Kidnapped for love

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Tomikas POV
My name is tomika everyone thinks me and my friends babe and summer are sluts but we're not
?: hey slut
Everyone looked at me
T: I'm not a slut can any guy here honestly say they've slept with me
They stayed silent
Boy: wait I thought you-
Boy: I thought you did
T: exactly me and my friends are not sluts and we don't even know how that rumor started but you've been bullying us ever since we got here
I left and went to class some people apologized
?: sorry
T: it's fine but do you know who started it
?: (shrugs) sorry no
I sighed later in the hall Freddy came up to me he's the biggest fuckboy in school he's been trying to get in my pants since I got here which was two months ago I rejected him but he never stopped trying
T: not a slut
F: I know who do you think started the rumor
T: (eyes widen)
F: (smirks)
T: that was you
F: all me baby same with Zack and Hudson for summer and babe
T: why
F: you girls turned us down
T: I've been bullied for two months and guys come up to me constantly asking for a crack at it cause I turned you down
F: yup now you know not to make me mad, so wanna go out later
T: what the fuck is wrong with you
F: so 7
I tried to leave he pinned me against the lockers trapping me between his arms he smashed his lips on mine I couldn't fight back I bit his lip hard he pulled away
F: (scoffs) bitch
T: and proud
F: I will get you young
T: shut it hairgel
I struggled to get out of his grip the bell rang I finally pushed him off and left I went to class babe and summer were there pissed I sat down Freddy sat next to me i rolled my eyes summer and babe were going through the same thing
?: ok the person next to you is your partner for this project
T&S&B: shit
They smirked
I gagged and went to his house he saw me and smirked
T: let's just get this shit over with
F: hold on
I was confused he came back and threw coffee at my shirt
T: what the fuck
F: don't worry I got spare clothes
I walked in he gave me

Tomikas POV My name is tomika everyone thinks me and my friends babe and summer are sluts but we're not?: hey slutT: ENOUGHEveryone looked at meT: I'm not a slut can any guy here honestly say they've slept with meThey stayed silentBoy: wait I thou...

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Oh come on
T: fuck you Freddy
F: what
T: seriously
F: come on
T: project freddy
He dragged me out I tried to fight back but damn his grip is strong he shoved me in the car I flipped him off as he closed the door he got in I yelled at him he stayed silent driving looking ahead
T: say something idiot
F: ....
He pulled up at a house and kissed me it was kinda nice I kissed back for a split second but quickly pulled away
T: take me home ya dick
He got out and took me in the house not saying a word
T: what the hell is this place
T: seriously Huerta
T: say something anything
T: I fucking hate you
He walked forward and sat down on the couch
T: what the-
He patted the seat next to him I sat down confused
T: what's your game
He cupped my cheek stroking my hair I watched his every move as he rubbed my thigh and rubbed my cheek he leaned in our lips centimeters apart it's like he's teasing me he leaned in more our lips barely touching I leaned in a little we kissed I felt sparks we made out softly but passionately we slowly layed down on the couch he deepened the kiss and started taking off my shorts I pulled away slowly
F: (quietly) are you not ready
T: (shakes head softly)
He kissed me
F: (quietly) ok
He sat up he pulled me into his lap we sat in comfortable silence I sunk in his chest and fell asleep when I woke up we were on the couch me snuggled in his chest I started to get up he held me back
F: baby just sleep
T: but-
He kissed my cheek his lips made their way to my neck he kissed it leaving light hickeys I layed down after a few minutes he fell back asleep I got up and started the project
Nobody's POV
little did Tomika know not leaving now was the worst thing she could've ever done and her whole life would turn around all cause she missed the chance to walk out than same with the other girls
Freddys POV
I woke up and saw tomika working on the project she looks so cute she didn't see me i got up and wrapped my arms around her from behind her I kissed her cheek and went down to her neck I saw some of the small hickeys I left before I slightly smirked and left more she moaned quietly I sucked more
T: f-freddy
F: yeah
I said as I stopped and pulled away she turned around and kissed me we stood up and kissed again I held her closer as she played with my hair
T: I'm gonna go
F: why
T: cause my life has been awful for the past two months and it's cause of you I'm-
I kissed her she pulled away and sighed
T: I'm sorry Freddy
F: baby...
She looked down I lifted her head with my fingers she looked at me I leaned in she backed up and grabbed my hand she took me to my room
T: just do it
F: what
T; take my virginity win the bet brag to your friends and drop the act just do it
F: I'm not-
T: just do it freddy
F: seriously I'm not-
She pulled me on the bed gently she took off her clothes and then mine she layed us down
F: I'm serious mika I-
T: Freddy one move and I'm not a virgin anymore just do it now I'm not offering this again
F: I-
T: make me sore for a week,limping for a day anything just do it freddy I'm not gonna do this again, so do it and we move on with our lives
I nodded my head and pushed in slowly she moaned I pulled out and we got our clothes on and she almost left I held her back
T: more?
I kissed her she kissed back
T: Freddy just-
I shushed her I took her to the couch I sat down and pulled her on my lap I don't know why I never wanted to leave this position I layed us down and wrapped my arms around her she fell asleep I did to I held her as we slept I woke up to her trying to get up I held her tighter and pulled her close not wanting her to leave
T: Freddy-
F: don't say anything
She nodded her head and stayed silent I rubbed her thigh and kissed her neck
T: seriously Freddy I-
F: shh princess don't say anything just enjoy it
T: but-
I covered her mouth I got up and picked her up I took us to my room and onto my bed I held her, my arm snaked around her and her head buried in my chest I rubbed her shoulder every time she tried to talk I shushed her
T: ok enough I want to go home
I said nothing
T: seriously Freddy talk
T: if your not gonna talk let me leave
T: alright I'm out
She tried to get up I held her back
T: ok say something or I'm going
F: (shakes head)
T: ok I'm going
She almost left I held on to her tighter she got out of my grip and got up I got up and closed the door in front of her
T: Freddy stop
I gripped her waist
I picked her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist
I gazed into her eyes and leaned in and kissed her she didn't kiss back she bit my lip hard I didn't pull away instead I bit her lip harder
T: oww
I kissed her again squeezing her waist tight and biting her lip really hard
F: your not going
I squeezed her ass she gasped
F: not leaving while I was asleep was the worst thing you could've done
I set her down on the bed
F: wait here and don't get up
T: (nods head)
F: I'll be back in a minute
I left the room and locked it I grabbed her phone and hid it I made sure there was no phones here and every window is bullet proof I went back she was on the bed looking down playing with her fingers I went in front of her and got down on my knees she looked at me her eyes a little puffy I wiped the tear rolling down her cheek she cried more
T: (cries) Freddy let me go home
F: no can do princess
She cried more I pulled her down gently and hugged her she cried in my chest both of us on the floor
Tomikas POV
Why won't he let me go I started punching his chest but he took every hit and hugged me more
F: calm down
T: I'm not gonna calm down Freddy
F: Mika
T: w-what
F: I don't want you to call me that
T: what d-do you want me to call you
F: fredbear
T: w-why
He kissed me
F: (softly) do it got it princess
T: (nods head)
He smiled and I looked down
F: baby...
T: why me
He didn't respond instead he got up he pulled me up gently and locked the door he put me on the bed and held me close, he fell asleep I was to scared when he woke up it was morning
T: (quietly) school
F: ditch
T: b-but I-
F: sorry princess
I started silently crying he kissed my cheek I fell asleep I started having a nightmare of him abusing me and raping me I shot up
F: baby you ok
I started crying he held me closer to him tears continued to fall
F: calm down
I didn't
F: please just calm down
I couldn't fight my tears he got us up and carried me to the living room he sat me down in the couch I cried into my hands he pulled up a chair and sat in front of me trying to calm me down it didn't work I kept remembering the dream
F: it was just a nightmare Mika
It was so real
F: what happened
T: Freddy-
He put his thumb on my bottom lip
T: fredbear
He took it off
T: it was about you
I explained I cried more as I finished he hugged me
T: fredbear I wanna go home I want my mom and my dad mad my baby brother
F: I'm sorry miki I can't do that
T: (cries harder) why not
He hugged me more I couldn't stop my tears no matter how much I wanted to
T: let me go home
F: I said I'm sorry
I fought back my tears but that lasted five seconds before I broke down crying
F: shhhhhh
T: I can't ok Fredbear I can't stop my tears
F: try
T: (cries) I can't I'm sorry
He lifted my head I could barely see him tears covered my eyes I blinked them away but more came
Freddys POV
Her eyes were filled with tears, they were rolling down her cheeks her eyes were red and puffy I did my best to wipe them away but it didn't do much I kissed her she kissed back scared I softened the kiss she calmed down a little it wasn't a lot but it was the best I was gonna get I pulled away
F: just please calm down
T: I'm sorry Freddy
I wiped more tears I took her to the kitchen I set her on the counter and made breakfast she watched as I did I fed her after I put her off the counter
F: Mika
T: I-
F: calm down
T: but-
I kissed her she nodded her head
Babes POV
He's kept me here for the night I'm scared for my life
H: babe calm down
B: l-let me go home y-you psycho
He rubbed my cheek he tried to kiss me I backed up against the headboard he went closer trapping me I started crying
H: just-
I didn't listen I was to busy having a panic attack he noticed and picked me up bridal style this scared me more what's he gonna do to me will he hurt me cause I won't shut up is he gonna abuse me rape me get his friends to molest me sell me make money off me instead he sat me down on the kitchen counter and wrapped my legs around his waist he cupped my cheeks
H: calm down
He wiped my tears
B: Hudson I don't want to be raped
H: and you won't
He kissed me it felt nice I kissed back I cupped his cheeks and we made out softly but passionately
Summers POV
Zack has kept me here for a day I should have left when i had the chance I'm so stupid he comes in I tensed up he came up and kissed me I burst out crying he hugged me and tried to calm me down I wouldn't I can't I won't I'm to scared he kissed me I know it sounds crazy but I felt sparks? I-It's crazy totally crazy but I almost immediately kissed back
Tomikas POV
I was on the bed playing with my fingers when I see something Freddys out, it's under the floorboard I grab it it's my phone I tried calling summer and babe no use so then I try my mom it rings then someone grabbed the phone I look up and see Freddy he hung up and bent down I got scared
F: what were you doing
T: u-uh-
F: DONT do it again got it princess
T: (nods head)
He put the phone away I sighed so much for my escape plan I got up I sat down he pulled me up
T: Freddy I-
F: you were trying to call someone
T: I-I-
He squeezed my waist really tight
T: come on Freddy I'm sorry
F: don't care
I started tearing up breathing heavily I felt like passing out
F: baby calm down
All I could do was shake my head
F: Mika Mika look at me
I didn't I was to busy trying to control my breaths he tried kissing me and sucking my neck it didn't work I was freakin out till I felt something it was nice it hurt but at the same it me I enjoyed it I calmed down it took me a second to realize it was freddy and he was inside me I didn't notice him taking off my shorts and underwear I was to busy freaking out he pulled out and I pulled up my shorts and underwear he did the same
F: are you ok
T: (nods head) thank you
F: you have to control your panic attacks
T: I'm sorry
F: stop saying sorry
I looked down and nodded my head he sighed and kissed my forehead I sat down on the bed he sighed again and left locking the door I layed down and began to silently cry not wanting to be heard
Freddys POV
I went in she was under the blankets taking a short nap I smiled but her eyes were red and puffy meaning she was crying I got her some water and woke her up she was probably asleep for about ten minutes
T: (tired) what's going on
F: baby drink some water
T: why
F: because your stressed and haven't had some today
I put the water near her mouth I wouldn't let her hold it I gave it to her she swallowed it to fast and started coughing choking on it I gave her more she shook her head coughing I forcefully made her drink it
F: keep it in your mouth for two seconds
She did looking like she was gonna choke again
F: swallow
She did she coughed a little
F: better?
T: (nods head)
She kissed me it didn't feel forced she pulled away
T: (quietly) thank you
F: Mika don't be scared and don't nod your head doing everything I say, I'm not gonna hurt you you can't hurt the one you love
She smiled and blushed I kissed her forehead and we walked around the house talking we left the house walking around the park we stayed out till dark at the end of the night i kissed her I love her so much
Tomikas POV
I know this is crazy but I think i might love him wait no he kidnapped me he kissed me I felt sparks ok it's official I love him ok ok I'll give him a chance....isn't this when you I cheer?

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