Part 18|Last day|

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Everything was telling me not to leave. The warm weather, the nice barista who made my tea, even the amazing sleep I had last night. It was my final day here, spending the morning cleaning up the beach house. Tom called asking if I was going to the set. How could I not? Although all that was keeping me from leaving was on set. Sighing turning off the car my head hit the steering wheel.

"Everything is fine. I'm not going to freak out. No freaking out." No words could stop my fast-beating heart. It's never been this hard to leave before, apart from the first time I left for London. Dad gave me so much shit for it although it was just teasing. There was a knock on the car door and I screamed jumping out of my skin.
"Christopher Hemsworth you warthog faced buffoon!" Slamming open the door to kick his ass his joyous laughter filled the air as the car door shut behind me.  "I was in the middle of moping. You can't disrupt that."

"Aw come on (y/n) just a little fun." Rolling my eyes followed by smiling there was no way to stay mad at Chris except for that time he told my highschool crush I liked him. Now that was a duck move. Grabbing my bag and keys before leaving the car for anyone to take Chris was grinning widely giving me a bear hug lifting my feet off the floor.

"Why were you moping. Normally you're happy to get away from me." Lightly laughing at his joke Chris buzzed us into one of the large buildings. The souls of our shoes echoed through the large hallways. Should I tell him about Tom? No, it's too soon can't go around spilling the beans.

"Just sad to leave, it's been fun here on set. Helping out Tiaka, hanging out with you and...." I stopped talking when spotting Tom for the other side of the room. He took my breath away as always, script in one hand rereading the light draft since most of this film is improvisation. Chris waved a hand in front of my face. He smirked knowing exactly where I was looking.

"You're drooling a little." Hitting his shoulder Chris chuckled. "I haven't seen you this head over heels for someone since Jackson." He brought up Jackson again, highschool. "And you're sad to leave Tom behind. Only took one month and you're smitten." Chris was called over for a makeup touch up so I went over to the food table. People were running around set, busy day today. Nibbling on some grapes I jumped when an all too familiar hand looped around my waist.

"Good afternoon darling." He snuck a kiss to my cheek while reaching over for a mug. The action made everything inside me flip. Are we dating now? I'm a little confused. If even one person saw that there will be questions. Tom chuckled seeing the flushed face I had. "I'd like to take you out for dinner tonight before I don't get to see you for two weeks." Biting my lip I'd noticed a slight nervousness in his eyes. Toms sad. I just wanted to kiss him so bad right now.

"I'd love too." Tom poured himself a tea and one for me also. Watch him move around so swiftly had me biting my lip. How do I have such a high sex drive around him?

"Love." I'd zoned out again. Tom saw this passing over the hot tea making sure I had fully grasped it before letting go. "No plans with Chris?"

"Oh didn't he say anything? We raided our favourite restaurant last night with Tiaka in disguises."  getting out my phone Tom stood closer to me seeing the photo with me dressed up like a charlie's angels character. He chuckled near my ear making my heart swell.

"Do you know how hard it is not to kiss you right now?"

"Probably just as hard as it is for me." Turning to face him fully I got lost in his eyes. A moment passed before Tom's eyes shifted over my shoulder.

"I think we have an audience." Spinning around Chris was staring over at us with Tessa and Cate giggling to themselves until they saw us looking and turned away.

"And I thought you were all A list actors." Tom smiled, his smile. How I get lost in those eyes and smile draws me in closer but the call for the next scene came and Tom had to leave. Standing with my mug of tea Tessa came over as they started filming.

"Hitting it off with Tom I see." More than you know. Humming still dazed she giggled patting my shoulder.

"Yeah. We're going out to dinner tonight." She oooed me and I smiled rolling my eyes at her. "When are you next on?" Tessa was nibbling on some grapes when I said that.

"After this scene. Pretty sure Toms finishing today soon. You could have an early dinner." That's true. It does take a while for them to leave even after they finish filming.

"Maybe." She smiled at me watching as my eyes never left Toms as he was acting away.

"Maybe I should leave you to your watching." Grabbing her sleeve Tessa covered a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "Sorry I've give you my 100% attention."


I was waiting outside for Chris. He wanted me to say goodbye before I left. We might not catch up until Christmas depending but that's how it normally is for us. Although video calls and such always happen.

"(Y/n)! I've arrived!" Chris ruffled my hair and I slapped his hand away. This only made Chris chuckle. "Have fun tonight with Tom." He made kissy faces and I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Is this why you wanted to get together yesterday instead of tonight?" Chris didn't say anything for a moment before smiling widely.

"Well, I had a hunch and...  I was right." Looking to the time I sighed.

"I gotta get ready. I'll give you a video call once I'm in London." We hugged tightly before I left for the nice dinner with Tom.

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