Part 4|Day trip|

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"That was incredible." Tom husked rubbing my ass in soft circles while pulling out of me.

"I couldn't agree more....." As soon as those words left my mouth there was a knock on the door. "Shit," I whispered out.


"Grab your things. Hide in the closet." Grabbing my dress, coat, shoes and small purse I rushed over to the closet. Tom had a towel wrapped around his waist. "You forgot this," Tom whispered tossing over my bra that was on a counter. I pointed to his hair.

"You still have the wig on." He turned to the mirror and started removing it.

"Hey, Tom you in here?" Jesus Christ is was Chris. Both Tom and I froze out of shock before I shook my head slipping into the closet.

"Yeah, just a moment." I could just see through the folds of the closet and my phone buzzed. I fumbled around putting it on silent. It was Chris.

' I heard you were on set?' damn what am I going to do?

"Sorry I was about to head into the shower," Tom said opening the door to his trailer.

"Have you seen (y/n)? I heard she was waiting around here for the filming to be done?" I bit my lip trying to think of something to text.

"Oh yeah, she helped me get the annoying zip down but left a while ago." I quickly started typing.

'Hey Chris, I've been looking for tea bags but no luck, meet you at your trailer.' I heard the ring of Chris's phone and he laughed when reading the text.

"I'll leave you to your shower. (Y/n)s just been looking for teabags." They both chuckled and Tom shut the door. I let out a long relaxed sigh hitting my head lightly on the wooden boards behind me. The closet door opened and Tom smiled weakly letting me out.

"That was close." I breathed out still keeping quiet.

"Yeah," Tom said back and I started dressing up. Glancing back he was changing also.

"Say... I uh." I bit my lip slipping on my dress.

"Yes?" Tom questioned turning around and putting on a t-shirt.

"Did you want to... I mean did you want to have a tour of the city?" Slipping on one shoe I started tying up the other. What am I thinking?

"I have the day off tomorrow." Pulling up the thin coat I looked up surprised.

"Really? We can meet up 10 am at the sky point observation deck." My phone started buzzing again and I rushed to the door. Tom stopped me.

"Let me check first." Nodding he opened the door peeking out and let me out. "Goodbye (y/n)." He kissed my cheek making my blush and walk out before someone walked past. I went the three trailers down to see Chris.

"(Y/n) there you are." He grinned giving me a tight hug making me laugh.


Looking at my makeup one more at the front door mirror to the small family house we have for vacations. It's right near the beach and I rented out a car for the time staying here.

"Ok (y/n) you got this. He wanted to go out so just have some fun today." After the pep talk, I left in the car for the observation deck. It wasn't so busy, with it being school timeless people were around at the moment. Parking the car I spotted Tom on his phone trying to look discreet.
"Good morning." I smiled and he grinned putting his phone away.

"Morning. Where to first?" I gestured back to my car and we walked together to it.

"I was thinking the wildlife sanctuary, mini-golf, Greenmount beach and the sunset at sky point is always incredible but if you want to see anything." Tom shook his head.

"No, it sounds all great." He sat in the passenger seat and we drove to the wildlife sanctuary.

"Did Chris find out about yesterday?" Tom suddenly asked and I stopped myself from swerving on the road. Tom chuckled at my reaction.

"Give a girl more notice, bloody hell." I breathed in and out. "No, he didn't seem to know. Why did he mention something yesterday?" Tom shook his head.

"No, he didn't say anything." We were both worried Chris would find out about....whatever this is. I couldn't see Chris minding, but I'm I don't want him to see me naked in a trailer with his friend and co-worker. "Uh (y/n) this is the turn." I gasped quickly indicating revving up the car and zooming past two lanes screaming SHIT!

"Oh damn, that was close. Sorry. I'm a good driver I sware." I panted shaking my head to focus on driving.

"You could have fooled me." Tom laughed and I lightly shoved his shoulder with a laugh.

"Don't ask questions like that when I'm driving. I overthink all the time." We drove in and it was somewhat quiet.
"We can hold koalas here. If you want I could get a private tour?" I said as we got out of the car and I grabbed my bag.

"Already took care of it." I raised an eyebrow at him just before there was a man coming out of the front doors wearing a uniform.

"Wow, you're just full of surprises aren't you?" I giggled touching his shoulder for a moment before they went to my pockets.

"Good morning. Mr Hiddleston and Miss (l/n) my name is Mike and I'll be showing you around today. How long are you planning on staying?" Tom looked at me.

"Oh, a few hours I'm planning on giving Tom here a proper Australian lunch. And (y/n) is fine."

"Fish and chips by the beach I'm guessing." I showed him with a giggle.

"Mike don't spoil my plan." Smiling we went off to one of the side doors.

"If it's only just over an hour I'll show you the main areas."

We spent the next hour and a half getting photos taken with the animals and feeding them. It's been so long since I've been here. But it was getting close to lunchtime and I still have yet to call the fish and chip shop not to mention driving back.

"Wasn't that fun? I just love that place. When Chris and I were still in high school we'd come up here for holidays to surf and go to that place ." A small smile landed on my face as I continued down the road before turning off the highway.

"Yes, it was fun. I do love animals." He was happy good. I bit my lip trying to remember the turn for the fish and chip shop.

"Oh, here it is. So what would you like? A fan of fish?" I asked parking the car.

"I'm not picky. I'll get what you have." Nodding I hopped out of the car ordering the food. Just a normally small pack before walking out. Waving for Tom to get out of the car he did so.

Time for a tasty lunch out.

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