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Tomikas POV
I'm in my new college i was walking around I went to the office
T: hi I'm tomika young
Secretary: yes tomika young here's your schedule and dorm number
T: thanks
I smiled and left I enter my dorm, to save money I got a roommate I figured a girl I saw an empty room and set it up like

Tomikas POV I'm in my new college i was walking around I went to the officeT: hi I'm tomika youngSecretary: yes tomika young here's your schedule and dorm number T: thanksI smiled and left I enter my dorm, to save money I got a roommate I figured ...

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I changed into

I had converse DUH I was eating some leftovers I know they're not mine but meh when a guy came in T&?: who are youT: I'm tomika?: freddyT&?: why are you hereT: this is my new dormF: I thought I was getting a boyT: I thought a girlF&T: dammitF: are...

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I had converse DUH I was eating some leftovers I know they're not mine but meh when a guy came in
T&?: who are you
T: I'm tomika
?: freddy
T&?: why are you here
T: this is my new dorm
F: I thought I was getting a boy
T: I thought a girl
F&T: dammit
F: are you eating my food
T: it's ours now roomie
He rolled his eyes
F: your lucky your hot
T: shut up
F: wait is that my-
T: pasta
F: I was saving that
T: isn't that what you've been doing with all your leftovers
F: gimme
We fought over it I quickly ate the rest
T: (face full) ha
F: I hate you
I swallowed
T: were gonna be best buds
F: how about instead I'm the guy who fucks you
T: hell no
F: worth a shot
T: 🙄
F: I'll show you around
T: k
We left boys stared at me with lust but I acted as if I didn't know
T: I hate everyone in this school
?: mika?
T: sunshine?
We hugged
T: summer it's been so long I missed you so much
F: yeah you hate everyone
T: shut up she's my friend
S: what are you doing with him
T: he's my roommate
S: he's the biggest fuckboy in the school
I turned to him he looked nervous
T: is this why you were staring at my chest
F: maybe
T: you stupid motherfucker
I kicked his sack
S: oh shit
F: ow
T: that better hurt
S: I missed you
T: aww I missed you two
F: you girls are psychotic
S&T: bitch shut the fuck up
T&S: hey we said that at the same time still in sync
S: ok I got to go bye
T: bye
She left
T: god I missed her
F: I'm in pain
T: this is why you should respect women
F: but-
T: come on
We walked to our dorm he didn't talk to me the whole walk there, we got in he glared at me
T: ok fine I'm sorry
F: not enough
T: what do you want
He smirked
F: a picture of you
T: easy
F: naked
T: no way in hell
F: well I'm not forgiving you
T: come on
He turned his head away from me he didn't talk to me the rest of the day
T: seriously Freddy come on talk to me
T: are you kidding me
F: ....
T: I'm going to bed
I went to my room I sighed i closed the curtain and locked the door
T: I can't believe I'm doing this
I stripped myself and took a picture in the mirror and then a selfie using my Polaroid I quickly put my clothes on and took the picture
T: wow I can't believe this
I left the room with the pictures
F: (ignoring me)
T: hey
F: (scoffs)
T: show one person and your a dead man
I handed him the pictures one of my chest one and one a full body he smirked
F: nice body it would look great under me
T: you wish pretty boy
He went to his room and I went to mine I went to sleep
I woke up and made breakfast
F: hey babe
T: don't call me that
F: alright sexy mama
T: stick to babe anyway please tell me you didn't show anyone the picture
F: I didn't cause then I wouldn't be able to use it as blackmail
I grabbed a pan
F: ok ok I won't show anyone
T: or?
I grabbed a knife
F: or use it as blackmail
T: good oh and know I once spent my birthday in a jail sell and I sleep with a gun under my bed DONT test me
F: damn girl
I smirked and ate the waffles I made I left for class
I was sitting with summer when freddy came up to us
F: hey babe
S: babe?
T: either that or sexy mama
F: you don't like them?
T: were not dating Freddy
F: yet I've seen you naked
T: shut up freddy you know damn well why you saw me naked and tell one more person i will-
F: ok ok
S: you didn't-
T: no we did not do it
F: anyway see ya
He left
I walked in freddy and this girl were having a heated makeout session on the couch
T: get a fucking room
?: bitch leave
T: my house
?: and?
T: Freddy who the hell is this girl
F: jada
J: his girlfriend
T: ok now leave
J: your jealous
T: I just don't want you to fuck on my couch
She rolled her eyes and left he glared at me
F: I was gonna get some
T: to bad
F: well if I can't sleep with her guess I'll settle for you
T: how many times do I have to say no
F: there is no limit
I rolled my eyes and went to my room she came back and at midnight all I heard was moaning I.couldn't.sleep
T: that's it
I got up I stormed into the room
J: are you trying to watch us
F: wait let her stay
I gave him the disgusted face
T: just keep it down god your disgusting
J: I actually agree with you
F: hey
She hit him I cheered and left they didn't keep it down I wrote a note
I'm going to summers dorm
I left I texted her she let me stay at her place she shares the room with someone named Lawrence we all got along so well
T: your so much better than Freddy
L: well I'm not a complete dick-I mean.... yeah dick
We laughed
L: but I'm taken
T: you didn't have to worry
We laughed we spent the rest of the night talking he was SO much fun
T: hey wanna switch
S: hell no
T: but he's so much better
I said as I hugged his side
S: exactly
T: please
S: no
T: dammit I'm stuck with a jackass
S: ha
L: it's morning we have to go
T: to hell-I mean school
We laughed and walked out
Freddys POV
Jadas just the girl I fuck when I'm bored I got a note that tomika went to summers dorm I left I saw her at her locker laughing with Lawrence he's the school nerd
T: Larry you HAVE to let me move in
L: no can do
T: come on I can't have a fuckboy as a room mate I get no sleep and he's awful
L: yeah turn around
She turned around and saw me
T: shit
L: have fun
She flipped him off and he left
T: heyyyy
F: (coldly) hi
T: look you can't blame I-
?: babygirl?
She pushed me against the lockers and ran to him he picked her up as they hugged and she hid her face in his neck I don't know why but I felt jealous
T: oh my god it's been to long
L: it has
He set her down and they walked away WHAT THE FUCK
She walked in
T: hey
F: who's Louie
T: an old friend
F: uh huh
T; you good
F: I'm great
T: where's the slut of the evening
F: home I only call her up when I'm bored
T: ugh your so annoying
F: yeah so either strip for me or have no sleep
T: I'll text summer and stay at her place
F: yeah I asked Lawrence his girlfriend is over she's staying at her friends dorm
She texted her
T: dammit your right
F: so?
T; no
F: ok imma call jada
F: well
She sat down pissed she took off her shirt I whistled
T: that's all
F: oh come on
T: nope
I grabbed my phone she sighed she slipped off her shorts leaving her in just her bra and underwear
F: now were talking
T: you really think I'm gonna-
I slipped off her panties and unhooked her bra
T: Freddy
I took it off her and got on top of her she crossed her arms but I pinned them down
F: baby you look good
T: (reaches for clothes)
F: (holds them back)
I smirked my eyes made their way to her body she struggled but I had her pinned down
T: Freddy come on
F: you got in a whole lot of trouble baby shoulda stuck with no sleep you would've still had your innocence
I took her to my room she was annoyed
T: nope
F: yup
I handcuffed her hands behind her back
T: you have handcuffs?
F: uh huh
I said staring at her chest I locked the door and as always there are no windows in case someone sees me and a girl
T: Freddy
F: imma keep you like this
T: Freddy I am extremely uncomfortable
F: and I'm not
T: I just want to be in my room staring at the ceiling
F: and I wanna be here staring at your body
T: can you look me in the eyes when your talking and not my chest
I got up and fingered her while squeezing her ass she gasped when i pushed in my fingers
T: seriously Freddy
I went down and sucked her-
T: (gasps)
I kept sucking after a few minutes she cum in my mouth I licked my lips
F: baby you taste good
She was in utter shock
F: wanna taste me
She shook her head
F: you sure
T: Freddy let me go
F: hmm I could or...
I smirked she struggled more I left the room and came back with her clothes I held them up mocking her she glared
T: are you fucking kidding me
F: just trying to make the most of my time
I un-handcuffed her she was pissed she got her clothes on and went to her room oh well
I woke up she was eating breakfast
F: where's my food
T: make it yourself
F: you still mad
She gave the "really" face and nodded her head
F: come on
F: you liked it
T: what makes you possibly think I liked it
F: you love me don't you
T: fuck no
She finished eating
T: clean up
She left I rolled my eyes and washed the dishes I don't care what she says it was worth it
She was sitting with Louie,summer,Lawrence and that girl esme I think louie flipped me off I'm guessing she told him but I shrugged
She gave me the what the fuck face
Z: what happened
My friend zack who is also a fuckboy asked I told him he high-fived me
Z; nice bro
F: I once even convinced her to give me a picture of her naked
Z: you didn't
F: I did look
I showed him he tried to take it but I snatched it
F: she said she'd kill me if I showed anyone
I hid it when I went to my dorm I took it out and put it in my drawer she and summer came in wearing

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