Hunting the lover

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Tomikas POV
I was with summer and babe and yes we're wolves I'm the leader when Freddy,Hudson, and zack came we hate them
F: young
T: Huerta
T: you and kwan gonna go play with yourselves cause your to lame to get a girlfriend
H: to be honest probably
F&Z: dude
H: I'm sorry I had to 🤣
I laughed babe elbowed me she has a huge crush on hudson she hates it when me and him get along
T: ok ok but seriously leave I don't want to get infected
F: sorry can't hear you don't speak bitch
T: can't hear you either cause all your saying is bullshit
I slammed my locker and left we don't know why but we've always hated them hudson caught up with us
H: sorry for the dick also known as Freddy
I chuckled
H: anyway later
He winked at at babe and left she smiled dreamily as usual we teased her
We were in our wolve forms I was

Tomikas POV I was with summer and babe and yes we're wolves I'm the leader when Freddy,Hudson, and zack came we hate them F: young T: Huerta T: you and kwan gonna go play with yourselves cause your to lame to get a girlfriend H: to be honest proba...

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Babe and summer

We were running when we saw the wolf hunters they've always tried to get us?: well well what do we have hereI tackled the middle one I scratched off his mask it was FREDDY I got off him and backed away?: it was so repelled by your face it's scared...

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We were running when we saw the wolf hunters they've always tried to get us
?: well well what do we have here
I tackled the middle one I scratched off his mask it was FREDDY I got off him and backed away
?: it was so repelled by your face it's scared
He took of his and summer jumped it's zack the other one laughed and took of his mask it was HUDSON babe jumped as well
F: were not that bad looking
We morphed back
T: I beg to differ
B: this was a nice reunion BYE
We ran away but Freddy caught me by grabbing my waist from behind me the girls kept running
F: well we got one
T: think again hairgel
I stepped on his foot I got out of his grip and left I ran like hell I ran to our house we live alone
T: well you guys helped
S: you'd do the same
B: what now
Z: open up
Me and babe face palmed ourselves
H: I can feel the disappointment coming from tomika and babe
T: yup
S: what
B: your a hopeless case summer
T: from now on at school we don't know you
F: open up
T: we would but the door is so far
They kicked it down
T: you know then again
We tried to leave they tied us up
Z: explain
B: you know Last time we were in a situation like this
She smirked at me I smirked too, me and summer broke the ropes and babe did to we fought the guys they fought back we ran out even though its OUR place we ran to the woods and split up at one point I tripped
F: clutzy much
T: bitchy much
He pointed the gun to me I started backing away until I hit a tree he knelt down and stroked my hair
F: any last words
T: yeah suck my imaginary dick
I punched him in the face i was gonna run away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down he got out a knife and started cutting them I winced in pain as he got slower and deeper I tried struggling but he cut SO deep when I did I sat there and just let him torture me
F: hurts doesn't it
T: it hurts like hell
He got slower I started crying
T: please stop
F: no thanks
T; I-I'm sorry I was rude before
He got ready to cut again
F: your gonna be
He cut the palm of my hand
T: (screams in pain)
F: shut up
F: bitch shut the fuck up
T: I-I can't
F: let me do this talk again and
He pressed it against my skin ready to stab
F: it won't be pretty
I nodded my head and shut my mouth he continued to cut he started cutting my ankles and my stomach making the word "bitch" it hurt but I didn't scream
F: glad your coming to your senses
Everything went black
Freddys POV
She passed out from the blood loss she looked so cute and-no I'm not falling for her I picked her up bridal style and took her to my cabin I live alone the guys don't live to far from me I wrapped up her hand and she woke up
T: my head hurts
She touched her wrist and winced in pain she looked at her stomach and started silently crying I went near here
F: don't worry this will seem like nothing considering what I'm gonna do to you
Her breath hitched I smirked I grabbed a beer bottle and went near her she backed up
F: don't worry
I smashed it on the table and some glass cut her leg
F: just gonna scratch your head and face
T: n-no
I went closer she started crying she ran to a room and locked herself in it
F: come out I just wanna have some fun
I grabbed my gun
T: Freddy I know we're rivals but this is messed up
F: it's because your a wolf mika
T: what did wolves ever do to you correction what did I do to you
F: Tomika-
T: I can't die freddy I'm the leader and I can't seem weak ok but at this point I'm desperate, I'm sorry for everything I've said and all the things I thought about you
F: what things
T: umm not important but please I'm to young to die
I opened the door I pinned her against the wall and held the knife to her throat
T: Freddy please
F: sorry mika
I got ready to slit her throat
T: i love you
I was shocked I dropped the knife and she fell to the ground coughing up blood
F: you what
She passed out again there was blood on the floor I just killed the girl who loved me I noticed I accidentally stabbed her stomach the girls came running through they bent down next to her
B: mika mika wake up
They started crying
S: what the hell is wrong with you she may be a wolf but she's not a monster we're all human and have flaws
B: do you think she wanted to be a wolf her parents abandoned her,she's always been an outcast, she's been fat shamed since she ate so much meat,and she has to deal with people like you who want her dead even though she never did anything to you
S: you just assume she's a monster
F: I-I'm sorry
S: yeah cause that helps now
B: mika please wake up we're nothing without you
S: you helped us deal with being a wolf your our only friend
They cried more they took her and left I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair I fucked up bad
Tomikas POV
I woke up in the living room my stomach hurts babe and summer were crying I wiped their tears
T: don't cry what's wrong
They hugged me I whimper they let go and patched up where I'm guessing I got stabbed
S: I can't believe your alive we really thought that shit head killed you
T: what happened with your guys
B: (blushes) were dating them now
T: you lucky bitch they kissed you he killed me
S: I fucking hate him so much
T: I know me to
T: I'm going to my room
I went to my room why do I love him he tried to fucking kill me and yet I still like him
Freddys POV
I was at my locker I sighed then I heard
B: hey dick
T: guys let's go
F: wait mika?
I turned around I was shocked to see her
T: don't call me that it's a miracle I survived but now I'm dying looking at your face I can't believe you killed me after I told you I-
She cut herself off
T: never mind I'm gone
She left I didn't mean to stab her babe and summer glared at me
I sat next to tomika she rolled her eyes
?: ok we're doing a project with the person next to you
I smiled she was annoyed
?: take this time to work things out with your partner
Everyone started talking
F: my place
T: I don't know if I wanna go back there
F: well do you want me to go to yours
T: no
F: fine
I smirked
F: a hotel
Her eyes widen
T: so I'll come over at 7:00
F: great
She rolled her eyes I touched her stomach she whimpered I pressed down where I engraved the word bitch she had tears in her eyes
F: don't be late
I pressed down more she nodded her head and ran out I saw blood coming through her shirt
Tomikas POV
I went to the woods and saw my stomach it was bleeding it was all purple and blue my cuts looked deeper than ever and I felt like throwing up so I did I threw up half puke half blood I felt sick the word bitch is with me forever now and I just want to die I know now I don't like him and I'm not just saying that he's awful and I don't see how I ever did he sighed one doing this to me he's the reason I'm crying my eyes out he's the reason blood covers my bed and he's the reason I can't look at my wrist or stomach without feeling sad and mad and crying it sucks and now he made me feel bad with the word "bitch"
Freddys POV
She knocked on the door she was wearing

We were running when we saw the wolf hunters they've always tried to get us?: well well what do we have hereI tackled the middle one I scratched off his mask it was FREDDY I got off him and backed away?: it was so repelled by your face it's scared...

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T: let's get this shit over with
She walked in she saw the blood I forgot to clean it up
T: this brings back memories
F: forgot to clean it up
T: uh huh
She sat down I made us food
T: I just want to do this project
F: I'm making steak
T: you know the project can wait
She ate I slipped her a pill that makes her wanna have sex
T: this tastes funny is it undercooked
F: don't think so
I couldn't help but smirk after a few minutes she looked a little out of it I went over to her
F: you good
She grabbed my collar and kissed me roughly I lifted her on the table and started sucking her neck
T: (moans) Freddy
She kissed me we made out and it was heated she was playing with my hair she started kissing my neck
T: take me that room and fuck me
She said against my neck
F: will do
I lifted her up she giggled I took her to the room and layed her on the bed and you already know what happens next oh and
Tomikas POV
I woke up next to freddy WHAT THE FUCK
T: what the
F: hey baby
T: ugh stick to mika
I looked at my clothes in the corner I checked under the covers I had no clothes on
T: what's going on
F: last night I fucked you
T: I'm going and tell anyone about this I will-
F: what's with you
T: ok how did this happen
F: I slipped you a pill that makes you wanna have sex
T: your sick
I was disgusted
Freddys POV
She got on her clothes which wasn't a lot
T: oh god
I got on my underwear and pants and hugged her from behind
F: look I know you like me-
T: liked Freddy liked but when I told you I fucking loved you you killed me
F: I didn't mean to stab you when I dropped you i accidentally did
T: you d-did
F: yes I love you young
T: I love you to Huerta
She smiled I turned her around and kissed her I lifted her arms so they wrapped around my neck
T: don't act like a jackass
She said against my lips and our foreheads were touching
F: if I do there's ways to get you to forgive me
T: (moans) Freddy
I smirked and let's say it was an eventful morning

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