part 21|Reporters|

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The place was just like I remembered it. Nice furniture and view. Not to mention the incredible shower here. Can't wait for that tomorrow. David was helping carry up all the bags while Tammy was only allowed to handle my handbag which I had to give to her for something to do.

"Seriously that man thinks the wind will take me out. I can still do things." I laughed although she was taking this seriously.

"I'll just get the last bag," David said walking past the two of us.

"Thank you so much." He saluted me making my eyes roll.

"I think it's sweet T. Better to have a man care for you then run away scared about the thing." She shrugged passing over my handbag. "Thanks for picking me up again." Tammy waved me off.

"It's basically tradition now and I get to hear about this boyfriend of yours. Spill." Tammy loves to joke around and never shares what I tell her about Chris not even to David so I suppose.

"Don't breath this to a single soul. Not to David or anyone."

"I'll cover the babies ears come on." Biting my lip I knew we had at least five minutes before David would get back.

"Well, it started out as a sexual thing." Tammy gasped covering her mouth with one hand and holding my shoulder with the other before her lips curled into a smile.

"What?! How did you manage that?"

"I'm a charming person." Tammy raised an eyebrow at me.

"He's a famous actor and you're telling me that because of you charms he's now dating you." She's not believing me? Welp can't help with that I guess.

"Well yeah. You can believe me or not but either way we're dating." She smiled at me and David walked through the front door.

"We better get going." He breathed and Tammy pouted.

"But I was just getting the good stuff." She's acting more like a child then last time we met up.

"T we can catch up on the weekend. I should sleep." Giving both of them a hug I moved my bags just outside my door when my phone rang.

"Tom, isn't it like 11 at night over there?" I heard him chuckle.

' I remember someone saying they'd call when landing.' biting my lip I threaded a hand through my hair.

"There was a confutation at the airport." He would find out in the next day anyway.

'what happened love?' he sounded so concerned it made me smile while starting to undress.

"Well, there were reporters and....." Tom cut me off.

'I knew this would happen. I'm so sorry, I should be there with you....' he's so worried.

"Tom I'm ok. A security guide helped out. You just need to focus on doing your best work." Looking around for the shirt Tom gave me I heard him let out a sigh.

'other than that was the flight alright?'

"Yeah, got some work done so I can sleep tomorrow. My cousin picked me up with her husband and now I'm getting ready to sleep." Groaning at the end I flopped down to the bed. Tom chuckled softly.

' Glad to hear you're alright. I'll let you sleep. You must be tired.' the more I was laying on the bed the more tired I was.

"You should sleep too, Tom." He laughed at that taking a moment to reply.

"I will darling. Love you."

"Je t'aime." I breathed out. Waiting for the plane I spent some time trying to remember some french. I love you was the main target.

'good night love.' Tom laughed and we hung up. The shirt still smelt like him, crawling under the covers I set an alarm to make sure not to oversleep for all the unpacking tomorrow.


Attention all Tom Hiddleston lovers it seems all the women of the world are out of luck. Rumours have spread about the beloved British actor as photos of him and (Y/N) (L/N) have been seen together.

You may have heard that name before since (y/n) is best friends with Chris Hemsworth known best for his role as Thor in the Marvel franchise. Also working with several upcoming companies (y/n) has yet again found herself in the spotlight but rumours become reality when new photographs immerge of them getting up close and personal while off set of the new upcoming Thor movie in the gold coast.

I'm sorry all mega fans but Hiddleston is taken.

This was the first of many articles I'd read this morning.  People are freaking out, so I turned off my phone walking about the apartment putting things in its place.

Why is it that when two people start dating everyone needs to know about it? I should call Chris in a bit. He gets up early most days for the movie..... Maybe while I'm going shopping? It'll be around 6 in Queensland if I'm right. Getting together my things I headed towards the door trying to video call Chris. Putting in my headphones I headed out locking the door behind me.

"Good morning Christine." I laughed when seeing him take a shot of what I knew was coffee.

'And good afternoon to you.' he replied. I was right, he's in the car on the way to set. 'did you see the news?' Chris asked and I hummed in response walking across the street.

"Yeah, I read a few articles." Holding the phone up enough for Chris to see my face he frowned at me.

'are you two dating or is it not official yet. Gotta know if I need to warn him about you.' I laughed shaking my head walking a little slower starting to remember the way to the shops from my apartment.

"You're the one who wanted us to date and yes." Chris cheered surprising me since he was so tired not that long ago.

"Can't wait for Tom to be my brother in law." I snorted rolling my eyes at him Chris shook his assistant's shoulder who just gave him a funny look.

"First off we only started dating less than a week ago and second you're not my brother Chris he can't be your brother in law." Smiling at him Chris waved me off shaking his head.

"I might as well be." Spotting the supermarket Chris got out of the car.
"I'm gonna have to go now, time to pretty up." He made kissy faces on the screen and I smiled waving goodbye to him.

Alright, time for some boring shopping.

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