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Tomikas POV
I'm walking with Freddy through the woods we're dating but I hope he doesn't find out my secret yes I'm a wolf but he can't know
F: this is nice
T: Freddy i-
I was gonna tell him about me being a wolf but Luna came shes a full wolf not half like me but when I'm in wolf form I understand her
F: oh god
T: are you scared
She went near me he backed up I chuckled and knelt down and pet her
T: freddy she's not dangerous she's my best friend
F: your friends with a wolf?
T: yeah when I first moved here she came up to me this wolf is amazing I've been taking care of her
F: why doesn't she have a family
T: there's these wolf hunters they killed her parents not to long ago even though they did nothing to them they just randomly hate wolfs little do they know they beautiful and only hurt people when they feel threatened
F: I-I never knew that
T: I just wish the hunters did
I pet her some more and she ran away
T: she's so cute
F: yeah she is
We walked away
Freddys POV
I'm a wolf hunter along with Zack and Hudson, we're dating summer and babe
F: do the girls like wolfs as well
Please say no
T: oh they love them more than anything
T: sometimes when school gets out we come to the woods and hang out with the wolfs until dark they're not bad but for some reason people think they are
F: it sucks doesn't it
T: yeah
How do I tell her
I didn't tell the guys we went out I saw Luna she got scared as she saw me
Z: let's get her
Z: why not
F: Tomika likes her a lot she's her best friend I'm not hurting her
Luna was confused she tackled me and took off my mask her eyes widen and she backs up
F: Luna right
The wolf nods its head and runs away
H: she was smart
Lunas POV
I ran to the girls I told them about Freddy
T: no he isn't
We were in our wolf forms so they could understand me
L: I swear
T: I don't know
I was worried for her
Freddys POV
We went out we heard giggling and saw tomika around three wolfs and one of them was Luna the other two looked like if babe and summer were wolfs
T: this is so much fun
H: hello ma'm
She saw us and got scared
T: your the wolf hunters
F: yes ma'm
T: in that case
The wolfs ran away
T: they went that way
She said pointing the opposite way they went
Z: were not stupid
T: you are actually for trying to kill them
H: it's kill or be killed
T: actually wolfs don't hurt people without a motive so if you leave them alone everything will be fine you may have heard stories of them attacking people at campsites but that's cause they're scared of fire so if you leave you can go back to playing with yourselfs since your to lame to get girlfriends
I took off me mask
F: seriously babe
T: FREDDY wait you're the one who kills-zack Hudson?
They took off they're masks
T: yeah your in trouble
H: how
T: cause babe and summer absolutely love wolfs and once I tell them you guys will be dumped by the end of the day like Freddy
F: wha
T: I told you how much wolfs mean to me and how they always made me feel special but you go on and kill them, Luna warned me about you yesterday after you guys tried to hurt her and I was stupid not to listen
She ran away with tears in her eyes than we heard
B: times up motherfuckers
We turned around, babe and summer weren't happy
S: were through shithead
Z: why
B: wolfs always made us feel like we belong since no one else would be our friends
S: but you think of them as fur coats
They walked away we decided to keep hunting we saw the wolfs as before but another one they looked sad
F: well well
They jumped
Z: the love of my life just dumped me and I'm mad so this isn't your lucky day
F: maybe we should stop this is the reason I lost my sunshine
H: well what do we do
The wolfs ran away we went after them they split up but we couldn't catch them we sat in the woods and drank till we passed out
Tomikas POV
We were at our house catching our breath Luna came she told us the guys were in the middle of the woods passed out we went there they were we changed into our human form and took them home
Freddys POV
I woke up in Tomikas,summer and babes house
F: oww my head
T: that's called a hangover
Z: what the
S: you guys were passed out in the middle of the woods
Z: how'd you find us
B: Luna came she led us to you and we brought you here
T: so after you kill her parents she's kind enough to save your life who knows who could have found you a psycho could have gotten there first and you'd be dead
H: kill her parents?
S: you killed lunas parents Luna is a wolf they did nothing to you and you fucking murdered them for no reason
H: now I feel bad
T: you should ya jackass
They walked to their rooms
F: why do they like wolfs so much
Z: it's like they are one
H: are they
Z: I've never seen her on a full moon
H: she can always finish a steak and want more
F: she said Luna told them but how can she understand her
Our eyes widen
S: you guys ok
Z: your wolfs
T: that's the dumbest thing I ever heard
F: you guys are friends with wolfs
Z: your eyes get red when your mad
H: and those wolfs earlier looked suprisingly like you guys
They got nervous
T: is that the time
B: time to leave
Z: I'f I throw this ball will you go after it
B: were not dogs and were not wolves
He threw it summer went after it
S: I'm weak
F: we fucking knew it
T: fine....summers a wolf
S: what
B: we always suspected her
S: Guys
T: it's ok we accept you
B: I can't believe you didn't tell us
A tear rolled down their cheek
H: not buying it for one second
T&B: dammit
T: it can fool a judge why not you guys
Z: huh
T: (says quickly) nothing
F: what's going on
They ran out we ran after them I followed mika, she tripped
T: shit that hurt
F: no where to run
T: oh god
I knelt down and stroked her hair a tear rolled down her cheek
T: please don't hurt me
F: baby
She backed up till she hit a tree I got up and grabbed her arm and lifted her up she started crying and I pinned her against the tree HARD
T: (winces in pain)
F: why didn't you tell me
T: I-I'm sorry
I grabbed her waist and held her close to me holding tight so she couldn't leave
T: Freddy I'm sorry
F: sorry baby
She cried more I wiped her tear with my thumb
T: I'm sorry freddy I really am
F: I know you are
T: please freddy I really am sorry
F: baby I'm just teaching you a lesson
T: (cries more)
F: come on
I dragged her to my cabin I handcuffed her to the couch she noticed my weapons I got on top of her
T: Freddy please
F: you'll live
T: w-what are you gonna do
F: rape you, beat you and so on
T: oh god
I slipped off her shorts she started crying more, I raped her she was crying non-stop
F: baby it's ok
T: p-please stop
I put on my pants
F: not bad baby
T: Freddy please
F: I'm just gonna teach you a small lesson
I grabbed some glass and went near her head so it looked like I was gonna cut her
T: Freddy please I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm sorry I dumped you but please
I set the glass down
F: your gonna be sorry
I got a knife I got ready to slit her throat
T: I love you freddy
F: I love you too
T: Freddy I can't die
F: and I can't kill you it's impossible to hurt the one you love
I put the knife down and kissed her softly a tear rolled down her cheek and she kissed back i un-handcuffed her as we kissed and she wrapped her arms around my neck we made out on the couch
I woke up next to her we had no clothes on I kissed her neck and she woke up
T: morning
F: morning baby
I sucked her neck and she moaned softly I smirked we got our clothes on I love her so much

A/N ok so I'm gonna do an alternate ending from when they were chasing them

Freddys POV
F: well well
They jumped
Z: the love of my life just dumped me and I'm mad so this isn't your lucky day
F: maybe we should stop this is the reason I lost my sunshine
H: well what do we do
The wolfs ran away we went after them they split up I ran after the new one we let Luna go
F: no where to run
They morphed back it was TOMIKA
T: your killing your ex-girlfriend that's low
T: take a wild guess
F: your a wolf
T: gee what do you think
F: what the-
T: didn't you wonder how I communicated with Luna,or why you've never seen me on a full moon or how my eyes get red when I'm mad I'm honestly suprised you didn't find out earlier
I knocked her unconscious I took her to my cabin I tied her to the headboard of my bed I took off her clothes and she woke up
T: what's going on
F: hey
F: you think you can be a smartass
I crawled on top of her
T: n-no
I kissed her softly a tear rolled down her cheek I got up she couldn't move I grabbed a knife and hovered it over her body
T: please freddy
F: saying please won't help you now
T: Freddy stop
I pressed the knife against her stomach she whimpered as she felt the cold metal
T: oh god
I picked up the knife I stabbed the bed just an inch away from her she got scared
F: dang I missed
I picked up the knife and continued to hover it she started squirming I looked as her as I cut her wrist she winced in pain
T: f-Freddy I'm s-sorry
I threw the knife it hit the dartboard straight in the middle
F: now imagine the middles your face
She started crying i covered her mouth with tape I got on top of her again she was looking in my eyes she really wanted me to stop but instead I raped her a tear rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes tight she looked at me disappointed I took off the tape
T: (gives disappointed face)
F: that was fun
She wanted to say something but she didn't want to get hurt
F: say something
T: I-
F: and what you mean
T: I can't
F: you can and I can't hurt you
She was confused
F: you can't hurt the one you love it's impossible
I kissed her and cleaned up the blood I put on her clothes and un-handcuffed her she looked relieved
F: wait here
I left and locked the door she tried to open it the windows don't open I locked the rest of them and when I opened the door she was on the bed
F: hey
T: please let me leave
F: look
I went near her she flinched that hurts
F: like I said I can't hurt you
She relaxed I went next to her
F: baby
She didn't respond
Tomikas POV
I was silent he turned my head and kissed me softly I melted under his kiss I kissed back
T: no
F: come on
T: no I'm going home
F: mika-
T: you can't just kiss me and I'll forget everything
F: and what about you being a wolf
T: that's different that's something about me ok I admit should I have told you yes but I told you how much wolfs mean to me an you went on and killed them
F: but I saved Luna cause I saw how much she meant to you
T: what about the rest of them
T: yeah well I can't be with someone who kills harmless creatures
F: babe-
T: don't call me that
I got up when I was about to leave he spun me around and grabbed my waist
T: what
F: I'm sorry I can't take back the past I just...
He smashed his lips on mine I kissed back I love him so much

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