Bad boy

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Tomikas POV
I was walking down the hall of my new school I guess I'm pretty since everyone is looking at me there's a uniform but I don't care I'm wearing

No bag look I'm a good girl I have good grades I stay out of the wrong crowd and I'm all together nice, a guy came up to me?: hi I'm Lawrence have you seen tomika young T: that's meL: uniform T: mehHe showed me aroundL: wanna be friendsT: sureWe s...

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No bag look I'm a good girl I have good grades I stay out of the wrong crowd and I'm all together nice, a guy came up to me
?: hi I'm Lawrence have you seen tomika young
T: that's me
L: uniform
T: meh
He showed me around
L: wanna be friends
T: sure
We smiled and he walked me to class oh and he mentioned his girlfriend esme when I got in there was this girl in the front she looked shy like me I sat down someone tried to talk to me I got extremely nervous he saw my panic and stopped I sighed in relief
?: you good
I tensed up
T: nervous
?: summer
T: t-tomika
S: you don't seem like someone who's nervous
T: d-don't let the face fool you
We smiled not long after the bell rang and we walked to lunch we were getting our food about to pay when a guy said
?: I got it
I looked good hair and ok looking I guess
T: umm-
?: freddy Huerta I'll pay
He payed he was about to talk to me but I left summer laughed he glared at her and she shut up she walked to me with her head down
T: you good
S: that's freddy the school bad boy and a complete player
T: I don't like him
S: he'll leave you alone he's never with one girl for more than an hour
T: wow
We talked he stared at me with lust
He continued to watch me then I in class I heard the worst thing
?: ok well the partners are
Cree and benji
Babe and Hudson
Jake and rose
Lele and Juanpa
Charlotte and Henry
Isabella and owen
Lawrence and esme
Summer and zack
And finally
Freddy and Tomika
T: kill me now
I pretended to stab myself everyone laughed freddy came in in rebellious clothes like yesterday and sat down with his feet up
F: what
T: I got a dipshit as a partner other wise known as you
He glared at me and I smiled sweetly
turns out it's a baby project I told him to meet me in the library he never showed ugh I went up to him he was taking with some other bad guys
T: hey Huerta
F: what do you want young
I slapped him they oohed he tried to slap me but I grabbed his hand and flipped him to the ground the guys cheered
T: meet me in the library for the damn project
I kicked him in the stomach he groaned in pain
T: or it won't be pretty
I kicked his side he started coughing up blood I left the guys stared at me in awe
We were in the library working well I was he was on his phone
T: can you help
F: nope
T: what can I do to get you to help
F: sleep with me
T: hell no
F: ok
He continued looking at his phone
T: this project is worth half our grade
F: and?
T: ugh
T: yeah you screaming shh is louder than our conversation so run along it sure you have some dusty old books to take care of hey that's something you two have in common dusty and old
She growled and left Freddy chuckled
T: what
F: your a badass
T: am not
F: imma need to set you straight
He stroked my hair
T: Freddy get away from me
F: ok
He tried to get up
T: project
F: you do it
T: we both have to
F: well I'm not
T: come on
He dragged me out and took me to his car I was annoyed and we stopped
F: you a virgin
T: yeah
F: I'd be honored to be your first
T: shut up
F: where you want your first time backseat or in the abandoned wharehouse
T: as long as it's not with you I'm fine with wherever
F: your gonna regret that
T: right now all I'm regretting is looking at that shitstain you call a face
F: really
He sounded intrigued
T: Freddy you want sex why don't you go fuck yourself
He took me out and took me to this abandoned house I wasn't worried till he tied my hands
T: shit
I tried ripping them apart
F: your getting punished
He.raped.ME at the end I was sobbing uncontrollably and blood was dripping down my legs he kept going I was miserable beating me and making sure it was hell I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out I was naked and blood covered the bed I was throwing up over the toilet he slit my wrist with a razor leaving cuts I cried more and threw up half blood half puke he really hurt me he came up behind me fully dressed acting as if nothing happened I groaned and he looked at me blankly
F: shut up
T: but-
He pulled my hair back so my head was looking at him
T: yes daddy
F: good
He pushed my head forward and threw me my clothes at me I cried more and he kicked my legs
T: stop Freddy please
F: not till you shut up
I put my clothes on and he slapped me
F: karmas a bitch
T: I-I'm sorry daddy I was rude before
F: and I was punishing you
I wanted to cry so bad but I'd just be hurt
T: sorry daddy
He picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom he threw me on the floor and made me clean up the bed
T: I can't freddy
F: and why not
T: cause I can't fucking walk
F: I told you not to mess with me
T: I just wanted the project done
F: And in the process I stole your innocence
I cried more
F: hey what did I-
I had never seen someone so mad he picked me up by my shirt ready to rip it off
He kneed me in the stomach there was already a bruise there I winced in pain and he grabbed my arm and twisted it
F: you wont live to see another day
T: as long as I don't see you I'm happy
He growled and hit me I whimpered
F: your gonna regret this
He grabbed a crowbar SHIT
T: wait no I'm sorry
F: your gonna be
I tried begging him he wouldn't budge
He's been beating me non stop he put ducktape over my mouth so I couldn't scream I felt on the verge of death he was about to cut my stomach
T: (against tape) please freddy
F: this is the end for you
I cried more and more it hurt at this point to cry he started cutting my stomach making the engraving "bitch" I felt the blood and the pain he went deeper and slower I didn't think it was possible for a humans hand to move this slow and he cut deeper and deeper every second he was about to push in ready to stab me knowing it's the end I felt like screaming but I didn't have enough energy to do that
T: (against tape) please
He looked in my eyes I was begging him not to with them he kissed me against the tape he slowly took it off and I smashed my lips on his we kissed but after a few seconds I felt a sharp pain through my stomach I pulled away in pain
F: I'm sorry Mika
T: Freddy
I said disappointed and everything went black
Freddys POV
As she was kissing me I grabbed the knife and stabbed her she pulled away hurt
F: I'm sorry Mika
T: Freddy
She said with disappointment she fell to the ground she sat there not moving I looked at her blankly there wasn't to much blood I cleaned up and Took her to my apartment my parents let me live here I lifted her torn shirt to reveal the small hole I made I patched it up after an hour she woke up I immediately kissed her she was shocked but didn't kiss back DAMMIT a tear rolled down her cheek she hates me I pulled away slowly
F: whats wrong
She started kissing my neck softly I moaned quietly she kissed my cheek and left not saying a word god I fucked up
She wasn't in school I felt bad after school I went to her house it was empty there was a note on the table
Dear mika we're gonna be on a business trip for a few weeks sorry we aren't there to hear about your first day of school kisses love mom and dad
I put it down I went to her room she was on her bed staring ahead she saw me and tensed up dammit she hates me
F: hey
F: say something
She shook her head I got mad and pinned her down
She looked at me with fear god I have to control my temper I sighed
F: I'm-
T: g-get away from m-me
She got out of my grip and backed up against the headboard
F: Tomika-
T: d-don't hurt me
I went near her face her breath hitched I started stroking her hair she looked like she wanted to cry and she looked scared for her life I fucked up bad I went near her face out lips centimeters apart she was staring in my eyes
Tomikas POV
He was stroking my hair gazing into my eyes I felt like crying but I didn't want to be hurt he went near my face god I wanted to kiss him he touched my thigh I couldn't help it I started crying he backed up still close and touching my thigh
T: (between cries) please freddy stop
F: Tomika...
I cried more I grabbed a pillow and cried into that I didn't want to be raped again and I couldn't take anymore abuse he leaned in and kissed me softly I felt like crying my eyes out I slowly kissed back im scared man what happens if I don't he felt the force in the kiss and softened it I calmed down he cupped my cheek with one hand and deepened it I never wanted the moment to end
T: Freddy please
F: I-
T: I don't want this I can't take the rape and the abuse is awful
He wiped a tear with his thumb I didn't want to look at him
F: look at me
Tears continued to fall I'm scared
F: please mika
My lip quivered
F: (quietly) please
I turned my head to him he sighed
F: I'm sorry
T: Freddy leave
F: I-
T: please I don't want you here
F: why
T: you stabbed me
F: I'm sorry
T: Freddy leave
He kissed my forehead
F: Mika please forgive me
T: what do you want from me
F: to love me
T: well I don't and I don't want to be hurt or yelled at everytime I fuck up cause that's what our relationship is gonna be like if I say I love you and you can't fucking force me freddy I'm sorry
F: but-
T: I don't want to be hurt but please leave Freddy
F: no
In leaned in and kissed him i loved him
F: do you love me
I looked down
T: yes
F: so why can't we be together
T: cause of your temper if I agree to date you I'll constantly be abused every time I talk or screw up
F: no you won't
T: yes i will
F: trust me
T: Give me one reason why
F: cause I love you
T: I love you to but it's not enough
He kissed me
F: give me a chance
T: I-
F: please mika
He kissed my cheek his lips made their way to my neck kissing it softly leaving light hickeys I silently moaned he groaned deeply and whispered in my ear softly:
F: (whispers) Baby I love you to the moon and back always and forever wether you like it or not please give me a chance
My heart melted at the words I felt my face getting hot and before I could stop myself I said-
T: ok
He kissed me I stopped after a second
T: I have three rules
F: name em
T: one i can argue if I want cause it's not all about sex
F: ok
T: you can't fucking abuse me
F: I can't it impossible to hurt the one you love
I blushed
T: and three you have to control your temper
F: I'll try
T: Freddy
F: I can't promise but I'll try
T: good enough
I kissed him maybe he isn't so bad

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