Behind the scenes love

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IMAGINE they're all the same age and in the scenes it's nobody's POV
Breannas POV
I'm fourteen and play tomika on school of rock i have a huge crush on Ricardo but he'll never like me back
Lances POV
I'm fifteen and play zack on school of rock, I like jade but I think she likes Rico I can't let them date
Ricardos POV
I'm fifteen and play freddy on school of rock I like breanna but she'd never like me back
Jades POV
I'm fourteen I play summer on school of rock I like Rico but breanna does to we agreed that If he ever asks the other one out we have to be happy for each other also I think I like lance more
L: hey girls
J&B: hey lance
L: were having a guest star
B: who
?: um hi I'm Elijah I'm the new guest star I'll be in the next episode
B: cool
R: hello
B: hey Ricky
R: hey Brea Brea
They're close like that me and lance have gotten closer but Elijah looks sad
R: hey you good
E: fine just nervous
B: guys my mom put me on this dating app aparently I can't spend my Saturdays inside eating ice cream anymore
R: oh that's bad
He was a little mad I smirked breanna didn't catch on though
J: let's go
Aparently Elijah is the guy who replaces Ricardo and then we all feel bad afterwards and take him back and Elijah turns out to be the bad guy
E: I'm evil and I love it
We laugh
J: omg there's a treddy scene
L: aww it's cute
B: guys stop we're just friends
R: plus she's to short
B: I'm sorry what
R: I-I mean-
She tackled him to the ground
B: wanna be a smartass now
R: no ma'm
B: good
She punched him in the face and got off him
R: owww
E: nice punch his nose is bleeding
B: why thank you
A: guys they need us on set
B: k
T: (gasps) mr early
F: is there something wrong do we need to call the doctor
M: no but I do have this thing on my back  (shows them)
S: eww it's shaped like a fish
M: anyway we're getting a new student today so im early
A: hello is this mr.finns class
M: yes you must be Alex
A: that's me (played by Elijah)
T: well welcome to our class
Z: can you play any instruments
A: drums
S: try them
A: (plays sick drum solo)
M: your the new drummer
F: what about me
S: sorry Fred he's better
A: I'm confused but ok
R: you guys stabbed me in the back
B: yup
We walked off
E: hey Brea can we talk
B: sure
R: actually first I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend
B: like a date
R: yeah
B: I'd love to
They smiled and He walked away
Elijahs POV
I like Brea but I need to get rid of Rico
B: so what did you wanna say
E: nevermind it's not important
She walked away she went to jade I'm guessing to talk about him since she was blushing ugh i NEED to break them up
Breannas POV
I'm going out with Rico I'm wearing

He picked me up TIME SKIP TO AFTER THE DATE we kissed but we're gonna wait to date Just until we're sure we like each other so we won't break up a week after we start dating THE NEXT DAY I told jade she fangirled SO hard J: OMG OMG OMG OM-B: SHUT ...

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He picked me up
we kissed but we're gonna wait to date Just until we're sure we like each other so we won't break up a week after we start dating
I told jade she fangirled SO hard
J: sorry
B; everyone is looking at us
She looked around everyone was looking at her
J: sorry Brea was screaming
B: wha
She dragged me away
J: this is so exciting
E: what's going on
B: me and Rico kissed
L: come on guys
T: were a band
A: ok
F: I'm leaving
He walked out
Time skip to lunch
T: guys I feel bad
S: I know
F: hey guys
L: come on bro
He tried to sit down but Alex stole his seat
F: I'm gonna go
T: but-
F: bye
He left they were talking to him while Tomika was ignoring everyone
A: come on be happy
T: fine
He took her to a corner
A: do you wanna go out
T: sure I guess
B: I'm so talented
E: cocky much
B: hey
He chuckled and we walked off to get ready for the next scene
A: will you be my girlfriend
T: uh sure
S: awww
F: what's going on
T: umm-
A: were dating now
F: oh
T: (bored) yeah I guess we are
S: you two are so cute together
T: sure
A: let's go babe
T: do I have to
Z: tomiks listen to your boyfriend
T: but-
A: I'm your boyfriend are you coming or not
T: fine
She hesitantly got up and walked out Freddy looked crushed
T: can we go back
A: no now come on
T: but-
A: shut up we're dating you have to do what I say now
B: man that was easy
E: oh my god I'm evil
R: (weak) I'm crushed
He pretended to stab him self we laughed
C: sup bitches
We hugged her
C: hey guys
B: I missed you and what did you just call us
C: you heard me
J&B: (scoffs) slut
C: hey
J&B: fine hoe
C: that's not better change it
B: you must be out of your motherfucking mind
J: it stays
C: come on let's hang out
We walked off I told her about me and Rico
A: what are you telling them Brea
L: jade had the same reaction to..whatever you guys are taking about
J: that was Brea screaming
We gave her the really look
J: fine it was me but we have a pretty damn good reason
A: which is?
B: not imp-
C: she and Rico kissed
A&L: oooh
B: I hate you both
J&C: hey
We laughed
?: hey how would you feel about a kissing scene with Elijah
B: I'm not really comfortable with that
B: fine but how long 😅
?: like two seconds
E: I'm ok with that
I was talking with Rico
B: you might wanna sit the next scene out
R: why
B: I have a kiss scene
B: it's like two seconds
R: I'm waiting in here
B: please do you might embarrass yourself
B: in fact
I tied him to a chair
R: what gives
B: I don't want you to embarrass yourself
R: fine
B: I have to go be back in 10 minutes here's your phone
I handed him it and left
The band was in the classroom
A: babe you ok
T: (fake smile) just fine
A: (kisses her)
S: break it up
A: let's play
T: I'll be right back
She leaves
K: hey mika what's wrong
T: come with me
She Takes her to the front of the school
T: me and Alex are dating and we replaced Freddy but I have a crush on him
K: tell him
T: did you not hear me I'm DATING someone
K: why if you don't like him
T: I don't know I guess I just agreed cause...I honestly don't even know
K: break up with him
T: can you help
K: kk
I ran to my trailer and untied him
R: don't do that again
B: I won't geez
We sat down on the couch he kissed me and we made out
B: hey Aidan
A: guys we have another scene
B: I thought we had break
E: there was a mix up
B: well let's go
We walked to the set
Tomika walks in
A: hey babe
T: um Alex this isn't easy but-
K: shes dumping you
T: yeah what she said
A: what why
T: I like someone else
S: Tomiks you can't just break up with him
T: um actually I can
Z: but he's the drummer
K: and?
T: guys I don't like him and you can't force me to
K: it's not her fault she likes Freddy
F: you what?
T: umm
B: way to leave this episode on a cliffhanger
We all laughed
R: well we're filming it tomorrow
Elijahs POV
I got gennaya to kiss Rico Brea saw and ran away he tried to explain but she wouldn't listen
E: thanks gennaya for kissing him
G: no problem
She left I felt like someone was watching me I went to breas house
E: you good
B: I-I'm fine
E: yeah so believable
B: he's a jerk
I comforted her
We were about to shoot
R: Brea can we-
E: your dead
But she punched ME in the face
B: whyd you do that
C: (grit teeth) watch this
They all crowded around the phone
E: thanks gennaya for kissing him
G: no problem
They all looked at me
E: hehe
Brea kicked me right in the-
R: oh shit
?: umm take five every one
Brea walked off pissed they glared at me and walked off pissed as well
C: don't mess with my ship again or you'll be transgender the next day
She walked away
Breannas POV
I'm so stupid, a knock on my trailer door echoed through the room
B: who is it
R: me-woah
I threw my shoe at him
R: how'd you get that off so fast
B: leave
R: well your a joy
B: Rico I swear to god-
L: come on guys
We walked to the classroom set
T: umm
K: she likes you
F: you do
A: babe how could you
T: I'm not your babe
F: I-
T: save me the humiliation now and-
F: (kisses her)
?: and cut
B: now get away from me
I pushed him off and walked to my trailer
J: Brea-
B: he kissed back jade, I'm not forgiving him
J: please
B: no
J: you leave me no choice
B: huh
She started screaming through the set "PLEASE FORGIVE HIM" over and over
B: jade shut up
B: everyone is looking at you
J: ok
She skipped away
B: what the fuck
R: hey
B: I'm only doing this
I said pointing between us
B: to avoid that
I said pointing at jade who was currently devouring the snack table
R: noted
B: why'd you kiss back
R: cause-
B: your a dumb ass
R: yes
B: look I really don't want to-
He cut me off by kissing me passionately I kissed back
B: woah
R: come on
He took me to his trailer
R: I just want to talk
B: I don't wanna
he kissed me we made out again but of course-
J: I hate to ruin the makeout session
We playfully glared at her
J: but we're wanted on set
B: ok
A: ugh I can't believe this
T: believe it
S: Tomika how could you
T: I can date who I want
A: you know what I'm outta here
He threw the drumsticks at freddy and walked out pissed
F: ok
Z: Freddy were-
F: don't you only want me back now that he's gone
L: we never should have replaced you
F: ya think
S: please come back
F: no
Tomika kisses his cheek
F: ok
They laughed
We walked off Elijah tried to talk to me but I didn't talk to him and he was escorted off stage by security
B: he's gone
Everyone cheered and me and Rico kissed the same thing was happening with lance and jade

Breanna Yde and Ricardo Hurtardo one shots Where stories live. Discover now