More than that

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Ginas POV
I feel SO bad you wanna know why Dylan has been MAD crushing on Tyler but everytime eric and Lizzie don't ride the bus we make out it just happens, we're even and I'm not proud of this but friends with benefits id be lying if I said we haven't slept together I'm freakin out, we're in a hotel right now and YES we're eighteen god
T: what are we doing
G: I don't know but this is getting out of control
T: we really got to stop
I was on a table with my legs wrapped around his waist
G: and first step is to get out of this position
T: oh yeah
He backed away and I hopped off the table and sat on the bed
G: I'm confused how did we end up like this
T: I honestly can't remember
G: ugh we're so screwed
T: what do we do now
I kissed him and you know
G: faster baby
I woke up next to Tyler in a hotel with no clothes on no suprise there I got up and put my spare clothes on we brought clothes since we we're staying overnight
T: good morning
G: hi
I kissed him and he got his clothes on we made out for a few minutes but my alarm on my phone rang
G: ugh
I checked
G: oh shit were late
T: huh
G: were late Malibu rescue is gonna start any minute now come on
We quickly grabbed our stuff and rushed out we signed out well he did and I waited in the car
G: what are you waiting for step on it move move
He kissed me
T: calm down
I nodded my head and we took off I didn't have time to do my hair
T: we need an excuse
G: how about I go in ten minutes later you go in too
T: why do you get to go first
G: I said so
T: I'm going
G: no me
We quickly got out of the car he held me back
G: I'm going first
T: over my dead body
G: have it your way
T: Gina let me-
I kissed him
G: can I please go first 🥺
T: (nods head weakly)
G: thanks babe
I ran away and saw the guys
L: why are you so late
G: alarm clock didn't go off
Tyler came running in Dylan quickly fixed her outfit and hair oh god
T: sorry I'm late the baby was crying and I barely got any sleep
D: it's ok but it's time for lunch
We headed to the tables Dylan sat next to Tyler, flirting with him but he barely acknowledged her and he only talked to me
T: (whisper) last night was something
G: (giggles and blushes)
D: what are you guys talking about
She stabbed her salad she was CLEARLY jealous
T: nothing you'd be interested in
He rubbed my thigh under the table
G: let's just ignore it
We continued eating Dylan tried talking to him but he would either add someone else to the conversation or just eat his food
G: well lunch is over and I still haven't done my hair does anyone have a rubberband
Ev: no sorry
G: ugh
We got up and started training and we worked on the chores
D: hey Tyler can you help me with this seaweed
T: uh sure
He helped she twirled her hair and complimented him
D: your SO strong
T: um thanks?
D: so um wanna go to a movie after this
T: can't I got a date
D: you do
She grabbed the stick harder
T: yeah with my girlfriend I've mentioned her right
D: no it didn't come up
She held it tighter
T: oh sorry
He winked at me not making it noticeable I smiled in return
D: what's her name
T: um Ashley
D: oh I mean I don't like the name but I bet she's amazing
T: she is
L: tell us about her
T: she's smart,tough,likes skateboarding and is a really good kisser I just love her so much
They all awwed except Dylan
G: did you just say love?
T: yeah I guess I did
G: bet she loves you to
He smiled
L: I wanna meet her
T: she's really shy so I don't want to rush things
E: fine but treat her like a princess
G: if you don't I'll hurt you
T: ok ok
D: let's just work on this chore
G: Dylan let's talk
We went to a corner
G: ok your clearly jealous
D: is it that obvious
G: he has a girlfriend you have to step down
D: I'll try but I hate myself I waited to long to make a move
G: I'm sorry
We walked back
T: and were done you guys didn't help though
G: that was our plan
We laughed
I was walking to the bus
T: what are you doing
G: trying to go home
T: come on
G: what
T: my car
G: fine
We got in
G: did you really mean what you said
T: what
G: um nothing
T: seriously what
G: that you um you love me?
T: yeah
G: I mean like love like more than friends
T: yes
I blushed and kissed him
G: I guess I kinda love you to
T: and I guess I'll take it
G: you better cause it's all your getting
T: so does this mean we're dating now
G: you have to ask me
T: fine gina Garcia will you be my girlfriend
G: of course
We kissed again and heard a gasp we looked and saw Lizzie and Eric
G&T: fuck
L: what's going on
We told them everything and they promised not to tell Dylan
E: were going
T: bye
They left and he drove me home when I got in my parents asked me questions
Gd: who was that
G: don't get mad
Gd: why
G: he's my boyfriend
Gm: oh my baby's got a boyfriend
Gd: hmm
G: dad-
Gd: I don't like this
Gm: you haven't even met him
G: and you never will cause I don't want blood on our hands
Gd: I need to interrogate him
G: mommmm
Gm: don't worry
Gd: have you done anything
G: 😳
Gd: Gina
G: (nervous laugh) bye guys
Gd: Gina
Gm: your not getting out of this
G: but-
Gd: when
G: last night
Gd: where
G: hotel
He started getting mad
G: I think I broke him
Gm: Richie it was gonna happen one day
Gd: go to your room
G: ok (whispers) mom whatever you do make sure he NEVER meets him
Gm: will do
I ran up to my room
When I went downstairs my dad was on the couch
G: I'm gonna go
I left before he could say anything I boarded the bus Tyler was already on we sat together and talked till we got there when we did Dylan was mad
L: Dylan you ok
D: fine but Tyler can we meet Ashley
G: she's to shy
D: how do you know
My eyes widen
G: I um-
L: we met her
D: WHAT why didn't I get to
G: um I think you know why
D: fine let's just work
She was mad
Tyler drove me to a hotel I was confused we entered the room
G: what's going on
T: you told Dylan
My eyes widen
G: uh oh
T: and your getting punished
G: daddy I'm sore
T: good
G: I-I'm sorry
T: I know
G: Tyler-
T: it only hurts for a second
G: babe stop
T: no thanks
He pushed into me and I winced in pain
G: baby I can't take it
T: did you learn your lesson
G: (nods head)
T:m you sure
G: uh huh
T: you know what I'll do if your lying
He pushed into me HARD
G: I-I do
T: hmmm should i stop or..
He smirked
G: I-I won't tell anyone again
T: will you talk back
G: I..
He got ready to do it again
G: I won't daddy
T: good
He kissed me
G; Tyler-
T: fine
He stopped I put my clothes on and tried to walk but couldn't
G: shit what am I gonna tell my dad I'm already on thin ice
T: I don't know
G: oh god what do I do
He carried me to the bathroom and I took a bath I got the feeling in my legs and could walk again a TRUE MIRACLE
G: wait I'm gonna be home late
T: not if we leave now
G: well then let's go
We got up and left when I got home I was five minutes before curfew
Gd: Malibu rescue ended over 2 hours ago
G: and curfews not till 7:00 boom
Gm: lets eat
We ate but of course-
Gd: what's that
G: what
Gd: your neck
G: uhhh don't know
Gm: it's a hickey
G: mom
Gm: well you have a boyfriend and YOU
She said pointing at my dad
Gm: are gonna have to accept it since you can't change the past
Tyler picked me up my dad glared and he flinched
G: Tyler ignore him
I glared at him and he stopped glaring at Tyler
T: l-let's go
I laughed and we took off when we got there Dylan wasn't pleased to see us togheter
D: so um Tyler how are things going with Ashley
T: actually great she's so amazing
Lizzie nudged my shoulder and I playfully rolled my eyes
D: like great how
T: why are you asking
D: I don't know but if someone better came along would you leave her
She asked hopefully
T: I love her to much to leave her
Everyone awwwed but Dylan looked annoyed
D: I would love to meet her
E: hey Tyler
T: yeah
D: tell me what
L: not you Gina
D: what is it
L: no one knows it's between him and Eric
She was lying
D: ok
We went to lunch well they did i made out with Tyler by the lockers
D: what the hell
G: Dylan
D: what the-what about Ashley
G: I'm...Ashley
D: (gasps)
T: we're sorry
D: I can't believe you
She left crying
G: oh god
L: were gonna guess she found out
T: yup
G: what are we gonna do
When I got home I was pacing back and forth
Gm: umm
G: mom dad I'm in a dilemma
Gd: what
I told them everything
Gd: this is gods way of punishing you you shoulda waited till marriage
G: she's the captain what if she gives me hard chores or threatens me or-
Gm: go to garvin
I overheard Dylan
D: ok you kiss him and it'll make it look like he's cheating on her they'll break up and I'll have him all to myself
?: perfect
I rolled my eyes I later saw a girl kissing him he wasn't kissing back and his back was against the wall even if I didn't know it's pretty damn obvious he didn't want it
G: hey guys
T: Gina I-
G: one second
I slapped her
G: I heard your conversation with Dylan plus it was obvious he wasn't kissing you
?: bitch
I turned to Tyler
G: call an ambulance
Tyler held me back as I tried to lunge myself at her she ran away and I calmed down we walked back Dylan tried flirting with him
T: what are you doing
D: just talking
T: anyway babe wanna go to the movies later
G: I'd love to
D: wait your still together
G: yeah why wouldn't we be
D: no reason
We continued eating she was mad that her plan didn't work and I couldn't help but crack a smile
D: why are you smiling
G: no reason
Tyler rubbed my thigh under the table
T: tell us
G: I don't wanna
He squeezed my thigh
G: fine it's just that Dylan's plan didn't work
D: what plan
G: oh please I heard your conversation with that girl she was gonna kiss him and we break up
She looked nervous
D: I-I don't know what your t-talking about
G: uh huh sure
D: shut up
She got up and walked away pissed I honestly didn't give a fuck I glared at him and he took his hand of my leg
E: well lunch is over let's go
We walked away Dylan gave us the drills and we did them
D: ok next is one person will carry the other across the beach
L: I'll have eric
G: I'll have Tyler
D: actually Gina I'll have Tyler and you can sit out
T: I think I'd rather have gina plus the captain shouldn't be the one doing the drills
D: (grit teeth) fine
I hopped on his back same thing with Lizzie and Eric we ran to the water and back she wasn't pleased but I don't even care at this point I hopped down she was glaring at me I smirked and kissed Tyler
I stopped and smiled innocently at her
G: what is it a crime to kiss your boyfriend
D: (grit teeth) no
G: 😏
L: (laughs)
T: let's go babe
D: k
We were annoyed me and Tyler walked to his car since the day was over but Dylan followed
T: um let's just go
We got in but she got in at the back
T: Dylan get the fuck out of my car
D: I need a ride
G: call an Uber
D: I'm having my boyfriend drive me
T: I'm NOT your boyfriend I'm ginas
D: ugh
She got out and we drove off I saw her giving us the middle finger I ignored it though
When we got there Lizzie and Eric started acting lovie dovie me and Tyler started talking
T: well what do we do
G: I don't know but I don't want to awkward flirt like them
L&E: hey
T: you know it's true
D: ok time for work
The rest of the day was uneventful except for when:
D: ok well I'm gonna choose one person and they're gonna be my partner for a week like working side by side helping with the bouie-
E: we all know it's Tyler
D: yes Tyler it's you
I started getting mad but he kissed me she got mad and I calmed down
T: don't worry
G: but-
T: it's fine
G: fine
D: if your done
She said annoyed
D: Tyler help me with the raft please
She said twirling her hair
E: good luck man
G: carry a pest control spray
L: and a cross
T: I'm scared
He slowly walked over
D: hurry up
T: I am
D: it's been five minutes and you've barely moved
T: fine 😒
He walked over to the rafts
D: you guys go to lunch we'll take care of this
T: but food
She hit his-
E&L&G: ooh
T: (high pitched) help
G: umm sorry Tyler
E: every man for himself
We ran away whenever I looked over, Dylan would go closer to Tyler but he either move,throw sand in her face,or made a cross with his fingers we all laughed
D: Tyler you can't keep doing that
T: then don't go near me easy fix
D: but babe I'm your girlfriend
T: your dumb if you think that
D: why not 😡
T: cause I'm DATING gina
D: what if she wasn't here
T: (sarcastically ) yes Dylan if she wasn't here I'll forget everything you did and go running to you
D: really
T: NO are you that dumb I was being sarcastic
D: what can I do to get you to date me
T: let's see NOTHING
Me and Lizzie were watching and listening to everything Eric was watching Dylan saw me and grabbed Tyler and kissed him
T: what the fuck
D: was i a better kisser
T: bitch I have boil my fucking mouth now oh god I have herpes never touch me again you disease infested dyke
Me and Lizzie burst out laughing he saw us
T: guys?
L: we'll explain in a minute
She said in between laughs
G: oh god 😂
I wiped a tear and she did the same
G: we were um spying on you you may get mad but it was so worth it
L: we should do this more often
D: ugh
G: give up Dylan
T: everything you've tried has failed it's pretty sad at this point and even if you do break up me and Gina which will never happen I'd have to be psychotic to date you
D: why won't you love me give me your heart and we'll be happy
T: Gina has my heart
L: awww
I blushed
D: why won't you love me
T: for the last fucking time I love Gina
L: you got a good one
D: that's why I want him
L: and you won't get him
She punched her in the face
L: don't mess with my ship
D: ugh
She walked away she's just I have no words for her
T: well she's gone
G: for now
L: that felt good
We heard a crunch we look behind us and see Eric with a box of popcorn
G: what the fuck
E: this is my favorite reality tv show
We laughed I kissed Tyler's cheek and we left
I woke up tied to a chair
G: what the
D: hello
G: I swear to god if this is about Tyler
D: take a wild guess
G: ok look at yourself you just kidnapped someone for a fucking boy
Tyler's POV
Gina is still missing Dylan won't stop flirting with me
T: that's it ask me out one more time I will complain to garvin and if I have to I will quit Malibu rescue
D: dammit
T: just leave
D: no
T: ugh fine stay but don't touch me I might get infected
Eric's POV
I suspect Dylan I followed her to a wharehouse and saw GINA
E: what the fuck
G&D: Eric?
E: umm
I slapped Dylan and untied Gina I called the police they got here after five minutes
E: I feel like I'm a hero
Em: honey you were so brave
D: I will get Tyler and Gina you will regret this
G: bite me bitch
T: what's wrong with her
E: many things
We all went home we had a party and everyone congratulated me
Ginas POV
I hate Dylan so fucking much I was with Tyler at the party
T: that was a cool move bro
E: thanks the best part is I finally got to slap her
G: and you FINALLY said a bad word
Em: he said what
E&G: nothing
Ed: hmm
G: (nervous laugh) I'm gonna get some punch
I quickly walked to the punch table
T: you sure know how to leave a conversation
G: shut up
T: make me
I kissed him
Gd: alright break it up
G: are you serious
Gd: why couldn't you have dated Eric he's nice AND he saved you
G: cause one I'm dating Tyler and two Eric's DATING my best friend
Gd: still should have been Eric
I rolled my eyes and after awhile me and Tyler left for a drive around the town at least that's what we said we were gonna do when we were really just gonna go to a hotel
G: is it just me or does Dylan seem more psycho
T: let's forget her
He stroked my hair and kissed me
G: god I missed those lips
T: then let's makeup for lost time
He smirked and I kissed him and you already know what happens next
We were driving back when we got there we all hung out till the party ended I kissed him goodbye but-
Gd: alright break it up
G: why do you hate me
T: later babe
He kissed me and left I turned to my dad he was boiling mad
Gd: bet you went to a hotel earlier instead of going around the town
G: how'd you know
Gd: wait what
G: yeah we made up for lost time
I blushed while smirking I bumped his shoulder as I went inside my mom high fived me I went to my room and plopped on my bed my mom came in
Gm: that was a good move
G: why thank you
G: shit
Gd: what the hell was that
G: father you always told me to tell the truth
Gd: whyd you say father
G: I can't call you daddy
Gd: why not
G: I already call him that
My mom laughed uncontrollably and my dad you could just see the smoke coming out of his ears
Gm: I've taught you well
Gd: that's it your never getting a boyfriend again
G: come on
Gd: NO
G: you know I once did it in the back seat of his-
G: geez god
Gm: he'll calm down
Gd: once he's dead
G: seriously
They left and I went to sleep
We were all in the tower when my dad came in SHIT
G: uhh what are you doing here
Gd: to kill him
He pointed at Tyler
T: what did I do
Gd: you two slept together
G: you already knew this
Gd: and now I'm killing him
I pushed him out
G: leave
Gd: your no fun
He left
G: I hate him
We laughed

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