Lock in

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Tyler's POV
It was a lock in at headquarters my dad was now the new garvin
R: hey Tyler
T: hey roger
E: guys I'm so excited
G: I'm here
She was wearing

Everyone was in their pajamas T: nice pjs Gina Dylan hit me she does this every time I compliment a girl even though we're not dating it's getting annoying I know we kissed but ugh I can't take it anymore T: I'm gonna walk around I left I was in a...

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Everyone was in their pajamas
T: nice pjs Gina
Dylan hit me she does this every time I compliment a girl even though we're not dating it's getting annoying I know we kissed but ugh I can't take it anymore
T: I'm gonna walk around
I left I was in a random room when I heard
G: hey
T: oh hi
G: you seem sad
G: Tyler
She came in the door shut she tried to open it but it was locked
G: oh god
T: I'll call someone
G: me to-and no service
T: are you kidding me
G: oh my god
She let her hair down she flipped it back and forth she looked hot wait what am I saying
G: this sucks
It was in beach waves she sat down
T: uh yeah
G: you good
T: I don't know Dylan's getting to clingy
The thing is I need a girl who likes the same things I like,is laid back,laughs at my jokes,is talented,and I can be myself around
G: well your not official so it won't hurt her to bad if you tell her this
T: your right and if all else fails I'll move to Mexico
She shook her head chuckling
T: you know I can always be myself around you it's nice
Laughs at my jokes and I can be myself around check
T: huh two out of five and you look like that
G: huh?
T: uh uh nothing
Well she's too uptight
G: you know usually when I'm bored I prank call people
T: no you don't
G: I do when I'm not saving lives I'm risking my own I actually have a life outside of Malibu rescue and Its completely different than what you think
T: wow
Three out of five
T: let's play a game to see what we have in common
G: kk
We have everything in common she's like the girl version of me
T: um do you have any talents
G: ummm I guess in school I'm the top of my class in every subject and each one is the gifted class and at the age of five I could play over 10 instruments
T: wow
G: I also used to sing for charity I have a video
She took out her phone
G: I have just enough service to show you
She showed me

End it at like 1:14

She was really good
G: I'm so bored
She started putting on light makeup
T: umm-
G: my mom said If I get bored to do this I'm desperate ok
T: you look good
G: thanks
We smiled
G: when do you think someone is gonna come
Hopefully not soon
Ok it's official I like more like love Gina she's literally the perfect girl for me I've spent the last two minutes wondering what she looks like without those pijamas
D: guys?
G: oh thank god
L: what happened
G: we got Locked in here
L: come on let's go
We left
E: your makeup
G: I was bored ok
L: you look good
T: that's what I told her
Dylan hit the back of my head
D: stay away from him gina
I couldn't take it anymore
T: ok what gives
D: what
T: you hit me every time I compliment someone newsflash we're not dating and if I wanna say someone's looks good today I can and they're ain't a damn thing you can do about it
G: Tyler it's ok
T: no it's not I'm sick of this
I left pissed
Dylan's POV
I glared at gina
G: what
D: this is your fault
G: what are you talking about
E: Dylan if anything it's your fault
L: yeah you were to clingy
G: he said that when we were talking
D: oh so now your talking to him
G: it's a free country woman
D: he didn't say that, he loves me your just jealous of us so you blackmailed him to
G: that's the dumbest thing I ever heard
D: never heard someone describe you
She tackled me and started beating me up it took spencer,Brody,Tyler and Eric to pry her off me
G: that's what you get
L: yes gina
They high-fived
D: owww
G: next time don't be a smartass
D: you can't tell me what to do
She struggled to get out of their grip
B: as much as I love fights I don't want anyone to die
D: Tyler aren't you on my side
He looked at me with disgust
G: I'm going
Lizzie slapped me They flipped their hair and left everyone cheered I'm gonna confront her I followed them to the meeting room a lot of people were there
D: Gina
She turned around annoyed
G: what
D: stay away from Tyler
G: why should I
D: he's MY boyfriend
T: no I'm not
G: look I'm not doing anything wrong
I dipped my hands in the punch and fliked some punch at her everyone oohed
G: you don't know what you just did
D: what are you gonna- AHHH
She poured the whole bowl over me everyone laughed I tried to punch her but she grabbed my fist and flipped me to the ground
G: bitch you don't stand a chance
I got up and lunged myself at her she backed away and I landed face first in some cake everyone once again laughed I looked at her glaring
?: you should look in a mirror dylan
G: your forgetting she can't the glass will break although maybe now that all that stuff is on your face it won't
Everyone laughed again she smirked I tried to hit her but she slapped me knocking me to the ground
G: Dylan stop it's getting sad
?: no don't this is our entertainment
D: well time for the main event whoever wins get Tyler
T: I didn't agree to this
G: I don't want Tyler you can have him I honestly don't care
G: why are you so mad, did you look at yourself
D: why you-
G: bite me bitch
She smirked I left pissed everyone cheered again that didn't work I thought it would since she had makeup,her hair was down and her pijamas weren't the best but she didn't have a scratch on her
Tyler's POV
G: finally I can breathe again
We all laughed and everyone continued talking with each other
T: that was something
G: I'm defending you now you won't end up in a cauldron
I chuckled as she leaned on the table
T: you got a strong slap
G: why thank you
G: anyway who do you like if it's not dylan
T: umm-
G: tell me
T: only if you tell me your crush is 
Her eyes widen and I smirk
G: umm
T: I'll tell you once you tell me
G: it's embarrassing
T: come on
G: fine
She grabbed my collar and kissed me roughly I kissed back
G: now tell me
T: you
G: wait really
T: it's like i saw a whole new side of you
She smiled, we leaned in again and kissed
D: (screams)
We stopped and looked at dylan her face was red she was so mad
G: oh hey dylan
She kissed me again acting as if she didn't do anything wrong
We pulled away
G: yes?
D: get.away.from.him
G: why should I
T: damn woman
D: I CANT BELIEVE YOU TWO you said there was nothing
G: and now there is
D: he should be with ME
T: Dylan I was thinking of breaking up with you long before this your to clingy actually we were never together you can't be mad
She stormed away gina shrugged
G: don't know why she's so mad
T: uh huh
G: I'm doing nothing wrong
T: yeah sure stealing your friends crush
G: shut up and kiss me
We kissed again and walked away
T: can you sing me something
G: no
T: please
G: Tyler no means n-
T: 🥺
G: (groans) fine

Everyone cheered she giggled and we all went back to talking
T: your good at singing
G: I guess
T: come on
She rolled her eyes
T: let's go
We went for a walk on the beach it was fun watching the sky while walking along the shore she was holding my a as we walked and leaned her head on my shoulder I really like her
Ginas POV
I really like him

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