Part 9|teasing|

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"(y/n)!" I heard a shout behind me. It was India. Elsa and the kids were here for the day on set. Chris wasn't far behind me but India came running over into my arms.

"You've gotten so big." I smiled as she jumped into my arms. "Missed you."

"You guys made it." Chris said coming over kissing Elsa before grabbing the twins. I walked over with India on my back.

"Good to see you (y/n)." Elsa smiled and we hugged for a brief moment.

"Same to you. How's wrangling the three kids?" She let out a long breath before laughing.

"Not the worst it could be. I'm happy you could entertain Chris the past week." I waved her off. "And I heard you have a potential suiter." I gasped turning to Chris who hid behind his kids.

"Don't hide from me with your kids. Chris, you said you only told Taika. Not that it's your fault Elsa but Chris never told me." She crossed her arms turning to Chris. He laughed awkwardly.

"Don't pin this on me."

"Oh, I think you've been pinned." She said back.

"What's a suiter?" India whispered in my ear. I smiled a small amount.

"Let's talk about that later." Tom came through one of the doors. It was lunchtime so food was being set out nearby. Let's hope Chris doesn't make a fuss about it.

"Hey look at the time. Let's go over to get lunch." Chris offered and I lightly rolled my eyes.

"Come on down India." Elsa tried reasoning but she shook her head.

"Noooo I'm staying with (Y/N)." I giggled as she held tighter onto me.

"I'll give you a piggyback to lunch but you'll need to get off to eat." Going over with the rest of the cast I dropped down India. She frowned hugging my side. "Go say hi to your dad." I whispered and she frowned but listened. Smiling watch her jump up for a hug.

"Afternoon." I heard behind me.

"Tom hi." Turning with the smile still on my face I saw a plate of food in his hands. "Are you almost finished on set today?" He nodded but smirked slightly.

"But why would you want to know that hm?" Biting my inner cheek.

"Well, you do owe me one." Tom chuckled softly letting me walk past and fill up my plate.

"(Y/n) come sit with me!" India shouted and I giggled seeing her waving her arms around.

"She really likes you," Tom said and I nodded.

"All children love me. I'd make a great antie." Flicking my hair to the side dramatically Tom laughed as we both walked over.

"(Y/n) (y/n)!" She chanted as I sat next to her.

"She's been going on and on about seeing you today." Elsa said and I poked out my tongue to India.


Elsa and the kids were only visiting for lunch before they were visiting family nearby. I was invited but it would be best if it was just family although Chris and Elsa always say I am.

"Chris I'm heading off now too." I said only half an hour after Elsa and the kids left.

"Drinks tomorrow afternoon? We have a half-day and no work Sunday." I raised an eyebrow.

"What about your family Chris?" He laughed at that.

"The kids are going out with family giving me time with Elsa for the afternoon." I knew no matter what I said he'd want me for drinks so I nodded.

"Sure and I'm sure Elsa will keep you in check."

"She always does." Rolling my eyes at him I waved him off leaving for my car. To my surprise once getting there Tom stood by the car.

"Tom, I didn't think I'd see you here." He smiled putting down the book he was reading. The one I recommend.

"I want to ask if.... well..... Did you want to have dinner again?" Tom's asking me out. As friends or as a date I'm not sure but I have an idea of where it's leaning to.

"Of course, I'd love to did you want me to drive you back?" He smiled, although he has someone who could drive him at any time it's always nice to have company when driving. Especially Tom.

"If it's not too much trouble."

"It's not if it's you." He was taken back by my words and I blushed realising what I'd said. "Let's get going shall we."


I parked the car near the back. Sometimes the entrance can have fans and such so the cast has the option to use the back door with a card they're given. The car drive was full of tension, from what I said or maybe it was just being in a confined space with him alone for so long.

"(Y/n) will you come up with me? I'm not sure if I can wait until after dinner." A breath of relief came from me.

"I can't wait either." His hand went dangerously close up my upper thigh and my breath hitched.

"We can park the car under the hotel." The slow sensual circles he made me shiver as I parked the car once more. "You're trembling." Tom commented as I turned off the car.

"I've been on edge since the other day." Gasping once he palmed my clothed clit Tom leaned over kissing my neck.

"You could have said something." He husked against my neck making me move a hand to his hair.

"You have work I...." I moaned rolling my hips with his hand. "I didn't want to distract you." Tom hummed in response slowly down his hand's movements.

"I suppose that's true. You are very distracting." I panted lightly feeling my lower lips tingling with excitement.
"We should head up." Nodded eagerly Tom chuckled and we both got out of the car. It was rather quiet in the car park, it's not the time of year for tourists and when Tom scanned his card the elevator didn't stop for anyone. Toms room was the same as Chris's, he shut the door behind me.

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