Part 5|Beach house|smut

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We'd just finished dinner at the Skydeck. Surprisingly no one recognised Tom. Which was good since I wasn't sure if Chris would hate the fact I didn't mention what I was doing today. We hopped back into my car.

"So did you want me to drive you back to the hotel or maybe...." My sentence slowed down and Tom smirked lightly.

"Maybe back to your place?" Swallowing thickly with a nod. Tom took hold of my hand kissing it lightly. "I'm also not on set tomorrow. So we have all night together." His breath was hot against the skin of my fingers. My underwear began to dampen. Starting up the car Tom kept a hand rubbing up against my thigh, this kept me slightly distracted but not enough to cause an accident. We made it to the beach house.

Fumbling around for the keys I unlocked the door and let Tom step inside

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Fumbling around for the keys I unlocked the door and let Tom step inside. Then locked the door right after.

"You had this place for long?" Tom asked and I looked up from taking off my shoes.

"Yeah, although I got the place renovated for my parents 40th anniversary." Tom walked down the hall and I went to the main bedroom putting down my bag.
"Hey, Tom did you want some tea?" I spoke out although didn't get a response. Walking back out I started taking out my hair. It gives me a headache if I sleep with my hair up. Tom was outside on the veranda looking out to the sea.

"This place has a nice view." I jumped in response looking out to the darkening sky. Stars started patterning across it in random quantities.

"It's always been my favourite part of this place. Which is why I made sure the renovations were full of windows. " Staring dreamily out to the ocean I let out a calm sigh. I loved coming here when I was younger. Chris would come up with me and my parents for two weeks. Every day was spent at the beach.

"Including the bedroom?" He spoke looking from the view. I laughed moving to hold his hand.

"Why don't you follow me to find out," I said leaning in while saying so before pulling away heading towards the bedroom. Tom followed behind me. The large windows of the master bedroom were illuminating the darkroom. Turning to look at Tom he was directly behind me and pulled me against him.

"I enjoyed the tour today." Tom breathed out not looking away from me shutting the door with his foot.

"Happy to hear that," I whispered back as we drew in closer and as our lip touched Tom cupped my face with on hand. He's so illuring, it makes me weak in the knees as he stepped forward making me in return step backwards. Our tongues danced together before the back of my leg hit the bed.

"No rushing tonight. I'm going to take my time with you." He made sure not to leave a trace of him on my skin but sucked lightly down the side of my neck while tugging my shirt out of my pants. Tom also happened to be wearing a shirt and the two of us had a race to see who would finish unbuttoning the other's shirt first, although it was never agreed upon our fingers weaved around each other until I was feeling up his chest. Toms muscles tensed under my fingers and I brought my hands onto his shoulders sliding off the shirt. Tom did the same for mine. Both shirts were tossed to the floor and I was leant back onto the bedsheets. He unclipped my bra in the motion of my lower back hitting the sheet and slid it off me."Just as beautiful as I remember." He spoke staring down to my bare chest where my breasts still had the small bruising scattered across each one.

"I could say the same to you," I said sliding my hand up to his toned chest. Tom chuckled softly massaging my breasts while leaning down to my neck, turning away from him Tom gained more area to explore. Moaning at him pinching my nipples lightly while slowly his tongue slid down to my left breast swirling around the bud before sucking down, nibbling every so often.

"Tom, that's good." I moaned wrapping my legs around him making his body flushed against mine.

"Mmmm you're making it hard to take my time." Tom groaned switching across making sure to look into my eyes as he nibbled down a little harder.

"It's not my fault you're so intoxicating." He groaned to that.

"I could say the same to you love," Tom said back leaving open-mouthed kisses down my stomach while unbuttoning my jeans. Tom easily slid down my jeans as well as my underwear. Biting my lip I moaned softly as he rubbed my lower lips crouching down continuing his open-mouthed kisses until he sucked my clit. Gasping both my hands automatically went to his hair followed by a soft moan at the light flick of this tongue.

"Shit Tom. That's good." Tom didn't respond and inserted two fingers sucking harsher against my clit. Tugging on his hair Tom groaned vibrating against my sensitive nerves. My back arched as his hand went faster for a moment before they retracted and his mouth moved swirling around my opening bringing it as far as it could before lapping at my folds. "Y-yes... Faster, I'm almost there." Tom brought both of my legs over his shoulders and thrusted back in three fingers bringing his attention to my clit. His fingers curled upwards. "Oh my God, you're going to make me." My toes curled and I moaned out his name squirting harshly. To my surprise, I heard him swallow. My body relaxed as I panted heavily. "Shit. Tom that was..." I didn't finish too court up in my orgasm.

"You're delectable." His chin was covered in my arousal and I watched as he licked his lips moving upwards to my face.

"Then let me have a taste." He smirked go that moving to kiss me. Immediately moaning Tom groaned grabbing one of my legs bringing it over his waist to give him access to his end goal. We both moaned our lips parting for breath when he thrusted forward. We kissed once more, deeply this time, Tom's tongue swirled around in my mouth threateningly close to the back of my mouth egging me on to choke. His thrusts were deep, making sure that we were joined for longer this time, out slowly every time before a quick sharp thrust in. It was driving me mad. My hips thrusted upwards Tom growled grasping my hips to keep them down but didn't let go of my lips for a moment. Until I broke free.

"Oh please, just a little faster I'm so close." It didn't take long for me to say this. It was a rush being with Tom.

"Not yet. Just wait." He said moving to my breast sucking there just to make it all the harder for me.

"Please I just want to cum all over your cock and soak my sheets with my orgasm." I felt his member twitch at that. Tom growled again. He picked up the pace.

"Bloody hell (y/n)." I moaned in response as he removed a hand from my waist and to rub my clit.

"TOM!" He groaned out also orgasming. I squirted hard, he made sure to remove himself to watch me do so against the sheets and his thighs. Breathing heavily I brought myself up to look at the mess I made. "Damn it. Good thing it's too hot for a throw rug." Kicking it off I flopping down under the covers and Tom returned from the bathroom with only his underwear on.

"Do you always orgasm like that?" His question made me blush.

"Oh, I uh. No, only when it's incredible. Do you not like it because I can..." Tom joined me under the covers kissing me softly.

"I love it when you squirt, it's rather sexy." I bit my lip at that. He's making me want to go another round. "It doesn't take much to arouse you does it?" Tom spoke bringing a hand to cup my sex making me gasp.

"Don't be a tease." I frowned and Tom chuckled. "When are you next on set?" Asking this Tom removed his hand to my thigh although now a little damp.

"The day after next. You're staying until the end of the month correct?" I nodded shuffling downwards so my head hit the pillow.

"Yeah, the London job starts not long after I get there." He hummed looking out to the window for a moment. "My mum's from London you know." I could feel him turn to me before moving down to hear me better. " I was born there and until the second year of school that's where we grew up but my dad was from Melbourne so we moved here. It's nice having family there it isn't so lonely as to when I travel to New York." My sentence started to become quieter as a wave of Melatonin kicked in.

"And then you met Chris not long after?" I smiled nodding making the first move to bring my body against his. Tom smiled wrapping an arm loosely to my waist.

"Dad always said that's why I love tea so much. Because we lived in London for too long I got my mum's bad taste. Melbournierns are so picky when it comes to coffee." Ton chuckled and my heartbeat fastened when he kissed my forehead.

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