i CANT have feelings

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Tomikas POV
Me and summer we're walking down the hall as usual, when Freddy and zack came up to us she almost fainted I rolled my eyes he and his friend zack are the schools biggest fuckboys
F: hey girls
T: hey jackass
She hit me
S: hi zack
He smirked I rolled my eyes
F: wanna hang out later
T: can't I have a sleepover with summer
S: you do?
T: yes now shut up
F: I can make it worth your while
He said going closer to me
T: eww get away from me I don't want to get infected
S: (fake smile) tomika shut up
?: hey be nice to him
T: yeah no
She tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist and twisted it
T: you don't stand a chance against me
I threw her to the ground and walked away
S: I'm so sorry-
S: ok
She caught up with me
S: you think I have a chance with Zack
T: summer he's the schools biggest fuckboy he's gonna make you feel special and leave you once he takes your innocence
S: I know but-
T: remember that girl
It was our first day of our new school our tour guide was out of it
T: are you ok
?: I'm fine
S: your sad
?: it's just my boyfriend turned out to be a fuckboy he doesn't even look my way after we
She started to cry and we comforted her she pointed them to us they winked at me and summer but I gagged that really shocked Freddy
F: whyd you gag
T: cause I have to look at that shit stain you call a face
S: (farkle laugh)
F: you clearly don't know me
T: I know you make my head hurt
Z: what about you sunshine
S: nice nickname
?: actually it is
T: thought it would be slutty
S: but what I think of you I think you can kiss my ass ya dick
Z: why
S&T: we hate you
F: your hot
T: fuck off
Z: wanna come over to-
S: Take a hint
T: we don't like you
F: maybe we can change your minds
I rushed to a garbage can and puked just the thought of him taking my virginity disgusted me
S: your right
F: what are you girls talking about
T: maybe about how you give me a headache
F: hey
He put his hand on my shoulder
S: shit
I grabbed his hand and flipped him on his back
T: don't fucking touch me
S: hey calm down
T: but-
S: come on let's go get ice cream
T: (gasps) summer wants to ditch school
I was teasing her
S: to stop you from killing someone I'll ditch
We went to a kareoke club these guys were flirting with us
T: can you leave
?: I'll show you a good time
S: ugh
An idea popped into my head
T: summer let's sing
She smirked
S: ok
We went up and sang

Tomika was tori and summer was jade

The guys were pissed
T: bye boys
Everyone oohed and they walked out pissed
S: damn we savage
Everyone laughed and we walked off stage
We were walking through an alley when I'm suddenly being pushed against the wall
?: hey
It was the same guys as before the same thing was happening with summer
?: you think you can embarrass us
T: yes
?: you two are getting punished
He started playing with the hem of my shirt I tried kneeing him it didn't work but we heard
?: HEY
We turned to see Freddy and zack thank god
?: hey we're just having fun
T: get the hell away from me you creep
S: fuck off
?: we're doing this
S: mika were too good looking
Suddenly their being punched by them I hugged the living crap out of Freddy summer did the same but she cried in Zacks chest
S: (cries) thank you so much
I never thought I would be happy to see him
Me and summer were at our locker and they came up to us
S: what do you want
Z: we literally just saved you
S: doesn't mean we're gonna go crawling to you
F: you've always hated us why
T: maybe because our first day here our tour guide was a mess since her boyfriend was only with her for her virginity she said he didn't even look her way after they did it
S: familiar oh it is cause that's exactly what you guys do
F: look you two are-
T: different? Special? Yeah any line you have won't work on us
S: In fact
She pulled out a book
S: we have a book of your lines just so we can recognize them
T: color coded
Z: ok enough
F: we can use some cheesy line that will get any girl but we won't you two are special wether you believe it or not and I mean your special cause you make us feel something something that we've never felt with anyone else
T: (slow clap) wow that was great I didn't know any better I'd think you actually mean that
S: I'll add it to the pink section
Z: don't bother there'll be no more girls to try it on
They walked away we were confused
They havent gone on a date with a single girl everyone in the hallway including us were about to confront them
?: ok what's wrong with you two you haven't been-
Z: were whipped ok
Everyone gasped
?: who
F: Tomika young
Z: summer Hathaway
They all looked at us as we were backing away
S&T: shit
F: guys-
T: were not going out with you
?: if you don't you will be bullied non-stop
?: your put in a situation where you have to
S&T: fine god
He was actually really fun I was wearing

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