Part 6|Day dream|

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It was like a dream. Waking up to the sound of waves and seeing Tom sleeping next to me with an arm around me. Would this last? More likely not, we met not even five days ago and yet we were both drawn to one another. My light shuffling led to Tom turning around and a long breath followed.

"Morning love." Something was court in my throat. He sounds so sexy, such a husked voice. Tom opened an eye wondering why I haded responded.

"Morning." I quickly said making him chuckle shutting his eyes once more not moving. It was a big day yesterday. But in a moment he sighed softly sitting up making me confused. Seeing my facial expression Tom lightly smiled bending down to kiss me. It's like we're a couple. And he leaves for the bathroom door. Biting my lip I grabbed my phone checking the time. It's only just past 8. What should I make for breakfast? Maybe just toast. Better not look desperate. Hearing the flush Tom emerged looking more awake now and saw me sitting up on the bed still fully naked. Realising that I covered my chest with my forearms looking back down to my phone. Tom chuckled.

"Don't hide yourself from me, you're beautiful." He sat opposite to me and I set down my phone.


"(Y/n)!" Both our eyes went wide. Chris?! What the hell! Suddenly the sliding door to the veranda opened and shut making my mouth dry.

"Quickly the bathroom," I whispered jumping from the bed not caring how naked I was. The two of us gathered up his clothes and I kicked mine into one corner.

"(Y/n)?" He knocked on the door starting to open it.

"Yeah, just a moment I'm getting changed!" I shouted making the door halt. I heard Tom quietly sigh in relief. Walking with him to the bathroom I grabbed the robe behind the door before he stood behind it with all of his clothes. "What the hell are you doing here Chris. I just woke up." Opening the door to him Chris laughed patting my shoulder.

"Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. I was going for a run On the beach. They were doing a few scenes without me and I ran past the house. I thought I'd give my best friend a visit before work." He pouted and I laughed.

"Sorry. I had a big day yesterday." Yawning I  walked past him turning on the kettle.

"Tom said the two of you were sightseeing," Tom told him, crap. Good thing my back was turned to him from grabbing the mugs.

"Yeah, we were out most of the day. We went to the wildlife place and Skydeck." Chris wiggled his eyebrows at me. "What?" He laughed patting my shoulder.

"He was kinda nervous about the whole thing when I saw him leaving yesterday. Although he tried hiding it." Pouring in some sugar and getting out the milk Chris seemed to be thinking something through. "And you have dinner at the Skydeck right?" Raising an eyebrow I nodded. "And you like him."

"What are you talking about that's the best time to go up there and you know it," Chris smirked at my growing flustered face.

"I'm going to get you two together if it's the last thing I do." Sighing at how overdramatic he's being I poured the hot water into a mug.

"You staying for breakfast?" As I said that an alarm went off on his watch.

"No, I gotta head back to the hotel now. We could go out to dinner tonight."

"Yeah sure. I would hug you but you're kinda sweaty." Chris laughed and I walked with him to the sliding doors. He left and I let out a long sigh. That was too close.
Wrapping the robe tighter around me I went to the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door. "He's gone." The door opened with Tom buckling up his belt.

"That was a quick visit," Tom said sliding on his shirt but I grabbed onto the hemline buttoning it up.

"Chris was running by and had to leave to get back to the hotel."

"So it would be best if I stay here for the time being." Tom's hands moved to my elbows and he smiled down at me.

"I can make something for breakfast. Anything you'd like?" His lips brushed against mine as I finished buttoning up his shirt and pressed my hands against the cloth.

"I wouldn't mind you." Giggling in response I closed the gap kissing him briefly.

"Well we both need a shower but... I already made myself some tea." He hummed in response letting go of me.

"Can't let that go to waste. I've always in joyed pancakes." Going back to the kitchen I sipped the tea making one for Tom. Mixing up the pancakes. "I got a text from Chris." I hummed looking over from the pan that was hissing from the mix just placed on it. "Apparently I'm going out to dinner with you and him. Looks like he really meant what he said."

"Wait you heard the conversation?" He pushed off the bench.

"Not all of it. The pancakes smell nice." I flipped it seeing the golden surface and felt his lips peppering kisses along my neck.

"Could you get a plate in the draw below the milk over there?" Tom hummed against my neck for a moment making me shiver as he pulled away.

"Of course love." I cooked two for each of us and soon I was putting everything in the dishwasher.

"You can turn on the shower if you'd like," I spoke stacking the dishes. Tom gave the last gulp of his tea before handing it to me.

"Alright." A moment later I heard the shower turn on in the other room and I wiped my hands clean. Biting my inner cheek in anticipation I walked into my bedroom seeing his clothes placed neatly on the bed. Tom just stepped into the shower when I opened the door. Slipping off my robe and hooking it on the door, Tom was wetting his face when I stepped in. Going on my tippy toes I kissed the back of his neck pressing my bare chest against his back. Tom took hold of my arms as we shared a comforting embrace as the water soaked our bodies.

"Is there any shampoo here for me or will I end up smelling like peaches?" I giggled stepping back.

"What's wrong with peaches?"

"Nothing at all. But is there anything else?" Humming I opened the glass door leaning out to the cupboard getting out the shampoo we keep here.

"Is this more manly for you?"

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