Part 13|Fingering|smut

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We walked around the beach for a while. Not meant people were around because of the brisk weather.

"Where did you park?" I asked as we walked back up the steps of the backdoor.

"They moved the car out front." Tom said glancing to his phone for a moment. Rubbing my bare feet on the welcome mat I set my shoes next to it.

"Oh, so the cars gone?" I said using a tap to wet my feet of what was left. Tom followed.

"As promised." Smiling at him I leant down to the step he was on kissing him. Tom moved a hand to my hip kissing me deeper by stepping up one step. "You're making it hard to leave. The lunch break will almost be over." Nodding I sighed softly pecking his lips once. "Although you could come with me. Chris would like the surprise." Liking the idea I smiled.

"Sounds like a great idea. I'll just change into a coat." Rushing off into the house I slipped off some different clothes. Tom stood by the door, turning once hearing my heels click along the floor.

"Stunning." He simply said kissing my hand. "As always." Tom's eyes looked at mine. My heartstrings almost snapped. This can't just be lust talking.

"Well got to look somewhat as decent as you." I breathed buttoning up on of his suit jacket buttons.

"You've definitely succeeded in that darling." That way he spoke just made me move in and kiss him. Tom was surprised but gladly kissed back. Toms phone rang. His agent was calling. "We best get going." Nodding I grabbed my keys and bag by the door before we walked out.


"(Y/n)!" Chris cheered seeing me. We had a bear hug for a moment before he stepped back. "I heard about the reporter. But I bet Tom sort that out." He nodded towards Tom who was getting ready for shooting.

"Yeah, all sorted out. Although it's not like they'd have anything to report. I'm pretty average."

"(Y/n) my lovely designer. I heard you were in a pickle and a knight had to save you!" Tiaka called out and I saw he had those movie dots on his face. Oh, right he's in the movie.

"Yep. No idea why they'd been spying on me though." I spoke walking over to the edge of the green screen.

"It's what happens when you're involved with actors." He gave an accent making me laugh.

"Pretty used to that actually," I said shoving Chris and he chuckled.

"Remember that one time they thought we were dating?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"There were several times." I made a disgusted face and he laughed wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"It wouldn't have been that bad now would it?" I rolled my shoulders back before he squeezed my shoulder.

"It would be like dating a brother. So yes." He laughed stepping back as Tom came over.

"Alright everyone is here. Let's get started."


I always love how lively and fun this set is. All the laughing and joking around, Chris mentioned how the set in previous movies were... Stirn. That's the best way to put it without seeming rude. But he wanted to quit at one point if not for the contract. Sipping the hot tea it was near the end of the day, I had to stick around mainly because I had no car..... Should have thought about that.

"(Y/n)." Chris was laughing with Tessa and Taika about something. He waved me over and stepping over a few cords it was about a clip they were watching back. Laughing with him Chris tapped a hand to my shoulder. "You coming back to the hotel? A few of us are having dinner together."

"Yeah of course. Wouldn't want to miss a chance of you getting drunk." Poking his cheek Chris laughed.

"I'll be trying not to drink but I will gladly give you my bed when you pass out." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wow, you guys really are drinking buddies," Tessa commented and Chris bear-hugged me.

"We just enjoy watching each other make a fool of ourselves." I laughed as he ruffled my hair. "I'm not five Chris!"

"But you are younger than me so it's allowed." I frowned at him scrunching up my nose.


Filming was done and I was walking with Chris to his trailer.
We saw Tom walking out of his trailer.

"Hey, Tom you heading back now?" Chris said and Tom shut the door.

"Yeah did you want to come along (y/n)?" Chris shoved me forward.

"Might as well since Chris here takes a year to get ready." Chris scoffed flicking his head around as if he had long hair. Tom and I laughed as he walked off.

"Cya Christine." I laughed and he waved me off.

"Christine?" Tom asked and I laughed.

"Just what I called him when we were younger.


The driver had started the car. Toms agent had left a while ago so it was just us. His hand rested on my upper thigh.

"Chris mentioned you were younger than him. What is your age exactly?"

"I skipped a few years in primary school and ended up in Chris's year level. I'm 32." He hummed in response leaning towards me. I did as well, the car had tinted windows and there was also glass separating us from the driver, like a limo but more discrete.

"I thought you looked younger." Tom hummed softly into my ear nibbling on my earlobe. Swiftly his hand moved closer to my clothed clit making my breath hitch. "When's your birthday?" Moaning lightly I rolled my hips with his fingers.

"In a few months." I breathed and Tom smiled kissing my neck.

"Will you be in London?" Tom's hand slipped down my pants making me gasp.

"If everything is going well then yes." He rubbed my opening in circles smirking as I kept trying to make him move in further.

"Then I'll gladly celebrate with you." A finger managed to sneak inside of me and I moaned. Tom turned up the music so the driver couldn't hear. 

"Wait, Tom. If I orgasm then...." Tom kissed me moving his finger as fast as he could in the right space.

"Don't worry. I'll hold off from that until we're in my hotel room." It was another half hour in this car... He's going to make me wait? I'm already so close. "You're going to be teetering on the edge for so long." His thumb went to my clit. Grabbing the back of his head I brought our lips together. He groaned rolling his finger in circles, feeling my squeeze around him Tom stopped moving his hand. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

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