We snuck out

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Tomikas POV
My name is tomika I'm a princess with my besties summer and babe were gonna sneak out of the castle tomorrow
We were walking around in peasant clothes to not be noticed when I was suddenly being pulled away I saw a guy with good hair our faces centimeters apart
T: oh sorry
?: you almost got hit by that carriage
T: well thank you and where are my friends
?: ma'm you were walking by yourself
T: no I was with my friends babe and summer
?: you were just by yourself
T: shit I lost them
?: I can help you look
T: thank you
He took me to a market
?: I'm freddy
T: tomika
F: you have got to be careful
T: who's to say I didn't do that on purpose to get saved by a hot guy
He shook his head chuckling we left
F: they weren't there
T: but I got these
I held up three ugly watches
T: self taught pick pocket and I know they're-
F: beautiful
T: huh
It considered rude to give someone this watch
F: wow
T: here I don't need them
F: they're worth a lot of money
T: (shrugs)
We walked along we heard a screaming
F: oh my god
?: (girly screams)
T: let's go
We go and see a guy screaming like a girl and babe hitting him
B: that's what you-heyyyyy mika
T; you said you'd stop fighting
B: umm (nervous laugh)
?: (groans)
B&T: shut up
B: he was trying to rape me and Hudson saved me
She pulled up a blonde headed boy
B: and now I'm (deep voice) finishing him
T: yeahhhhh Um have you seen summer
S; (screams at top of lungs)
B: follow that sound
We dragged the guys we see a Korean boy fighting this guy summer looked scared
B: ooh another fight
S&T: babe
B: you two are no better
T: but unlike you we actually let the person live in the end
B: what's the fun in that
T: so we can torture them more
B: you have given me a whole new perspective in life
I chuckled
H: yeah hi zack
Z: (Korean boy) sup
He got up
F: you three are friends
T: and you three are friends
B: dibs on the cute one
She grabbed Hudson we laughed
T: shes..I have no words
B: what
T: (sighs) well
I grabbed Freddy
S: yeah no
We pushed her, Zack caught her she glared
T: huh last time we pushed you was-
S: in the swamp
We laughed she glared
T: wanna hang out
F&H&Z: ok
We all left at one point a guard came we ran away
?: have you seen three girls
F: uh no
?: tell me when you do
He left
F: what was-
T: don't ask questions hairgel
B: well what do you guys hate the most
F&Z&H: the princesses
My heart broke
Z: they're so snobby and uptight it sucks I never want to meet them they can burn in hell
Summer ran away with tears in her eyes the guys didn't notice
Z: why'd she run
T: just something see you guys tomorrow
We left we went to the castle and comforted her
T: sum it's ok
S: (cries harder)
Mom: girls you have to get ready for tonight's ball
T&B&S: (groans)
T: tight dresses
B: makeup
S: only water and salad?
Mom: I know I'm sorry
T: I'm eating junk food
Mom: totally get it don't blame you
She left we actually don't have it easy as everyone thinks we got changed and went down the party was fine till
?: hello I am prince Asher
?: prince Liam
?: and I am prince Justin
T: and I don't care
We walked away they growled and followed us
T: were trying to avoid conversation
A: come on I can make it worth your while
T: (retches)
?: princess are you alright
T: (British accent) may I be excused to my room
?: yes
I bowed and left the girls came as well Asher followed I grabbed my mom summers mom and babes and took them to my room I put a guard outside of it
Bm: ok
T; we got a problem man
A: (other side of door) babe open up
T: that and...(smiling) we met some guys
S: he was sweet
B: caring
T: charming
B&S&T: (sighs dreamily)
Sm: ooooh
T: one problem-
B: Theyre from the village
Sm: ooh
T: but he saved me from getting run over
S: he saved me from getting raped
B: same their actually brave and cute, we all know the guys down there Will run away at the face of danger-
T: while those guys won't dare to they saved us, we snuck out and when a guard asked them if they saw us-
S: they lied and said no
Mom: they sound amazing
T: one more problem-
B: they said they hate princesses they think we're snobby and rude
Tm: that's what everyone in the village thinks you just have to prove them wrong
T: how they don't think were capable of anything
Sm; then show them that you are knowing babe she beat someone up so they know your capable of that
B: (laughs) yeah
We rolled our eyes Asher walked in
T; ughhhhhhhh
A: hey babe just came to see you get dressed
T: (retches) oh god (gags)
Tm: her mother right here
A: oh I wanted to tell you I'm offering my hand in marriage to your daughter
Tm: hell no
A: you can't keep us apart we'll fight for our love
T: sorry my mom has spoken and I respect her wishes cause that's the kind of daughter I am
A: well then I'll have to change you starting with getting you under me
He grabbed my waist they had to hold my mom and babe down I punched him in the face and kicked him in the nuts I threw him out
T: god that guy can't take a hint just the thought of him taking my virginity it disgust me
L&J: hey
S: (uninterested) Liam
B: (uninterested) justin
Sm: summers mom
Bm: babes
J: we came to offer our hand in-
Bm: don't even think about it cause the answer is no
L: then we'll ask their dads
Bm: please they'll do anything we say
L&J: (growls)
Liam slapped summer we gasped
Sm: oh hell no
We tried to hurt them but a guard kicked them out and told us to heal
T: thanks Lawrence
Our friend
L: oh here
He handed us a sword we smirked
L: If anyone asks you were with me at the time of their murder
We smirked again he left we went to our dads they were talking
Dad: sweetheart this nice young man wants your hand in marriage
Bd: yeah babe Justin and Liam want you and summer-
T: Hes a pervert he said he'd take my innocence and that he wanted to see me get undressed
Tm: it was awful
B: and Justin is just so rude he said that if my mom said no to me marrying him he'd talk to you and force me to
S: Liam growled at me AND slapped me
Sm: I still wanna get him back
T: not yet we need weapons
Our dads glared at them they nervous laughed and ran out
T: dammit we never got to use this
I pulled out the sword
Sd: where did you get that
T: wow is that the time got to go
We left quickly they rolled their eyes playfully
I was hanging out with Freddy walking around when Asher came my eyes widen I quickly drag Freddy away
F: who was that
He sounded jealous
T: this guy who's obsessed me it's actually getting creepy
F: weird
We left
Ashers POV
I saw her in the village ewww there was this guy she was...flirting with him? What the thats my fiancée she's cheating on me I went to the castle I knocked out her parents and went to her room Liam and Justin are doing the same thing to summer and babe after an hour she came in blushing like crazy and smiling uncontrollably she saw me her smile fell she rolled her eyes
T: here we go
A: hey babe
She kicked me in the nuts
A: I saw you and that guy if were gonna get married you can't see him anymore and get rid of those peasant clothes I can't have my wife be seen in that
T: for the last time I don't like you
A: your right you love me
T: ugh
A: wanna finally prove our love
She gagged I reached for her hand she slapped it away and kicked me out she really needs to learn I'm in charge
Tomikas POV
He really needs to learn i don't like him god he can't can't take a hint I woke up in the middle of the night him in my room he had handcuffs what the fuck he was about to handcuff me but I pushed him off
T: take a hint dude
A: never my love
I gagged when Lawrence came in he's my friend
L: sup
T: help me
L: what are you doing in here
A: she invited me
T: you stupid mother-
I got up and larry cut me off
L: ok just leave
A: no
Lawrence smiled Asher smirked then Larry pushed him out the window he fell were 4 story's up and breaking through glass I jumped
T: oh shit
L: this is why you shouldn't disrespect me
He cupped my cheeks
L: say miki can I take your innocence
I just nodded my head scared he smirked and took off our clothes he got between my legs
L; you sure
T: uhh uh y-yeah
He pushed into me I screamed it hurt so much I admit when he pulled out I felt better but ow he smirked
T: are you kidding
L: were best friends
T: I was scared geez
L: look I don't like you-
T: of course not that would be disgusting
L: just wanted to see how far I could push you
T: yeah well far enough
He chuckled we got our clothes on and talked the rest of the night
T: Larry that hurt
L: a part inside of you is breaking of course it's gonna hurt
T: (gives really look)
He shrugged I rolled my eyes
I went to the village with babe and summer we all hung out till-
B: hey do you guys remember Lawrence
I remember last night
T: yeah
H: who's that
B: an old friend I haven't seen him in awhile
T: actually last night that asher guy came
We shuddered the boys chuckled
T: and Lawrence was passing by and boom fought him off
S: damn
T: I hate Asher I hate him I hate him
B: what happened after that
T: (says quickly) nothing
F: what happened
T: not important I just thanked him
By letting him take my virginity
Z: oh uh WHAT
T: ok Zack good reaction and I said that out loud?
F: yup 😡
T: well.. you guys made summer cry
S: dude
T: I'm uh sorry?
Z: how
S: by saying-
We covered her mouth
F: who the hell is lawrence
T: my friend and nothing more
B: yeah he's like our brother and summer here is the annoying sister
S: (against hand) hey
We laughed
Z: how did we make summer cry
T: umm...
S: you see..
B: you guys uh...
H: you ran away crying we were just taking about the princesses
T; weird it was another time
They shrugged we sighed in relief quietly and we walked away till
A: hey babe
He said coming in a wheelchair with some glass on his ankles and arms from the window and a bruise on his forehead Liam and Justin following
T: now I feel bad
A: than date me
T: now I don't
I quickly walked away he growled and Freddy caught up with me
F: Mika don't hate me
T: why would I hate you
F: cause I'm doing this
He kissed me I almost immediately kissed back
T: I definitely don't hate you but why didn't you do that earlier I've been dropping hints left and right
F: (chuckles)
We kissed then I remembered I pulled away sadly
F: what's wrong
T: I have to tell you something
F: what is it
T: (sighs) come with me
I took him to the castle and dragged him to my room
F: why are we in the princesses room
T: cause I am the princess
F: your kidding right
I pointed to the portrait of me
F: wow you've been lying to me
T: I had to you said you hated princesses and I really wanted you to like me and you judged us before you knew us it's not so glamorous being royalty theres crazy diets dumb expectations a weird accent and tight dresses that I can barely breath in I'm sorry I lied but you guys said-
He cut me off by kissing me passionately I wrapped my arms around his neck
F: I guess i shouldn't have said that
T: ya think
He chuckled I kissed him and we left but ran into Asher in the halls
A: hey babe
A: don't worry I knocked them out
A: them to basically everyone we can finally have some alone time
T: babe-
A: yeah
F: not talking to you dipshit
A: yeah she is
T: I'm really not
Everything went black I woke up handcuffed to my bed freddy was tied up
F: huh what
T: hi
F: what the
A: princess your up
T: what the hell are you gonna do to me
He smirked and knocked freddy out he got on top of me I don't want to talk about what he did next
I was on the floor crying I felt disgusted and grossed out he zipped his pants up
A: not bad baby I'll be back tomorrow for more
He kissed me
A: actually they won't let me back in so I'm gonna savor today before your little boy toy you wakes up
I was already naked he spread my legs apart and took off his pants he rammed into me I screamed he moaned
A: ah yes
T: (screams) help
A: don't worry it only hurts for a second
I cried more
A: this is nice
He went harder and faster I gagged I hated this he slammed my head against the wall I winced in pain
A: say you love me
T: I love you
A: Don't gag moan
T: but-
A: force it
He pushed in again I didn't moan I couldn't I didn't feel good I felt disgusted and wanted to puke he got mad he pinned me to the ground and made me suck his dick I cried more

Nah I'm joking what really happened was
T: what the hell are you gonna do to me
He smirked and knocked freddy out he got on top of me I gave him a death glare he smirked and started taking off my clothes I kicked him off and broke the handcuffs
A: oh shit
I smirked
I untied Freddy he woke up, I woke up a few guards and they took him away his parents apologized and said he would never bother us again I was glad to hear that same with babe and summer
I was walking with Freddy through a grass field admiring nature
F: babe
I turned to him he was on his knee with a box and a ring

Nah I'm joking what really happened was T: what the hell are you gonna do to meHe smirked and knocked freddy out he got on top of me I gave him a death glare he smirked and started taking off my clothes I kicked him off and broke the handcuffs A: ...

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I gasped
F: mika o know we only met recently but-
T: yes
F: I-
T: yes
F: can I finish the speech
T: yes
He chuckled

I was in tears of joyT: y-F: I knowI chuckled he put it on me I smiled and kissed him passionately we pulled away smiling I gave him a peck on the lips3 YEARS LATERI was rocking Emma back and forth she's about a few weeks old and so damn cute I ti...

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I was in tears of joy
T: y-
F: I know
I chuckled he put it on me I smiled and kissed him passionately we pulled away smiling I gave him a peck on the lips
I was rocking Emma back and forth she's about a few weeks old and so damn cute I tickled her stomach she giggled I smiled I loved that sound I hear someone come in
T: hey babe
Freddy didn't respond just started kissing my neck I hated his lips and the feeling Emma started crying I stepped forward
T: yeh you need to work on kissing right now it sucks
?: baby you don't mean that
I froze Emma cried more I dug her head in my chest and rocked her I faced the person it was Asher
T: get the hell out of here
A: you Called me babe
T: I thought you were Freddy and like I said you suck at kissing my neck or at anything in general
A: you don't mean that
T: uh yeah I do
F: hey babe
He came in he saw Asher and got mad I smirked at Asher
T: leave now
A: no
Freddy cracked his knuckles Liam and Justin came out of nowhere and knocked him out Emma cried more i out her head back in my chest I rocked her till she fell asleep
T: it's ok sweetie
A: come on let's fuck
T: no
A: shh you might wake up the baby
T: (growls)
L: don't fight it
F: what the
T: beat them I'm gonna make dinner
L&J&A&F: are you kidding
T: (shrugs)
F: get the fuck out
A: yeah no
He punched him in the face knocking him to the ground Liam and Justin ran out we called the guards and they took him away as well his parents decided to put an electric bracelet on him and then our room they payed for it if he goes nears our place he gets electrocuted now he won't bother us

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