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Freddys POV
I was in the classroom
F: now I get it
Mika just threw a ball at my face
M: I'll come back
SOR: yes
We jumped up and down me and Tomikas heads accidentally smashed together resulting in us kissing
F: what just happened
S: y-you guys kissed
T: great now I have to boil my mouth
F: I'm right here
T: I know
I shook my head chuckling but summer wasn't having it
S: no relationships in the band
T: it was just a kiss it's no big deals
S: it's a very big huge deal
T: watch
She grabbed zack collar and kissed him I got this weird feeling inside I don't know probably something I ate
T: see boom
T: it's no big deal summer
S: but-
F: it was an accident
S: fine
M: there's already drama and I've only been here a few minutes
F: there's no drama
T: see fredbear is right
F: how'd you know my mom calls me that
T; I think it's cute should I tell them your full name
She smirked
T: Freddys full name is-
I grabbed her and smashed my lips on hers they gasped
F: that shut you up
T: what the-
F: tell one person and I'll do it again
T: I'll shut up now
F: why do you care
S: I don't
L: your nails are in my arm
She let go
S: let's go
She sounded annoyed
I was sitting on my bed looking at the ceiling I admit I felt something with the kiss but she didn't
T: hi Freddy
F: (screams like little girl)
M: Freddy
Tomika hid and my mom came in
M: you ok fredbear
F: yeah sorry
M: ok bye
She left and Tomika came out
T: almost got me caught man
F: sorry how did you get in
She pointed at the window I saw it was open
T: I'm bored so what do you wanna do... fredward
She said holding in a laugh I rolled my eyes and pulled her on my lap she laughed and we talked
M: Freddy time to-oh hi tomika
F: mom what are you doing here
M: time to get ready for school
T: huh
We looked outside it was morning
T: we talked all night oh my dads gonna kill me nice seeing you mrs Huerta
She quickly left
M: you and tomika-
F; just talked mom
M: uh huh do you like her
F: maybe
M: yes I knew it
F: if you tell her I won't talk to you for a week
M: fine fine
She left I got dressed Tomika caught up with me when I was walking to school
F: so what did your dad say
T: he was MAD apparently staying at a boys house without the parents knowing is a big red flag
F: (laughs)
T: shut up
I picked her up bridal style and ran
T: Freddy put me down
I carried her to school and to her locker I put her down I noticed a bruise on her arm
T: don't do that again fredbear
F: do you have to call me that
T: it annoys you so yes yes I do
Z: what was that about
T: he wouldn't put me down
F: shouldn't have told me to shut up
S: you guys were talking
F: yeah it's something humans do
T: anyway I'm tired so
She hopped on my back
T: to the classroom
F: (groans)
I carried her to the classroom I sat her on the desk
T: I'm never walking anywhere again
S: freddy can you carry me places
F: uh sure I guess
I really didn't want to at the end I carried summer to lunch tomika refused to move so I carried her to
T: I'm the queen of the world
F: yeah yeah
I set her down summer was even more annoyed
F: wanna go to the skatepark after school
T: or see the new horror movie
F: or try the new challenge at burger barn
T: where you eat an entire cow in less than an hour
F: that's the one
T: I'm in
Z: you guys have a lot In common
F: she's like the girl version of me
C: hello everyone
T: (coldly) Clark
C: just came to say hi
T: can you leave i can't to hold my breath much longer
C: I think I'll stay
We all groan
C: so what are we talking about
T: how annoying people give me a headache ow I think I have one now so weird right
C: shut up anyway I came to tell you
Everyone in the cafeteria including us threw a piece of food at him he growled and left
T: boom
Mika got a call
T: hello...uh huh...I'll be right there
She hung up
T: I have to go
She left
I was walking in the woods I see tomika she was crying
F: mika?
T: (sniffles) hi
F: what's wrong
T: my m-mom died
F: oh
T: and she was the only one who stopped my dad from-
She cut herself off
F: what
T: abusing me
T: he abuses me whenever my moms not home
F: you can stay with me
T: I don't know
F: ugh
I picked her up and dragged her to my house we told my mom well I did she stayed quiet and played with her fingers we decided she's gonna stay with us
We were in class when her dad walks through
F&T: shit
T: I mean shoot
D: come on tomika
T: why
She was trying not to be scared he took her I followed he was beating her up I knocked him unconscious she had several bruises I picked her up bridal style and she cried into my chest I cleaned her up I was filming him doing that to have proof
T: m-my stomach hurts
F: I know babygirl but your ok now
She cried more i took her home by calling an Uber my mom wasn't there
He's in jail now she stays with me and he's not allowed to go near her
I was with Lawrence
F: so you know how I live here now
L: yeah
T: now I do to
L: huh
T: suprise
L: what's going on
We explained
L: ok but I don't know if my mom will let you
T: yet I'm here
She sat between us
T: video games?
L&F: hell yeah
We played
L: your better than zack
We laughed
Zacks POV
I went to Lawrence's house him,Freddy and Tomika were playing games
L: your better than Zack
They laughed
T: tonight I'm one of the boys
Z: hey
T: Zack come in play some fortnite
We played she would sometimes punch our arms or nudge us to get us to not focus
Z: give up
T: never I got a secret weapon
Z: what
Cold water was suddenly being poured over me I looked up freddy smiled evilly
Z: no fair
T: you let your guard down
I rolled my eyes and smirked
T: why are you smirking
Z: because
I hugged her
Z: now your wet
I tackled her to the ground
T: get off me
She flipped us
Z: shit
Freddy was annoyed
T: boom
She got off
T: imma clean up
She left
Z: I'm going home
I left
Freddys POV
Tomika came back in wearing

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