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Frankies POV
My mom decided I'm to creepy and that she might as well put it to good use she took me to NCIS
?: hello im Nathan
M: Michelle my daughter has skills and it's actually scary so I was wondering if she could work here
N: this is a dangerous line of work
Fr: and I live a dangerous life
N: you need to be willing to kill someone
Fr: who's to say I haven't
M: ok have you or have you not TELL ME WOMAN YOU SLEEP WITH A GUN UNDER YOUR BED
I shrugged
N: ok well- oh there
A guy came in people were holding him down as he tried to escape, Nathan handed me a gun
N: shoot him right in the forehead you won't-
I immediately did right where he told me to he fell down dead they looked at me shocked
Fr: next
N: interrogation
They took me to a room I saw another guy with handcuffs around him they sat me down and handed me a file I read it in less than a minute
Fr: so this psycho creep kills girls that look like him and you suspect him of helping
N: basically
?: I'm innocent I have a family and grandkids
I noticed some ice in the back of the picture they gave me I squinted my eyes and looked closer
Fr: you own walk in freezers right
?: yeah
Fr: well there's ice in the back of this picture of one of the victims
He froze
?: what do you know your eight
F: ten actually and from the looks of it it's a walk in freezer
?: I didn't do it
Fr: look your going to jail that's a guarantee, but unless you tell me exactly where this freezer is I will not rest until the next time your grandkids look you up they'll see the monster "grandpa "really is now I ask you again where is the freezer
he immediately fessed up I smirked they went there turns out I was right
N: impressive
M: impressive here scary at home I beg you take her please
N: (chuckles) ok
Fr: yay
N: come in tomorrow I'll tell you all about the Job
I nodded my head and we went home I saw louie
Fr: well I can't talk to you for awhile I'll be crazy and they'll hear all my phone calls and know I'm not talking to anyone
L: than what
Fr: I say we break the rules and get their trust you think this is gonna tear us apart
L: love ya sis
Fr: love ya to
We watched a movie
I went in I saw a girl looking around
?: sup
Fr: hey
?: what's your name
Fr: depends on who your working for
?: well I can't tell you mine I don't know if this is a trap
Fr: I tried out yesterday for a job
?: same
N: ahh the psychotic kids
Fr&?: hey..fair
N: anyway frankie this is babe babe frankie
Fr: your name is babe?
B: yeah
Fr: that sucks for you and these bangs
B: glasses and Frankie?
Fr: better than francheca
B: our parents suck
N: well you'll have countless fake names I'm gonna teach you the basics
B: Like what
N: well you have to know how to fight, talk back, know how to negotiate always be on guard, use the equipment wisely
Fr&B: everything but the last one
N: ok and be willing to lose your virginity
B: meh it's fine
Fr: I honestly don't care
N: ok well let's go
We left we trained how to fight it was fun babes cool
I'm thirteen along with babe we've been besties forever still working with the NCIS both virgins but our periods happened yesterday at least we're on the same cycle so far I was interrogating a suspect when a cramp happened
Fr: goddammit
Emily: what's wrong
Emily is my colleague
Fr: can you take over
E: why
Fr: long story just at least I'm on the same cycle as babe
E: oh shit you better go
I thanked her and left god I hate this I was in the bathroom
Fr&B: ugh
Fr: babe?
Is she in the other stall
B: bitch?
Fr: it is you
B: this is awful
Fr: I know
We groaned
Sixteen now we got a new assignment some world round criminals their currently in Texas we took the plane and read the file on the way there we noticed something interesting
B: they have sons
Fr: our age
We smirked
Fr: we date them to get closer to the parents
B: you read my mind
Fr: (chuckles) we need a steak out
Once we got there we used one of the cars and camped out at the "Huerta" house eating take out
Fr: we need a life
B: were saving innocent people and working for the government
Fr: actually were in a car stalking a boy eating McDonald's
B: damn your right
Fr: I'm going in
I got out and snuck in hiding I searched the parents room first, they came in I hid on the balcony
?: first we need to bomb the school we'll get what we need there under it
?: perfect
I went to Freddys room looking for things he's into so I can use it later I heard footsteps and hid in his closet
F: yo zack
The other son
F: I think I'm gonna finally ask out summer
Z: same with ashely
F: although we have nothing in common
Z: same just want her innocence
T: 🙄
I started recording
F: maybe a girl who likes what I like, good kisser, good shape
Z&F: fat ass
And girls like them?
F: honestly I really just want her virginity Like the other girls but I also want a challenge
Z: maybe give me a boner tease
Just be a cock tease Great they talked more after they fell asleep I snuck out
B: what took so long
Fr: listen
She did
B: fuck I'm supposed to date that
Fr: (whining) I know
B: ugh well this might be the case we finally stop being virgins
Fr: we went six years thats pretty damn long
B: (sighs)
Fr: you good
B: no I knew it was gonna happen and I'm ready it's just him
Fr: well I got hairgel since I seem more like his type
B: so let's stalk them
We nodded
We stalked them for a week we know them completely
B: now we have to become their type
Fr: to the- I cant believe I'm saying this but gym
B: (high pitched crying)
I laughed louie popped in
B: hey Lou can you do us a favor
She can see him
L: what
Fr: two guys freddy Huerta zack Kwon make sure they don't ask out any girls in the next twenty four hours got it
L: k
He left he now works for NCIS we spent a full 24 hours working out taking breaks of course
B: I'm so sore
Fr: knowing them we'll be saying that a lot
B: slut
Fr: whore
B: bitch
Fr: hoe
B: unwanted
Fr: loser
B: best friends
Fr: forever
We high fived and showered at night we broke in to principals office at our new school
B: (whispers) ok tomorrow the students showing us around are esme Williams and Asher Garcia
Fr: (whispers) and now it's Zack Kwon and freddy Huerta
We write it down in her handwriting we know how to match someone's handwriting we put our lockers next to theirs and rearranged their sets to next to ours we high fived we checked the desks it one long one with two seats
Fr: (whispers) were gonna get fingered aren't we
B: (whispers) oh yeah
Fr: (whispers) well I'm used to that but raped isn't something I am used to
B: (whispers) remember have to act like we like it so force a moan
We left btw we look like

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