Bully to boyfriend

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Tomikas POV
I walk into school I get pinned against the locker and beaten I limp to the girls bathroom that was freddy my bully I HATE him he abuses me every day just like my parents I just have my besties babe and summer I go out and see them glaring at him he flips them off and leaves I limp to them and they help me clean up I went to class
?: ok your partners are
Babe and Hudson
Her bully
Summer and zack
Her bully
Tomika and Freddy
My bully after every one else was partnered up we were at our lockers we hesitantly walked to them scared they saw us and slammed their lockers shut mad we flinched
T: j-just wanna talk about the project
They left pissed after pushing us to the ground I went home
Freddys POV
I went to her house to work on the fucking project god I hate her but I saw through the window her dad hitting her I mean I hurt her but he's really abusing her I didn't know she went through this at home great now I feel bad she came out after a few minutes not noticing me she had a lot of blood he kicked her to the ground and shut the door she started crying and pulled out her phone a car pulled up and she left with them I was FILMING I followed her turns out the other guys did to we heard they're plan oh that's so sad
Tomikas POV
I bought an apartment with the girls I was planning on secretly moving out but they found out and hurt me they burned all my clothes I went there they had bruises head to toe they go through the same thing
T: they found out?
S&B: (weak) yes
T: well me being the bitch I am got this
I held up all the parents wallet I may have broken into their houses and stole it and when leaving mine stole theirs they're eyes widen
B: omg this is perfect they burned all my clothes
S: same
T: yeah same but I have a plan
B: spill
I sat down we had no furniture yet
T: we steal food from school
S: perfect
T: get stuff from thrift stores
B: duh
T: and have one of us get a job to help pay rent
S&B: uhh
T: guys with all this money it's almost paid off (pretend) but we need clothes and food not just a roof
B: soon miki but now just heal
S: im going to school steal some stuff from the lost and found
T: thanks and be careful oh and can you get a towel I'm sitting in blood
I actually was she nodded her head and left we wrapped up our cuts
Summers POV
I got some stuff I snuck into a store and got some food enough for one small dinner for me I'm desperate I see zack my eyes widen I would run but I'm to weak he looked at me with sorry in his eyes I was confused and quickly left when I got there they looked weak and had some throw pillows and a blanket
T: landlord let us have stuff from the basement and as a house warming girt gave us that
She pointed to a bowl of fruit and a few water bottles I set down the used clothes and the small food they gave me a small smile I felt something in my pocket
S: whats this
I pulled it out it was fifty bucks and a note
I know what your parents do to you three so here's some money
I was confused they read it and smiled
T: well we're back to square one
B: correction we never left
We sighed sadly
T: let's eat I haven't eaten since yesterday couldn't afford food
B: yeah school food can be expensive
S: I never thought we'd be that poor
T: food
Our stomachs rumbled
S: this sound is so common
We got up and ate wonder who sent the money
Hudson's POV
That's so sad
S: this sound is so common
We all looked at each other they ate some food it wasn't a lot we left and came back with mc Donald's we knocked and ran away babe opened the door she saw the bag on the floor and the note we left
For dinner
She smiled so big she jumped up but quickly stopped
B: ankle(winced in pain) bad idea
She rolled it up to reveal a bruise and a cut but she was still happy
Summers POV
We had no energy we ditched school our parents said to never bother them and that they'll just leave us alone as long as they never see us tomika and babe got enough energy and went to the basement
Tomikas POV
We went there for more stuff we saw a table and some more pillows we weren't strong enough to pick them up
B: screw it
?: need help
T: please
He helped us we thanked him his name is Liam
S: a table
T: hell yeah
We wiped it down it was decent we put the bowl of fruit in the middle
T: it looks nice
S: I'm going to the fabric store they always let me have the scraps
She left and came back with some stuff
T: yay
B: I'm gonna use this jacket
She picked up a lost and found jacket and found something in the pocket
B: a phone?
T: woah
We've never seen one
T: umm
It turned on we screamed but kept it to a minimum we hit a button it didn't look like it belonged to anyone after asking someone they showed us how to use it we had no phone numbers so we just have it in case
We came in school in old clothes ready for a beating but nothing happened hell they didn't even look our way we smiled at the end of the day and split up babe was in charge of stealing the food summer would get some stuff to decorate the apartment and I have to find a way to make money I opened my locker out fell five bucks and a note
From the same guy as before me and two other guys have seen the abuse the other guy gave money to your friend summer so here's this use it wisely
I smiled and someone came up to me
K: hey mika
T: hey kale
K: wanna come with me for a job interview
T: job as in money money for food
K: huh
T: I mean so I can buy that...new top?
K: cool but yeah you make money
I smiled
T: I'll come
We left I GOT IT
Freddys POV
We watched her open it she smiled I smiled to she's so cute and no I don't like her
K: hey mika
T: hey kale
K: wanna come with me for a job interview
T: job as in money money for food
Glad she's putting it to good use
K: huh
T: I mean so I can buy that...new top?
Shes clearly never got anything for herself
K: cool but yeah you make money
She smiled that's officially my favorite thing ever
T: I'll come
They left we did to we saw summer leave with a guy zack looked jealous but when we were passing by his house she came out with some a chair it was pretty bad but she hugged him he was confused and she left we heard her say on the way home
S: it's sad that this one of the best things I've ever owned
She continued walking
F: wow that's sad
H: I know that chair it works but there's stains and it's just straight up ugly
Z: yeah
We walked away we give them the money
Summers POV
When I got home I cleaned up the chair and used some paint that I found in the basement it was still in good condition it looked brand new I smiled babe came in with a bag of food some stuff looked half eaten and some was bags half empty but it was edible tomika came in a few minutes later
T: I work at Burger King now
T: I'll be doing a lot of hours to pay
S: tomika you've done a lot, the wallets? now we don't have to pay rent do the normal amount
T: guys seriously christmas is around the corner and for us it's always shitty
B: ok ok
She smiled and sat down on a pillow and slept we nodded
Me and babe got jobs to surprise her Christmas is next month we've rallied enough money to get this necklace she's always wanted it but her parents said no we hid it in a lose floor board and went to our jobs we work a lot me and babe work at the same place our manager came up to us
Manager: why do you girls work so much
B: need food
M: huh usually it's for new clothes
S: new?
B: sorry we grew up poor never really got the "new" thing
S: a rusted chair is the best thing we own we definitely are poor
M: well you got a bonus
M: yup five more dollars an hour
B: yes mika's gonna be so proud
S: how about instead we just rub it in her face
B: I like the way you think
He chuckled and left
Freddys POV
At night we went to their apartment they were on the floor they looked scared and cold I pick tomika up bridal style and set up some pillows i layed her on them and covered her with a comfy blanket she snuggled up with it I see a rusted bear in the corner it had no eye and a few stains but it looked adorable on the tag said property of Frankie & tomika I gave it to her she smiled in her sleep and cuddled up with it the guys did the same but with no bear we left leaving them with the new pillows and blankets wonder who frankie is
Tomikas POV
I woke up my bear was in my hand and I was wrapped up all nice the light shined in, the scenery is like you enter through the front door it's blank since we have nothing but a counter on the left on the right is the hall that leads to the rooms and when you enter the wall in front is just a big window that can lead to the fire escape like the wall is a window door so light is always coming through I smile knowing it's the mystery boys who left us the stuff I got up and opened the door that was the wall not like it did anything since it's a glass door but I felt fresh air it woke the girls up they saw the blankets they were wrapped in and smiled
B: this is the good stuff
S: I love them
T: I'll be back
I left Liam said he had some patio chairs for us we got them and I took them back he helped set them up
L: hey you've been here for about a few days where are your stuff
T: were dead broke
He chuckled the patio looked good we got a nice apartment (pretend it's cheap) he smiled and left I sat down and went to the basement I saw a patio table and it was in new condition I put it on the patio it the girls saw
B: damn that's nice
S: to school
We left we saw the guys we walk past them with our heads down they look sad wonder why
?: hey you girls need stuff right
S: yeah
?: I have some of my sisters old clothes
We smiled he gave us a bag of clothes we asked the teacher she let us ditch and gave us the homework we went home and put them in empty cardboard boxes
We got some stuff from a charity event look we didn't steal, after everything was done we got some left overs and stocked up on the free food at the buffet
T: guys
B: what
T: look
She held up a little reindeer statue
S: cool
T: found it by the dumpster washed it off and voila
B: it's so cute
T: let's go home
We did when we got there there was a Christmas tree decorated we gasped three presents under there was a note
S: look
We read it
Dear girls we decided to do this hope you like it have a nice Christmas beautifuls
We sighed dreamily
T: these guys are so amazing
S: I've never met someone so nice
We got a call from the police it's about our parents someone sent a video of them abusing us and their in jail
B: they're gone YES
We get a call from an unknown number
?: hello
S: your voice is distorted
?: I'm the guy well me and my friends are we're your age
B: who are you
?: can't tell you it ruins the fun anyway take a wild guess on who sent the video
?: yup baby it's me have a merry Christmas
He hung up we smiled
T: they're so nice what did we do no one ever does anything for us
B: I don't know
S: what if they want our virginity
T: let them have it
B: we've never had someone do anything for us
S: presents?
T: opening a present never got that
We opened it in each one was a sweater, pepper spray a cute outfit and three bags of our favorite chips
T: Doritos
B: Fritos
S: also Fritos
We laughed and hugged we pulled out the necklace she gasped
B: we got a job
S: and got promoted
She teared up
T: thank you guys
She hugged us
We went to the parents houses before they sell it they said we could get what we want we grabbed EVERYTHING and sold it all we made a decent 10,000 bucks there was a lot like couches and tables jewelry clothes that were to big for us we got a lot but kept the stuff we need we FINALLY decorated the apartment and got food from their house my room was
Mine ⬇️

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