With the wrong guy

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Tomikas POV
We were in the classroom it's been a few weeks since the Austin music festival fremmer happened and me and zack are dating Freddy was sitting on the desk with summer but mrfinn came in
M: hello dudetets
S: hey Freddy I've always wanted to know one thing
F: shoot
S: who was your first crush
He blushed
F: I had a crush on her for awhile I don't know if I should tell you
S: come on please
F: fine remember when we were looking for a singer
S: yeah
F: she passed me in the hall while I was at my locker with Zack and I just saw her in a new way
I nudged summer
T: I know a certain girl who passed by
I said winking at summer
F: wait tomika you knew I liked you
T: I was talking about summer
F: oh well
S: wait your saying you started liking her-
T: when we were trying to get you to like her
F: huh
T: I taught her how to skateboard to impress you, she passed by you that day and said "hi Freddy"
F: she did?
S&T: oh my god
F: ok look I liked you key word liked
T: why
F: you were hot,my type,liked everything I liked,laughed at my jokes, someone I could be myself around and the reason I went to school every day just so I can see you
T: your forgetting my boyfriend is right there
I said pointing at zack who wasn't happy
F: I know
S: this is weird
F: ok I may have liked her but I don't now
S: I'm gonna guess you stopped liking her after kale
F: actually I only dated kale to get over her I broke up with kale to ask her out but I saw you in a new way and realized I love you
S: awww
F: although I do wonder what would have happened if I asked mika out
T: I would have said no you may be hot,my type,know how to skateboard and hair that's flawless and-OH MY GOD WHY DIDNT YOU ASK ME OUT
Z: hey
T: forgot you were there
Freddy chuckled while summer glared at me and zack glared at freddy
M: let's rock out
S: hold on
She kissed Freddy he didn't kiss back though
S: let's go
We played
Zacks arm was around me summer put freddys around her zack kissed me I didn't kiss back though
T: ok what's with you two today
F: yeah you've been acting all lovie dovie
S: just hanging fred
That's my nickname for him
F: umm sorry sunshine you can't call me that only mika can and I'm the only one who can call her mika it's our thing
Z: mika what's he talking about
This made Freddy mad so I hit his-
F: oooh
T: don't mess with the nicknames
L: I ship it treddy
T: lawbear I'm dating Zack
F: lawbear?
T: you wanna mess with the nickname
F: no ma'm
Z: it hurts like hell
T: (smiles innocently)
Z: don't
I kiss him
T: sorry babe but don't mess with our nicknames I call summer sum and Larry lawbear
F: and me fred and you zackie
T: boom name drop
We laughed
I went home yes I live with Freddy my parents are always out of town his are too so we keep each other company Larry and mr.finn know
T: you liked me huh
F: who said I stopped
He smirked I playfully glared at him
T: shut up
I woke up next to freddy yes we share a bed but we weren't wearing clothes I remembered last night
He walked to our room
T: and we sleep
He took off his shirt but this time I looked at him he went next to me we cuddled as usual but this time I blushed as I felt his chest on me
F: your feel hot
T: don't know why
Was I blushing that much?
F: god I can't take it anymore
He kissed me I kissed back he got on top of me and....
I blushed I really wanna do it again
F: hey
He started sucking my neck
T: (moans) Freddy
F: what
T: we can't do this to summer and zack
F: please
He got on top of me
T: Freddy
F: I want to do it again
He moved his hips I bit my lip
T: I do to
He smirked and let's just say it was an eventful morning
Oh no
T: were late
F: hickeys
T: dammit
I got dressed and covered them up with makeup as long as I don't wear an open shirt they won't see the rest if you know what I mean
F: hey
T: well no open shirts or shorts for awhile
He laughed he also put light hickeys on my thighs we headed to school
S: where were you to
T: alarm clock didn't go off
Z: why were you two together
T&F: sleepover duh
Z&S: okkk
We rocked out and learned some geometry crap but I'm only 16 (pretend she's a different age) we went to lunch freddy sat next to me
T: so what do you guys wanna do after a school
F: there's one thing I wanna do
He rubbed my thigh my breath hitched they didn't notice tho
F: you up for it mika
T: s-sure
Z: can we come
F: it's the skatepark
S: ok
We ate he took his hand off my leg THANK GOD after school we went home I felt like someone was watching I think he noticed
F: Eu sinto que alguem esta nos assistindo (I feel like someone's watching us)
T: sim (yeah)
F: vou leva-lo para casa (I'll take you home)
T: esta Bem (it's ok)
We went our separate ways
Lawrence's POV
I noticed Freddys hand on her thigh I smirked I've always shipped them after lunch summer and zack pulled me aside
Z: were following Freddy and Tomika
L: why
S: they're cheating on us
L: they're not
Z: after school
They left oh no they live together I was praying they didn't do anything they started speaking Portuguese
F: Eu sinto que alguem esta nos assistindo (I feel like someone's watching us)
T: sim (yeah)
F: vou leva-lo para casa (I'll take you home)
T: esta Bem (it's ok)
I thanked god summer and zack were confused they went different ways
L: see
S: guess you were right
L: can we leave it alone
Z: ok
We left I really hope they don't find out
Tomikas POV
I texted fred we agreed to meet at his house I went there,I Hope zack and summer don't find out what we're doing
F: hey
T: I can't do this
F: why
T: it's wrong we at least have to break up with Zack and summer I can't live with myself if we don't
F: ok so tomorrow
T: yes
F: should we have Lawrence help
T: then they will know he knows
F: wanna play video games
T: it's like you read my mind
We sat down and played them
Summers POV
Lawrence knows what their hiding we put a voice recorder on tomika
F: hey
T: I can't do this
F: why
T: it's wrong we at least have to break up with Zack and summer I can't live with myself if we don't
F: ok so tomorrow
T: yes
F: should we have Lawrence help
T: then they will know he knows
F: wanna play video games
T: it's like you read my mind
They played video games and me and zack went to my house
Z: we can't let them dump us
S: well just don't talk to them
Z: than they can't
S: perfect
Freddys POV
Me and tomika walked in we went towards zummer
F: hey guys can we-
Z: sorry
He left
F: summer i-
S: bye
We were confused tomika tried sending zack a note he didn't even acknowledge it
We were sitting
T: ok zack can we please-
Z: nope
F: sunshine-
S: sorry babe
They kissed our cheeks and left
T: what's with them it shouldn't be this hard to break up with someone
L: you two gonna happen
T: maybe
We blushed and ate
We were in the classroom still trying to talk with them
M: let's rock out
T: fine but first zack I really need to-
Z: sorry can't
T: ugh
F: summer can we-
S: no
T: god I can't take it
T: it took all day but we did it
Z: why
F: we um like other people
L: oh for gosh sakes they like each other
M: and they live together
T: technically were not dating anymore you can't be mad
S: how could you
T: were sorry we wanted to break up with you before anything happened
F: well anything else
T: your not helping
F: but it's so fun
L&M: (farkle laugh)
T: shut it
Z: I can't believe you two
T: hey look at least we broke up with you guys first I could have easily cheated on you but I didn't cause you deserve better than to be in a one sided relationship where the girl is cheating on you with your best friend
F: and if you were our friends you'd be happy for us
T: if not your not our friends
They stormed out
T: oh well
We laughed I honestly don't give a fuck
Summers POV
I can't believe them I know I'll trap Freddy
Nobody's POV
Summer spiked his drink at a party and got pregnant tomika broke up with him now Freddy and summer are married same with Zamika
Tomikas POV
Me and zack are married but I'm not happy maria comes up to me shes our maid and my best friend
M: you good
T: I'm not happy I never was
I get straight to the point
M: break it off
T: I can't afford to if I divorce him I'll be living on the streets and he knows that he's threatened me every time I talk about divorce using that reason
M: whyd you Marry him in the first place
T: my boyfriend had cheated on me my parents kicked me out he offered me a life and I couldn't refuse I had to take it I had no other choice plus what did I have to lose I had nothing left
M: your fucked
T: I know
M: he wouldn't just offer that to anyone though
T: we used to date but I started catching feelings for his friend freddy I THOUGHT he would see how much I loved him but he became a fucking creep than freddy cheated on me with my best friend so fuck him
Z: hey babe
He walked through the door
T: hi
M: bye
She left
Z: were the only married couple I know who haven't had sex
I still haven't slept with Zack I don't want to, he gets mad at me cause I don't
T: and? I told you no
Z: were married
T: you know damn well I don't love you
Z: than whyd you-
T: bitch please I told you no, but you threaten me with money problems and that doesn't really turn me on zack so stop trying to sleep with me cause the only time I've ever kissed you was for our wedding day
He grabbed me and kissed me
Z: and now it's twice
I walked out I walked through the park I saw a little girl she had bruises she was on a slide
T: are you ok
?: no my mommy hurt me
T: why
?: daddy won't love her so she hurts me
I pick her up and take her to a park bench
T: how does she hurt you and why
?: everytime my daddy doesn't love her she hits me I practically live in blood now by the way I'm 6
T: oh honey
?: he loved this other girl I think mika or tommy
Summer came up to me
S: what are you doing with my daughter
It's summer?
T: she told me what you did
S: she's lying
T: than how do you know what I'm talking about
She got nervous I scoffed and took the girl I called the police they took summer away wait tommy and mika TOMIKA he loves me?
T: dammit I have to see Freddy
?: huh
T: your daddy
F: princess?
T: speak of the devil
?: daddy she saved me
T: yeah well bye
?: wait stay
F: I don't-
She slapped him
?: she's staying now shut up
T: okay
?: oh and now you can be with that girl you like
T: someone named tommy or Mika wonder who
I glared at him and we walked to his house
?: I'm Ellie
T: Tomika
She gasps and starts smirking
F: Ellie let me talk to tomika real quick
E: okay 😏😉
She went to her room we sat down on the couch
T: what
F: you never let me explain
T: what that you cheated on me
F: she spiked my drink look
He got up he came back after a few minutes and showed me a video
S: ha it worked I spiked Freddys drink and now I'm pregnant him and Tomika are broken up and he'll be forced to love me
Z: great
It stopped
T: I fucking married Zack for nothing
F: w-what your married
T: I had no place to go if I didn't marry him I'd die on the streets
F: oh
T: yup he's been nagging me to sleep with him but I refuse
F: you haven't-
T: no we haven't had sex
F: Tomika young will you marry me
T: yes
We kissed
E: that was fast
We laughed I slept over
I had a LOT of texts and calls from zack I went to the courthouse I got the papers i went home if you didn't know I never actually lived in the street it was the same day I got kicked out zack proposed to me
Zacks POV
She walked in
Z: babe what the-
T: here
She handed me some papers
Z: what the hell is this
T: divorce papers
Z: have fun living on the street
T: as long as I'm not with you I'm happy
She smirked and handed me a pen I growled and signed them mad she smiled and walked out she gave maria a five hundred bucks as a tip and left
Z: she'll come running back to me in no time
M: actually she has a new fiancée
M: yeah freddy Huerta I think
Maria walked away I was boiling mad I can't believe him I blackmailed her parents to kick her out and now she's gone
Ellie's POV
Tomika is gonna be my new mommy YAY
E: so it's you instead of that bitch
F: Ellie
E: tell me I'm wrong
T: your only six
E: and you've only known him for two days boom
I flipped my hair and walked out they laughed
Mommy and daddy are getting married she's wearing
Mommy ⬇️

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