part 26|End with a bang|

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"(y/n)." Tammy squealed walking right over to me. She was smiling so brightly as she passed over my present.

The party was in full swing, Tammy booked out a small restaurant bar that was now full of friends and family. It had been a few years since I actually had a party so she went all out.

"Thanks for the party T. It's amazing." She smiled hugging me tightly.

"Anything for my favourite cousin." We laughed and I noticed Tom walking over, I had a long commute with his mum who was surprised it took her so long to meet me. Tom had managed to get away from my parents who were showering him with questions. Tammy squeezed my arm when seeing Tom. "Now don't you go leaving the party early." Rolling my eyes at her I smiled as Tom came over kissing me quickly.

"Did my mum nitpick your life?" He chuckled softly handing over a glass of wine.

"Just a little bit, your dad isn't as intimidating as I thought he'd be." I raised my glass drinking to that.

"I told you not to worry about him. My parents are very relaxed." Giggling when seeing dad sneak some of the desserts I turned back to Tom.

"You're beautiful tonight." Blushing as his whisper I felt another arm wrap around my shoulders.

"(Y/n)!" It was my aunty. Donna, she was a little bit tipsy as she always is when finally getting away from the kids for a night.

"Donna, how are you?" She smiled taking my wine glass from me drinking from it.

"Fantastic." She said raising her glass-making me laugh. "And who's the strapping man next to you. He looks like that guy from that show... Night assistant... Night hawk." Everything was slightly slurred and her trying to whisper was funny to listen to.

"Night manager," I said and she gasped.

"Night manager. What a looker." She extended her hand.

"Tom Hiddleston, lovely to meet you." Tom smiled as they shook hands. Donna gaped at me.

"You know famous people." She said not looking away from Tom.

"Donna you know we're dating. Tammy talked to you about it for hours apparently."  Her husband came around taking her away along with my wine. "Sorry about her. She doesn't get to drink much." I smiled and took the glass Tom had sipping from it.

"Don't worry about it." He chuckled smiling down at me. There was a sudden crash. It was Tammy. I gasped walking through the crowd to Tammy.

"Tammy are you alright?" I asked seeing her grip her stomach. There was water falling under her.

"I think my water just broke. Where's David?" She asked. I turned and could see him.

"David!" I called out and he came rushing over from the bar with a glass. "Tammy's water just broke." He handed his glass to my dad with wide eyes.

"What do I do? Do we need water a towel I think there's some in the bathroom?" I grabbed his hand grabbing David's face.

"Have you been drinking?" I said calmly. David nodded. "mum you drive them to the hospital and David don't you fucking leave Tammy's side." Pushing over David to Tammy mum went over grabbing David's keys. Mum doesn't drink often knowing dad will more than likely get drunk if she doesn't monitor him. Tammy grabbed my hand and I helped her to the car with David.

"You'll come to the hospital right?" She asked as I put her seatbelt on. "After the party?" I smiled hearing the car turn on.

"I'll be there not long after. Text me the hospital mum." Tammy breathlessly whispered ok before I shut the car door. Seeing the car drive off I let out a sigh.

"That was sudden," Dad said and I laughed nodding my head.

"Yep. The baby wasn't due for another three weeks." Breathing this out I crossed my arms suddenly feeling the cold air.

"You're going to be a great mother one day," Dad said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Dad." I said before shoving him lightly going to walk back inside the restaurant.

"I'm being serious hun. You have the same attitude as your mother." Shaking my head the door opened and some people such as Donna were packing up.

"I'm sorry (y/n) but we're about to be grandparents." Dean, Donna's husband said and I waved him off.

"Go be with daughter." We hugged before he went off. The night was almost over anyway. Saying my goodbyes to some others I went over to Tom who was talking to one of his sister's.

"Tammy alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"Got to the car alright. She asked me to come see her after everything is finished here." He looked to his sister and she got the hint walking away.

"That's good. Did you need me to finish cleaning up here?" I was about to say something but dad grabbed my shoulder.

"No boy you go with my daughter. I'll clean up around here."

"Are you sure dad? What about..." He didn't let me finish and passed me my purse.

"No buts it's your birthday and your best friend is about to give birth go." Sighing I let Tom take hold of my hand and walk me to his car driving us to the hospital.


We were asked to wait outside for a while, since there were too many people in the room.

"Sorry, you've been dragged into all this." I breathed finally stopping the tap of my heels into the tiles.

"I'm happy to be here with you. Although it was a little shocking having it happen in the middle of your party." We both laugh tiredly, my head tilted back to the ceiling. We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Have you thought about it? Having kids I mean ?" I stopped breathing for a moment and looked to my left seeing Tom staring at me.

"More recently. My mum keeps talking about how I don't have forever." His hand went to my thigh. "But yeah. I've thought about it, have to get married first." Leaning forward I smiled nudging his side. "Why you ask?" A blush spread across my cheeks and Tom chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

"(Y/n)." David came from around the corner looking almost as if he'd pass out. "It's a boy." Jumping up we hugged and I smiled widely at him. "Come on. Both of you."

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