Vampire love

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Nobodys POV
This guy found the castle he claimed it as his but never used it little did he know it was Dracula's castle it was passed down his family until one day Richie Langley decided to get rid of it since it wasn't important to his family anyway since no one even bothered to check on it he made an essay contest for everyone eighteen and older to get it for free. Tomika, babe and summer won it meanwhile Freddy is Dracula's nephew he and his friends Hudson and jace convinced him to give it them.
Tomikas POV
I just won an essay contest with my besties babe and summer we get the old castle on top of the hill it's amazing but creepy we cheered once we read the email it's supposedly Dracula's castle but we don't believe in vampires we went there to look at stuff there was cobwebs, old paintings, and it was so dark
B: think we celebrated to soon
S: come on
T: summer I don't know
S: a free castle look at this place
Bats flew out we screamed
T: oh I'm looking
S: I'm outta here
B: same
T: what no
S: I regret what I said before
T: if we fix it up we can have a free place to live and live like queens
B: where would we get the money
S: the contest gave us 5000 dollars to fix this place up
B: although it's clear they just wanted to dump it on us
T: please guys ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to live in a castle
B&S: fine
T: yes now let's get ideas to decorate
S: decorating? My specialty
T: babe your good with numbers you can control our budget summer your decorating since you love it
S: (dreamily) yeah
T: I'll pack our stuff at home you guys fix us a room for the night
B: one room a day that should be easy
T: yeah
I left and packed all our stuff after a few hours I finished and started heading back
Babes POV
We found a room it had a bed and windows it was good enough
S: ooh I can see the designs now
B: I think we should keep the castle vibe
S: so no boy band posters
B: sorry sum
S: ugh fine
B: cleaning supplies
We went to an old bathroom and found some under the sink we opened the drawer it broke
B: either this is weak or I'm strong
S: both
We grabbed some and wiped off all the grind we went back and dusted,sweeped,vacuumed and did everything we could to make it look nice the furniture was here we just cleaned it at the end it looked like

Tomikas POV I just won an essay contest with my besties babe and summer we get the old castle on top of the hill it's amazing but creepy we cheered once we read the email it's supposedly Dracula's castle but we don't believe in vampires we went th...

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Without the lights we smiled at our work and turned off the speaker we put on music while we worked
B: were sorta turning this around
T: I'm back and-woah
S: this took..SO LONG
She chuckled
B: couldn't get the lights to work tho just that lamp beside the bed
T: it's fine also dibs on this room
S: are you kidding you did nothing
T: we'll all sleep here tonight tomorrow we'll work on more and we'll decide then
B: ok
We unpacked a few outfits and went to bed tired
Freddys POV
I was with Hudson and Jace were vampires we were at my uncles castle yeah he was Dracula when some girls walk in what the oh shit it's that stupid essay contest they looked at the place for a second
?: think we celebrated to soon
Hey this is where we live
?: come on
?: summer I don't know
S: a free castle look at this place
We set off some bats they screamed we smirked
?: oh I'm looking
S: I'm outta here
?: same
?: what no
S: I regret what I said before
?: if we fix it up we can have a free place to live and live like queens
Get out bitch
?: where would we get the money
S: the contest gave us 5000 dollars to fix this place up
?: although it's clear they just wanted to dump it on us
?: please guys ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to live in a castle
?&S: fine
?: yes now let's get ideas to decorate
S: decorating? My specialty
?: babe your good with numbers you can control our budget summer your decorating since you love it
Hudson didn't like that she called her babe huh
S: (dreamily) yeah
?: I'll pack our stuff at home you guys fix us a room for the night
?: one room a day that should be easy
?: yeah
The brunnete left the girl went to this room
H: whyd she call her babe
He said jealous
F: I don't-wait you don't like her right
H: n-no
I turned to jace
F: Jace tell Hudson he can't like-jace?
We didn't see him we left and saw him looking at summer smiling
F: what is wrong with you guys
J&H: nothing
I rolled my eyes summer called her babe to weird
?: I hate my name
S: why
?: people think I'm dating people when I'm not do you know how awful it is to have the name "babe"
H&J&F: ohhh
B: what was that
We hid
S: where is tomika
Oh that's her name
B: probably still packing
They turned on some music it was good you may think were some pale blood suckers with fangs but we look like

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