Troubled kid and player boy

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Tomikas POV
My name is tomika Hathaway here's my story I have a twin sister named frankie and an older sister named Taylor we lived in New York every thing was perfect till we found out my dad was cheating on my mom he divorced her and got remarried to a hooker I shes awful i refused to attend the wedding he got custody of me now I have five new brothers and no Frankie I went to New Orleans to help them move In
M: what do you think
T: I think you must hate us
M: come on it's not that bad
Fr: Toss me your head we'll play catch
T: ooh monkey in the middle
L: what is wrong with you two
Fr&T: many thing's
?: you girls are weird
T: you must be the grandpa
?: I'm the dad and my name is ray
?: ooh I'm miles
T: you got ghosts? LUCKY
Fr: ha and you have to go and live with dad and his new wife
T: (groans)
Fr: boom
T: I'm staying
R: what the
T: I want ghosts in my house
L: I-I-I-I what?
I shrugged after a few hours dad came to take me we went to Texas
I walked into school in the (gags) uniform I even had a skirt ugh I went to the office and got my locker number this guy came up to me
?: hi I'm freddy
T: uhh hi anyway bye
F: your name?
T: not telling hairgel
F: come on
T: tomika we done good bye
I left and went to class
Mc: our new student Tomika young
I have her last name now?
T: uhh tomika Hathaway
Mc: it says-
T: not taking my stepmoms last name
she nodded her head I sat down
Mc: ok well tomika tell us something about yourself
T: I just moved from New York I'm twelve I have a twin named Frankie and I'm a black belt in karate
La: me too but I'm better
T: wanna try
L: I can't hit a girl
T: I don't care
He shrugged
Mc: not in class
Mc: fine
We got up and went to the front
L: I'm sorry I-
I grabbed his hand i twisted it and flipped him to the ground
Class: woah
La: (groans in pain)
T: sorry glasses
I sat down he got up and went to his seat halfway through the lesson I passed him a note
Sorry just wanted to prove I was better

It's fine my name's Lawrence

Tomika but you knew that

What did you mean stepmom

My parents got divorced he got me while my mom got Frankie and Taylor

Who's that

Frankie my twin Taylor my older sister

They separated twins? That's low man

I know and now my whole life is upside down
We passed notes till class ended we talked in the hall and ate together he's cool we were at lunch at an empty table
T: didn't think I'd like anyone at this school
La: you see Tomika I'm way out of your league so I just think of you as a friend
T: are you kidding
La: I know it's hard to stay away from all this
T: 🙄
La: but you'll get through it
T: oh how will I cope
I pretended to stab myself we laughed and went to class after school my dad picked me up I got in shotgun not saying anything
D: so-
T: no
D: come on
T: no I miss frankie
D: make any friends
T: why would you care you never cared about me
D: I do
T: doesn't seem like it you cheated on mom not thinking of your family just about you, she confronts you and you say you want a divorce next thing you know I spend the next few months practically living in court
D: Tomika-
T: no and not only that I had to move from New York to Texas and I don't even have Frankie here with me I have to go to some snobby prep school doing all of this alone what happens when my period starts or I have questions who do I ask if it's not Taylor
D: your new mom
T: SHE IS NOT MY MOM I refuse to talk to her and I want my real mom not some slut
D: she is not a slut
T: you guys met while you and mom were married if someone sleeps with a guy with a ring they're a slut and why did you have me take her last name
D: that's your new one
T: (growls) great now I have to wear a skirt every day this can't get worse
He sighed
I wore

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