part 25|Phone calls|

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It was almost time for the final parts to be finished. Just under two months were taken to make this exhibition.

"(Y/n)." I knew mum was smiling on the other end of the call.

"Hi, mum. It's so good to hear your voice." I grinned walking through the doors of the design building.

"You've been putting it off but are you really dating him? Tom?" biting my lip I looked both ways before crossing the road.

"Yes, mum and I haven't been putting it off. You're the one who's not brought it up." She laughed at that. Getting a chill when walking through the streets it was almost time for the dinner date I had planned with Tom.

"Well, I would love to meet him. You're always so secretive about your live life." I giggled shaking my head.

"Mum I've never had a real love life." She always thinks I've got a mystery man running around behind her. Truth be told I've only had one boyfriend and that didn't last long. I've always been more focused on life rather than love..... Until I met Tom.

"Well, I'm glad you've found someone and a handsome one at that."

"Mum," I warned laughing a little in which she laughed too.

"Just imagine the children you'll have. Little baby models."

"Mum calm down. You're jumping the gun just a little bit." She was a giggling mess and my wandering home went a little faster because of the sharp wind picking up.

"Well make sure to hold onto this one. From what I've read he's an amazing man." I gasped at her.

"You've done research? Mum calm down just a bit. Don't go reciting his life story to his face. Damn is that the time." Tom was picking me up in ten minutes. "Look mum I am truly enjoying this chat but I've got to call Tom." She let out a dreamy sigh making me blush.

"Alright.  Make some beautiful grandkids for me."

"Grandkids?!" I heard my dad shout before I ended the call. That was almost an awkward conversation. I made it in time to see Tom getting out of his car.

"Love." He smiled walking over to kiss my cheek. "Did you want to go inside before we leave?" I went to speak but my phone started ringing. It was my dad. I blushed switching my phone off Tom looked down at me.
"Everything alright." I nodded.

"Just a misunderstanding. I'm sure my mum will sort it out. Let's get going." He opened the door for me and I kissed him quickly before hopping into the car. Dad called me two more times and I bit my lip.

"You can take the call love." He'll think something's up if I don't. I answered.

"What this about grandkids!" Dad shouted into my phone. I sighed knowing Tom heard. "I'm fine with you dating, fine with basically everything apart from you getting knocked up to a man I've never met." I hit my head on the headrest behind me.

"Dad just calm down. Mum was being mum and going over the top about kids." I felt as Tom placed a hand on my thigh.

"So how are you?" He said after a moment to calm down. I laughed.

"I'm good, on my way out to dinner with the man in question," Dad swore under his breath.

"I don't own a shotgun or anything and I'll never hurt a fly." He yelled into the mic making Tom chuckle.

"Thanks for the heads up." He called and I knew dad was flustered.

"I need to get going now."

"Cya. Love you." Dad hung up and I groaned.

"I'm so sorry." I blushed shaking my head as the car came to a stop.

"No love it's fine. "Tom squeezed my leg for a moment. " He's just protective..... Although I'm a little worried to meet your dad." I giggled kissing him.

"Don't be. It was just sudden is all." We went inside the restaurant Tom had picked out. It was beautiful, Tom held my waist as we followed the waiter to our table.

"Did I mention you look beautiful?" Tom kissed my cheek before pushing out the chair for me to sit.

"And did I mention you look dashing in a turtle neck and shirt?" He chuckled and before he moved away I kissed him. Tom smiled at me as we parted, he took a seat opposite me. "How's your time off been? Did you keep up with the training or....." Tom smiled shaking his head.

"With all the baking you've been doing I kinda have to." I giggled tilting my head down.

"I don't have to, there's always the option to make sugar free...." Tom held my hand making me smile.

"No never sugar-free. I enjoy your baking the way it is." We ordered dinner eating away, I was able to have a glass of wine since Tom was driving.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" Tom questioned, a light blush spread across my cheeks as I smiled.

"Luckily for you, I don't." We left quite early going straight to his car. Tom stopped on the side leaning against the car smiling at me.

"I want you to meet my family." His arms went around my waist and Tom leant in to embrace me.

"It's my birthday next week, Tammy said she's planning something special." Tom chuckled softly swaying us from side to side.

"I'll get into contact with her then." He pulled back a little tugging some hairs away from my eyes. "Shall we get going?" We kissed for a brief moment before Tom drove us back to his place. Tom has a house just outside the busy buildings of London. Just 20 minutes from my place. He opened the door and Elle came running towards me

"Elle. How have you been you cutie." Elle was Tom's dog. Always so cute. Rubbing her belly I heard Tom lock the door behind us. "Aw, you're adorable."

"I'm a little jealous," Tom said standing right behind me, his knees hitting my back. I giggled standing up as Tom's hands lightly wrapped around my clothes.

"Poor baby. You want me to rub you?" Tom kissed my neck with a smile on his face humming in response I bit my lip waiting for what was next.

"I'll feed Elle and you can get undressed." The pair of us were smiling.

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