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Breannas POV

I'm really excited today's the day I meet my fathers fiancée, she has two daughters who I'm dying to meet

My mom died when I was eight so my memory of her is fuzzy but I love her more than anything and I'm so happy my dads moving on

I'm 14 right now and have always been a little bit extra

A carriage pulled up two girls walk out, on had a frilly dress but the other was wearing a common outfit like me

?: (disgusted) oh hi

The other one ignored her

?: please don't listen to her she's bad at meeting people I'm Brec

B: Breanna

We shook hands

Br: wanna show us around

B: sure

?: I'm going to the pool

B: we don't have a pool

?: (scoffs) poor people

?: that's enough Ally

I heard from inside the carriage out walked a beautiful middle age woman

A: but mom-

?: I don't want to hear it

"Ally" I presume huffed the woman walked up and hugged me

?: ooh I've heard so much about you I've been dying to meet you

B: I've heard so much about you

D: let's show you girls the house

Ally rolled her eyes


I was hugging my dad for dear life

D: (chuckles) honey I'm just leaving for a couple days

B: don't go

A: ugh take her with you

Over the years it seems like Ally hates me more their mom (Hannah) doesn't tho she can be cold at times but for the most part she's really nice as for brec I haven't had one problem with her

D: Ally not now

A: hmp

D: I love you

B: I love you to

He kissed my forehead and got in the carriage it drove off and we waved goodbye


We were all eating dinner

A: Breanna get me some food

B: that's what the maids do not me

A: we should give them a break

Breanna Yde and Ricardo Hurtardo one shots Where stories live. Discover now