Part 20|A Long flight & short goodbye|

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The alarm is set went off. It was on charge of the other side of the bed, groaning into Tom's neck I realised I was resting on top of  him. How was this comfortable for him? And yet he only just started waking up when yesterday by the Beatles started playing.

"Comfortable?" He husked as I lifted myself up. Tom's eyes followed Down to my breasts.

"Good morning." Leaning forward our lips connected for a moment until I reached over grabbing my phone.

"Good morning to you too." Tom sucked on my neck humming out in response. An electric zap shot through my body.
One tap of my finger and the phone went silent.

"I don't want to get up." Whining this out my body slumped back down onto Tom who's arms were now around my lower back.

"And I don't want you to leave." That comment made my heart flip. His hands Ran up and down my back, kissing once more I wasn't so sure when I'd get out of bed if not trying now. As I went to pull away Tom lifted himself to keep our lips connected. Giggling I managed to sit up.

"Tom. I need to get ready." His head slumped back following by a sigh.

"I know. Shall we make breakfast?" Smiling down at him I thought for a moment.

"I'll need to rinse off. Just give me minutes."  From the look in his eyes, I knew he wanted to join me but it would take too long.

"I'll make some tea then." Slipping off the bed Tom's eyes followed me before I disappeared into the cold tiled room. Freshening myself up in the shower for the long-ass flight. Tom was just finishing the tea when I came out in a new set of clothes. 
"It's either egg on toast or toast on eggs," Tom said looking in the fridge wearing only his black pants from the day before. Sliding a hand across his bareback to look in the fridge he was right. I'd eaten everything else.

"Toast on eggs sound good.I could scramble some eggs." Tom chuckled softly standing up straight kissing my cheek.

"Anything you'll need?"

"Just pepper from the table." Cracking and mixing together the eggs with some pepper and other spices Tom stood next to me drinking his tea as I started pouring it into the pan.

"What are you address in London?" Tom asked behind me a small smile landed on my face.

"What an eager beaver you are." Tom chuckled softly wrapping an arm around my waist. When his lips touched my neck in a few pepper kisses I took his mug sipping it.

"I just want to know how far our places are from each other." The eggs were finished as the toast popped.

"If you serve up breakfast I can write it down." Tom smiled as I turned kissing him Tom handed over his phone, typing away the address I added a heart at the end of my name.

"Breakfast is served." Bringing the plate over we ate together. Tom noticed the change in title in his contact and smiled.

"Marylbone. That's about twenty minutes from my place." We talked about our apartments, I always book my apartment out and when not in London I store everything. Before getting back my assistant would fix the place up. I hate having her to do that but she's a fan of interior design so apparently, Jess enjoys it.

"Looks like that is about it." I breathed out finishing the dishes with Tom. Everything was finished still there was something I forgot. Grabbing the keys I set the alarm finishing to lock up the house. Tom stood behind me with my last bag. "So am I dropping you off at the hotel. I have to give back the car." He flicked out his phone typing away.

"I can get my driver to meet us at the rental place. We can drop you off at the airport." Smiling at him I kissed Tom softly. "I don't want to let go of you just yet." Resting our foreheads together we stood hugging tightly.

"That makes two of us." Toms phone buzzed so he let go.


The airport was in sight. Holding onto Tom's hand tighter he lent forward capturing our lips together. One hand went to my cheek while the other stayed tangled with my hand. Opening my mouth Tom groaned moving his hand into my hair, suddenly I felt a few tears fall down my cheeks. Tom parted from me wiping my cheeks.

"Sorry, it's silly to cry." Tom smiled sweetly kissing away the tears.

"It's far from silly love." Kissing a few more times the car came to a stop.

"I'll text you when I land." Tom opened the door stepping out and grabbing my hand.

"I'd prefer a call." Smiling as we unpacked the car we hugged one last time before parting for the next two weeks.


The flight was long and boring. Although having so much time to my thoughts it was a perfect time to get started working. So much free time would be perfect so I could sleep for the first day of being in London. The people I was working for knew this obviously and understood. They don't always do. Gathering up my things I was meeting up with Tammy, a cousin of mine. We're quite close although we both work all the time. Walking through the terminal towards the exit I'd put on some sunglasses to hide my dying eyes I'd just finished texting both Chris and Tom when I heard a camera flash. Looking up I was surprised to see a sea of people with note pads and cameras all grouped together by the entrance. What the hell are they doing here? Is has the queen visited the airport or something.

"There she is!" One of them shouted and I realized they were talking about me. Oh, I'm the queen. Letting out a small sigh I walked on ahead this cannot end well.

"(Y/n) (y/n) is it true you're dating Tom Hiddleston!"

"Are the rumors true!" A guard came up grabbing my arm kinda harshly swatting the people away.

"Alright back off. Let the poor women pass." They parted and I saw the exit. "Get going now." Nodding I continued out the doors that they blocked off for the time being.

"(Y/n)! Over here." Tammy shouted. I saw her arms waving about. Her husband stood next to her trying to stop her from moving too much. Tammy's large pregnant belly being the obvious reason. Walking across the road I smiled.

"Tam you're coming to much. Calm down its just (y/n)."

"I'm pregnant not a cripple and what do you mean just (y/n)?!" I laughed at the two of them giving Tammy a hug.

"How's the little one?" I questioned tapping lightly on her stomach.

"So heavy. This bloody baby is weighing me down." I noticed some people taking photos over on the other side of the street. David was staring too.

"We should get going. I'm sure you're tired." The luggage went in the boot and we drove off.

"So what was that about (y/n). I thought you said no one knew about your next client?" Tammy asked looking behind at me.

"It's to do with Tom Hiddleston." Breathing this out looking around at the city.

"Do they think you're best friends with him now like Chris?" David asked looking back through the rearview mirror for a moment.

"More like boyfriend." He made an oh shape with his mouth.

"I thought reporters were meant to be good at there jobs," Tammy murmured in the front seat.

"Well, they aren't wrong."

"WHAT?!" David almost slammed on the brakes from his wife's shout.

"The baby Tammy!" He shouted back.

"The baby is freaking out too. You met this man for one month and you end up dating?! When did this happen?" These two always make me laugh. Even now when I'm half asleep.

"About a few days ago." Tammy gaped at me turning as much as she could front the front seat.

"Tammy down turn around like that," David warned making her huff.

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