I'll never love you

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Tomikas POV

Oh hey my names Tomika I'm a wolf an omega to be exact and a year ago I found my mate yes i know how exciting well it wasn't


I walked into school I was extremely sad,why? Cause- (ring) oh the bell rang oh shit a crowd of people started racing down the hall I was slammed against the lockers someone grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the crowd I smelled pine and vanilla two of my favorite scents I look up and see Freddy Huerta aka the next alpha of our pack

T: thanks

I said softly

F: no problem

I still smelled the scent

T: do you smell that cause it smells like really good

F: yeah

My wolf her names ivory by the way was crazy right now she screamed MATE MATE my eyes widened I looked up at him

F: what?

T: mate

F: what

T: I'm only supposed to smell these scents when I find my mate

I said getting excited completely forgetting why I was so depressed before Yes we found out mate ivory chimed

F: my mate can't be an omega I'm future alpha of the pack

T: look I didn't expect this-

F: you will never be my mate you can't be the Luna of this pack, I can't have an omega as my Mate

He started walking away h-he rejected us I have to do something

T: and I can't have a jackass as my mate

He turned around why does an asshole have to be so cute IVORY! sorry

F: what?

T: you don't even know me your clearly an asshole and I thank god we'll never be together

F: your weak I don't care about you or your stupid opinions

T: now you know how I feel

F: don't forget who your talking to

T: a dick I know

I walked past him bumping his shoulders


I didn't mean any of that I was heartbroken he rejected me we were made for each other and he rejected me before he even knew me I completely changed after that day I never was the same

I still focused on my grades and wore baggy clothes you guessed it I'm a nerd but I learned how to fight he was right I was weak that was the first time I ever spoke up before like ever (takes breath and breathes out) but I'm new now I'm in college now I was in my new dorm

I still focused on my grades and wore baggy clothes you guessed it I'm a nerd but I learned how to fight he was right I was weak that was the first time I ever spoke up before like ever (takes breath and breathes out) but I'm new now I'm in colleg...

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