My Luna

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A/N f place so I was reading this book and I got inspired it was so good I was in tears it's about best friends getting kidnapped by Wolves and I wanna say I'm still crying it was so fucking good and no it's not a SOR story
Tomikas POV

I'm eighteen I was with my bestie babe we're going to college soon, we just graduated high school

T: let's get some pizza

B: ooh yes

We left we went to little ceacers we got a medium cheese pizza and sat at a table a few tables away there were two guys they were glancing at us every few minutes. it wasn't that weird, so we ignored them the one with hairgel looked at me with lust I felt uncomfortable like he was undressing me with his eyes same thing was happening with babe

T: can we go

B: yes please

We quickly left and went home

T: that was weird

B: yeah

We sat down on the couch ignoring it


We woke up to the doorbell ringing

T: I think we passed out from the ice cream

B: wouldn't be the first time

T: yes bitch

I got up and opened the door I see the guys from before I got confused

T: umm can I help you

He grabbed me pulling me in his chest

?: mine

He said growling deeply

?: your coming with us

T: I'm sorry what

B: what's going on

They grabbed us lifting us over their shoulders we struggled we kicked, screamed and punched but they weren't having it they put us in a car and drove off we screamed again but everything went black when I woke up I didn't know where I was I was in this room

I looked around for a few minutes and the pizza guy came in

T: what the hell is wrong with you

I tried getting up but was handcuffed to the headboard of the bed

?: I'll be back DONT try to escape

T: let me go you bastard

?: no can do

T: you asshole

He ignored me and left I struggled with the handcuffs and eventually got free I ran to babes room she was over the moon to see me I un-handcuffed her we went to the window

B: ok just jump down

T: were two story's high

Guard; HEY

We hear from behind us we quickly jump down and run but someone wraps their arms around my waist from behind me

?: don't fight it

Great it's hairgel I struggled to get out of his grip he dragged me back and I blacked out when I came back to reality I was in the same bed he was there I HATE HIM he sat next to me I moved away

?: don't fight it

T: go to hell

?: Tomika just stop your not leaving

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