Part 29|A hot new years|

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"(Y/n) dear you made it!" Mum cheered seeing Tom and I by the front of the house. "And Tom, it's so good to see you again." Mum came up giving both of us a hug.

"Likewise Mrs (l/n)." Mum laughed at him.

"So formal. No need to be. Now come inside, your dad's sister is cooking up a storm in the backyard."

It was a New Years lunch, Tom and I arrived about two days ago but with jet lag and showing him around Melbourne we only finally got to see my parents today. Tom walked beside me as I lead him through my childhood home. Photos of me were everywhere and as dad would say 'you were the favourite child.' Which I'd always respond with 'I'm your only child' I win by default.

"Aunty (y/n)!" A seven-year-old girl came sprinting from around the corner. I smiled bending slightly to pick her up.

"My god, May you've gotten so big." Settling down the seven-year-old she grabbed my hand.

"Come on Thor is in the backyard." Laughing at that I was dragged away from Tom and into the backyard where Chris was cooking a bbq with my dad.

"She's here!" May cheered out making the small group of people turn.

"(Y/n). Glad to see you made it. May has been talking about you non stop." My cousin Grace said standing up to hug me.

"Come on he wants to see you," May begged pulling me away from her mother. Elsa sitting beside her. 

"Sweety let (y/n) breath," Grace said but May continued to drag me to Chris.

"I've brought her as you asked," May said with a cheeky grin.

"Mission complete solider,(Y/n) your beverage." Chris handed me an apple cider from the cooler next to him.

"Thanks. You send her after me?" I gave my dad a sideways hug still talking to Chris.

"I couldn't let the sausages burn. What kind of a man do you take me for?" I laughed rolling my eyes at him. "Where's Tom?" I looked behind me and Tom wasn't outside yet.

"Well, I was pulled away from him by May. He was left with my mum so I'm guessing he's in the kitchen." Having a mouthful of the cider Chris hip bumped me.

" Go find your man and send him over after. I haven't seen him since he left set early." I laughed shoving his shoulder and walked the short distance back inside. I thought Tom said the set finished early not he left early. Tom as I thought was in the kitchen with my mum putting together the salad. Giving mum a look without Tom seeing she cleaned her hands.

"I'll go set the table." She squeezes my forearm before walking out.

"Sorry, she got you working." Tom smiled placing a pair of tings into the salad.

"No, it's completely fine. Got to hear a few stories about you." I bit my lip blushing slightly.

" Chris mentioned something. About you leaving the set early. I thought you said filming was done." Tom rubbed the back out his neck turning to me.

"I thought that might come to light. My scenes were done. There were only two days left. But I had to see you and I didn't want to seem too eager." Before Tom continued rambling I captured our lips together. This made Tom smile and when I tried to pull back Tom kissed me against making me giggle.

"Ew gross." Little India stood by the doorway. To let go of my lips.


It was just past dinner time when Tom and I left my parents house. I'd lost him for a while but he was talking to my dad while helping clean up the bbq. I was driving back to my apartment in the city. It was just over an hour to my place.

"Your family is great," Tom said holding my thigh as I drove into the carport for the apartment. Unlike in London, I have a car here.

"Yeah, and they love you too. May was happy to meet the oh so famous Loki." Tom chuckles at that getting out of the car.

"Was there anything you wanted to do with the next three days?" Questioning him this as the elevator doors shut Tom snuck down squeezing my ass for a moment.

"I wouldn't mind you." I giggled lightly shoving him and Tom chuckled.

"There's always the beach," Tom smirked leaning down to kiss my neck.

"That also seems enticing, will you be wearing a bikini." He knew the answer and yet still thought to ask.

"you can pick which one if you want. " I giggled unlocking the door to the apartment. "also what were you talking to my dad about.  It seemed like a serious conversation." saying this while tossing the keys to the small dash near the door Tom didn't respond for a moment. that was until I turned.

"oh, that. Just about the long flight and the jet lag." I made an oh shape with my lips before kicking off my shoes, Tom chuckled at this moving to kiss the back of my neck.

"I'm not that hungry but I could cook something up for you." Tom shook his head leaning in towards me. His head rested on my shoulder as he started kissing along the side of my neck.

"I'd much rather eat you but I'm sure you already guessed that." As he chuckled against my skin I shivered. Toms kisses slowly moved to my voice box and up my chin until our lips met.

"I don't think I've ever wanted something as much as you ever."

"including cake?" Tom laughed at that grinning widely down at me

"including cake," he repeated moving his body so Tom was in front of me starting down.
"You're so beautiful." pulling tom down by the t-shirt he wore our lips entangled together passionately as Tom pulled me into the bedroom, not even nothing to switch on the light.

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