Part 15|Bolognese|

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I had a pounding headache. My eyes didn't want to open and when opening them realizing I was still in the hotel I sighed. Damn it I'll have to get back home looking like shit. Groaning I slowly sat up, seeing a large glass by the bed I drank it slowly just trying to wake up. Is Chris even here? He did as I'd crash at his place. Wait what am I..... This is Toms shirt. Did he bring me back here? Standing up I used the bathroom. My eyes weren't as bad as I thought and after straightening out my hair I walked out hissing when the bright sunlight burnt my eyes. I spotted Tom reading a book and drinking some tea.

"Morning." I groggery said covering my eyes with a hand. "You wouldn't happen to have something to stop this headache of mine?"

"On the table." He gestured behind him and I walked over basically blind taking the pills downing it with water. "You remember much of yesterday?" I turned slowly trying not to get whiplash slumping my shoulders.

"Oh no, what did I say? I've completely blacked out. Please tell me I didn't embarrass myself." Tom shut his book clearing his throat. "Oh God, it must have been bad." Hitting my head softly onto the side of the couch Tom thought deeply about something. "Just tell me rip it off fast like a band-aid." He shook his head before smiling.

"I think maybe after you're not hungover. After I take you home I could cook lunch." The suggestion had me confused. Tom wants to cook for me?

"I uh sure. I bet I told you all something horrible about Chris. Oh, he must hate me now." Breathing the last bit out I stood starting to feel the effects of the medication. It'll be slow going. "I'll just change." What did I say, he's so reluctant to tell me folding up his shirt I started dressing myself. Tom came in doing the same although faster than me. He's even more distant. Did I offend Tom? Maybe it's good I'm leaving on Friday... Although how does this end. Just a goodbye, had fun see you never? Four days, no wait three days it's Tuesday, right?

"I texted the driver he's in the car park now."


The drive was so quiet. Tom sat further away from me. Could be because I need space but something tells me this isn't going to end well. The driver left us, it's only a fifteen-minute drive to the hotel from here.

"What were you planning on cooking?" Tom looked around the kitchen for a moment.

"Not telling. You go have a shower to wake yourself up." Not protesting I left for my room. Finding something new to wear I had a nice long shower. It did wake me up and procrastinating on getting out too worried about Tom I came out in a towel dropping it to the floor. The headache was gone, I'm good at recovering from this sort of thing. Drying my hair out more I started changing. There was a knock on the open door.

"I'm almost done...." Tom's voice trailed off once seeing me with only underwear on.

"I'll be out in a moment." I wasn't fazed by him one bit and I thought he was the same but Tom stood there few a while watching me move around basically naked. Coming out all dressed and my hair still damp Tom was serving up bolanase. "Smells good." I hummed sitting down to the bowl with less in it. He knew I wouldn't be very hungry right now.

"I try." Tom simply said walking back with two glasses. We started eating, it was good great even. He's a gentleman, a good cook, handsome. What's not to like about Tom? Nothing I can think of. Not one thing. I'd eaten half when I spotted to drink some water.

"So what did I say, Tom? Was it as bad as I fear?" He sighed and halted his eating. Tom grabbed a napkin cleaning his face.

"It's silly really. What you said was so stupid that I couldn't believe was true. It made me mad and confused, everything up to this point was easy. Flirting and fucking. Nothing more or less. Then you bring those three words onto the table..." My eyes went wide realizing what I did or rather said. I speak my mind when drunk, no filter although half-asleep most of the time. I'd goddamn said it. Without knowing it was how I felt. He doesn't love me, of course, he doesn't.

"Tom... I....." He stood from his chair to stare down at me not losing eye contact as he walked over to my side of the table.

"It made me mad and confused because it took me so long to understand that I felt the same way..... And it took you to get drunk for me to realize that." Tom bent down removing the tear that rolled down my cheek. "(Y/n)..... I love you too." He loves me? Tom loves me..... We both leant forward and kissed each other deeply. Bringing myself closer to Tom he tangled his fingers through my wet hair.

"This is insane. We only met this month." Tom kissed down my neck suddenly sucking harshly making me gasp.

"Only fools rush in."

"But I can't help falling in love with you." Tom kissed me again slower this time. Although neither of as made an attempt to take it further this was still the most intimate moment we've shared. Humming against his lips Tom stood up taking me with him. I'm phone rang in the other room. Parting from his lips I managed to get to my phone.

"Hey, Chris." I breathed biting my lip Tom stood by the doorway.

'oh good you sound alright. You drank so much yesterday.' he laughed making my eyes roll.

"Oh, and who's fault would that be?"

'Sorry about that but Tom took care of you.'
Letting out a sigh I breathed out.

"Yeah. It'll don't feel 100%." Turning away from the door I started picking up my clothes and dropping them into the basket.

'i'll make it up to you. Promise.' laughing I hang up on him then tossed the phone to my bed. I felt Tom behind me before his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Everything alright love?" Nodding he kissed my neck.

"Chris was just checking up on me." Murmuring this out he hummed softly against my skin making me lean into him. Kissing my jawline Tom spun me around until we kissed once again. It wasn't long before I was lying on the bedclothes removed and still making out with Tom.

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