You dont know me

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Tomikas POV
I'm with the band in the room me and summer are wolves we're actually sisters we walked to the front of the class
S: guys our lives are going perfectly
We felt hands on each of our shoulders
D: hey girls
We choke on our air
T: (high pitched) dicky
S: I can't breathe
D: nice to see you too
T: um...what are you doing here
D: can't I see a friend
S&T: cut the bull what do you want
Z: what
T: we mean um-
D: don't do the nice shit I need a favor
He's also a wolf
T: what
D: so you remember ashley
S: the psycho bitch who kidnapped us yeah we vaguely remember her
D: stop being a smartass and help me I may have said I got a girlfriend
T: dammit
D: just pretend to be my girlfriend
T: like she thinks you can get me
D: please
D: 🥺
T: Damn it it's impossible to avoid those puppy dog eyes fine
D: see ya later
He left they were confused
S: if your wondering ashley was someone after him aparently she loved him she just got out of jail
Btw I'm the leader
F: weird
I wish he knew
Z: whyd you say bad words
T: it's a free country dumbass
God I hate this
We went to the woods we saw the rest of the wolfs , like I said I'm the leader we stayed till dark they seemed sad and scared and no Ashley's not a wolf
T: what's wrong
?: ashley
S: we'll protect you guys
?: we do own the night
S: idea
She started playing music I caught on and started singing

Dicky sang the boy parts summer was baby Ariel and I was the girl singing like EVERYTHING
?: let's take that crazy bitch down
T: were wolves she doesn't stand a chance
We all morphed into our wolf forms and ran away we saw ashley
T: ugh
She saw us and got scared since we were still wolves she also can't understand us
S: should we kill her
T: I really want to
A: w-wolfs
We pounced on her when suddenly a shot went off it's the wolf hunters we ran away when the coast was clear we morphed back they ran back to the base no human can get through while I went over to them
T: is everything alright I heard a shot
A: what are you doing here
T: I was walking through the woods to clear my mind
A: it's the middle of the night
T: and yet your here
?: look
They took of their masks I saw Freddy yes were dating and Zack they're parents were there to
T: shit
S: Tomika-what the fuck
F: hey guys what are you doing
T: your the wolf hunters
A: how could you possibly know that
S: because we um-
We ran away they ran after us it was no use we hid behind a tree I texted freddy that it was over same for summer when My sister came up to us her names Izzy
I: summer tomika what's going on
T: the wolf hunters are here
I: oh no
T: just go back and you'll be safe
I: on it what about you guys
S: were gonna make sure they leave
She ran off we knocked most of them unconscious we kept missing zack and Freddy
F: who's doing this
One of the wolfs came she was in human form she didn't notice them I think Mandy is her name
M: 🎵 were wolves we own the night oh we own what we own oh we own the night Oh, we own what we own, we own the night! The only thing that is worse than our bark's our bite-
Z: Um hi
M: oh shit you scared me
F: never heard that song before
M: a friend of mine made it
F: why is there wolfs in it
M: she made it...for wolves
Another one came singing the same song
?: 🎵 I'm the alpha I'm the leader I'm the one to trust-and Mandy who are these guys
M: I don't know
Z: seriously who made that
M; why should we tell you your just some guys who are to lame to get a girlfriend so you spend Friday nights playing with yourself
They held the guns up to them
?: gonna kill us because of asong it's just a fucking-
He shot it she wasn't hurt since it wasn't silver bullet
?: that's hurt so much
M: Tomika young,summer Hathaway,and dicky Harper
Z: we know them
M&?: shit
F: whyd they make it
We left they ran away to we told everyone everything
?: you can't go back to school
S: we weren't planning on it
We laughed
Zacks POV
We followed them
T: well wanna sing the song again guys
Summer hit play they sang the song they were good
T: were not going to school for a long time
They turned into wolfs and walked away we ran to our parent's and told them everything we decided to take tomika out since she was the leader
Z: bro you good
F: killing my best friend/ex girlfriend just peachy
Z: there dangerous it has to be done
?: that's where your wrong
It was Tomikas little sister Izzy
I: you've known her for years and she's never hurt a fly and now your killing her for having flaws well that's low as fuck especially since she loved you and it was torture for her to break up with you but your over there planning to kill her acting like you don't give a shit about her at all while she's in her den crying, as well as summer for having to break up with the only people they ever truly loved
She walked away we looked at each other we screwed up bad
Z&F: we fucked up
Z: were so stupid
F: ya think
We sighed what do we do we've been after them for years if we do this we make our parents proud if not we lose the love of our lives
Tomikas POV
Me and summer were in our den we share one with Izzy well here's the thing me and her are sisters but I'm the leader summer is my step sister so yeah anyway we literally live in the wolf version of a castle since our parent are dead that's why I'm the leader at such a young age
S: I can't believe them
T: mean either
The silent alarm went off indicating someone is trying to get in but no one but wolfs can come on this property it's impossible for a human to we looked it was the wolf hunters including zack and Freddy
S: now they're trying to kill us
I: I'll take care of them
She cracked her knuckles believe it or not she's scary as fuck a lot of people don't even go near her or look her way
T: Izzy no let us
I: fine but at one point I WILL break someone's bones
We laughed and walked out still behind the imaginary barrier it's a small line (imagine in Percy Jackson that's what it looks like)
Z: what the why can't we get through
?: we'll find another way
T: good luck
?: your the leader right
T: yeah why
?: your the one we have to take out
T: good luck I'm stronger than all of you combined and as long as I stay in here you'll never get me
We walked away the hunters were mad
We haven't left they STILL can't get us they try everyday we sang

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