe later. " He breathed moving away from me. "I'll drive."


Tom parked the car in the driveway. Our lips collided once the engine turned off. If there was one moment I would stay in it's this moment. Moaning Tom unbuckled his seat belt following by unclipping mine.

"Let's get inside. " We both moved quickly jumping out of the car I heard it lock of Tom tossed over the keys which I easily caught unlocking the door his hands roamed my lower back while Tom kicked off his shoes. "There's going to be talk," Tom said peeling off my coat kiss my exposed neck.

"I'm surprised it took them so long." Kissing our mouths opened, tangling tongues together we made our way to the bedroom.

"So you're ok with it?" Humming in response while my scarf and dress went to the floor.

"I'm used to it. Being best friends with Chris and all. I tend to get unneeded attention." Tom lifted up his sweater, my lips travelled up following the movement of his exposing skin.

"They thought you were dating?" He breathes out once I'd made it to his neck leaving little kisses while he chucked his shirt across the room.

"All the damn time. No one ever believes that a guy and a girl can just be friends." The light touch of Tom's fingers gliding up my back and clipping my bra swiftly lead me to stop kissing his neck.

"Maybe not in our case." He waved my bra in front of me was a smirk on his face. "Never thought I'd end up dating the women Chris spoke so highly of," Tom said the one thing I needed to know and I knew he saw the look on my face. Releaf.

"And why is that?" I questioned leaning into him so my breasts pressed against his warm chest.

"You're too good for me." This leads me to laugh and kiss him. We fell onto the bed lips still together how does he always taste like mint? Does he sneak a tick-tack while I'm not looking?

"Now that's where you're wrong. You're the one too good for me." Tom laughed grabbing hold of my stocking sliding them down my legs until I was exposed in front of him.

"Let's agree to disagree." Nodding Tom smiled down at me taking off his pants, slowly. Just wanting to watch my open legs pulse in anticipation.


The two of us were happily under the covers. Hearts beating in sync and bodies wrapped around each other.

"Say (y/n)." Tom started to say and I opened up my eyes tilting up to spy Tom's face. "Did anything ever happen between you and Chris ever?" Is he jealous? Or just trying to understand Chris and i's relationship better.

"No never. Apart from one time..... We kissed when we were both drunk on a dare by Liam I think." Smiling remembering the night vaguely it made me laugh. "What's with all these questions about Chris?" He was staring up at the ceiling making me slightly worried. "Tom?"

"Just curious is all. With all the time you've spent together, I thought maybe you dated for a while." I laughed shaking my head. Wrapping an arm around his chest I lightly kissed his neck for a moment before relaxing against him.

" We're basically family. He's like an annoying older brother to me." Tom brought an arm around my waist bringing me up against him.

"The flights after lunch tomorrow?" Starting to get tired I hummed in response Tom chuckled placing his lips on my forehead.

"Mmmm yeah. I'll be leaving around ten." It was late and I had a long flight ahead of me, just thinking about it made me sleepy so in a matter of a few minutes I was out like a light.

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