Is the bad boy falling for me?

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Tomikas POV
I'm Tomika I'm a nerd a nobody but I like it like that I don't want to be popular I'm a senior it's my first day back I go to my locker and I feel a presence next to me I look and see freddy the schools bad boy he always ditched class and never cares about grades
T: umm hi
I try to leave he holds me back
T: why are you-
F: wondering if you wanna hang out
T: I don't date bad boys or any boys
F: your a lesbian
T: no I'm a nerd and I'd like to keep it that way
F: why
T: because when I'm a nerd I don't have to deal with dicks like you
F: nerd with a smart ass mouth ok I'll bite
T: no, leave me alone go to the popular sluts they're all over you
F: but you look like a challenge and I like that
He puts his fingers under my chin and kissed me I was straight up shocked
F: see you later babe
He left what the fuck I went to class halfway through he walked in late as usual the teacher ignored him scared of making a comment and he sat next to me I ignored him as well we were in the back he stuck his hands in my pants I glared at him he pushed his fingers in I almost gasped he fingered me and I did everything I could to ignore it after forever the bell ring I sighed in relief and left class quickly I went to my locker to get some books and Freddy came up to me
T: never gonna happen
F: really? Cause of what just happened in class tells me it is
T: never do that again
I fixed my glasses and grabbed my last book I fixed my skirt
T: so leave me alone
F: are you talking back
T: no I'm talking and I can talk back if I want you don't control me so leave me alone
I walked away I went to class a minute early I went on my phone everyone came in I put it away and sat up straight
I went to the library I tried to grab a book I jumped up I couldn't get it, I felt someone behind me they grabbed the book and handed it to me they grabbed my waist and turned me it was freddy I rolled my eyes
T: thanks for the book
F: thanks for the kiss
T: what do you-
He kissed me ugh again
T: can I go now
F: not yet
He leaned in and kissed me again wow he sucks I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss I couldn't pull away he wouldn't let me after a minute he stopped
T: finally
I got out of his grip and left I checked out my book and left quickly I went to read it in the garden I read the first chapter when someone sat down next to me they moved my hair and started kissing my neck licking it and sucking it leaving a hickey
T: Freddy stop
He sucked more shutting me up I hated to admit it but I wasn't hating it he left about two hickeys before stopping he pulled away smirking I glared
T: leave me alone
F: no can do
T: ugh
I covered my hickeys with my hair I fixed my glasses again and got up he stood up to and slapped my ass i glared and left I found out my next class is in five minutes I didn't know what to do so I just went to a random bench to read my book, the bell rang and I went to class it was science it was easy till
?: ok there is a small project it should only take a half hour your partners are
Isabella and jace
Owen and CJ
Jack and rose
Zuri and griff
Charlotte and Henry
Hudson and babe
Trip and Kenzie
Kale and Asher
Oh and
Tomika and Freddy
Oh shit he smirked
T: (raises hand)
?: yes tomika
T: do we do this project in class or..
?: well you have to meet up after class to work on it it shouldn't take long
T: thank you
?: your welcome anyway-
She started teaching again
We all piled out of class he pulled me aside in the hall
F: what time should I come over
T: we can do it during our free period or lunch or-
F: no thanks I want to eat
T: free period?
F: rather not
I groaned
He told me to meet him at a coffee place I went in it was cozy and nice I see him at a table on his phone I go to his table sitting across from him
T: ok let's get this over with
F: not here
T: it's a 30 minute project
F: didn't bring my books
I flipped him off he got up and grabbed my hand he took me to his car we drove to this house
F: ok this is my house
We got out of the car he won't try anything his parents are probably in there we got in it was empty and quiet
T: where are your parents
I said as I put my bag on the kitchen counter he smirked
F: business trip
I froze
T: siblings?
F: only child
T: oh shit
He picked me up and set me on the counter he wrapped my legs around his waist
T: Freddy no
F: why not baby
Before i could say one of the million reasons on my list on why we shouldn't do this he kissed me I pulled away
T: I'm not a slut,I just want the project done, we're not doing it, I'll tell the police if you rape me, we'll fail the project, and I don't like you
F: you can be, we'll do it later, we are gonna do it, it won't be rape since once I get over you you'll be enjoying it to much to think I'm raping you, it doesn't matter if we fail it's one project, and you'll learn to love me
He gripped my waist tighter he rubbed my thigh while looking at me smirking he took off my glasses
T: Freddy I need those to see
F: don't need to see just feel
I tried to grab them but I couldn't see to well I rubbed my eyes he picked me up bridal style and took me to his room I heard him leave I could see well enough to see the room after a few minutes he came in
T: can I go or at least have some contacts
He handed me my glasses I put them on
T: so can I go
F: no
He started taking off my skirt I pushed him away immediately
F: your a challenge
T: no
I fixed my glasses he took them again
T: why did you give them back in the first place
He shrugged
T: Freddy I'm going home
He got on top of me
T: wow you can't take a hint can you I don't like you
F: why are you a nerd
T: cause I am leave me alone
He leaned in and kissed me
T: why me I'm a loser a nobody I don't care about you I'd rather die than date you I'd rather eat shit then kiss you I'd rather shave my head than talk to you ok go to the sluts and leave me alone
I pushed him off and got my glasses on
T: I'll do the project myself I'm going
I left the room I grabbed my backpack and left I went home and started the project it was pretty easy actually
I walked into school in the uniform glasses and my hair in a side ponytail covering my hickeys I went to my locker Freddy came up
T: please tell me your waiting for a girl
F: yup
He took out my hair
F: I'm bored
T: ugh take the hint man
I walked to class and fixed my hair he took the rubber band so I just brushed it using my fingers it worked I went to class I sat down at a random seat and continued reading the book from yesterday there was three other kids here
I went to the library and read the book at a table someone sat next to me I ignored them
T: leave me alone
?: sorry
I turn and see a boy with glasses
T: sorry thought you were a dick
?: not wrong
I chuckled
?: that's how boys are except me I'm more of a pervert
T: and I'm a slut
?: oh we're gonna be best friends
T: I'm tomika
L: Lawrence who keeps bothering you
F: Mika
T: that guy leave me alone
F: come on
T: save me
L: I would but I don't want to get up
T: I could get raped
L: uh huh
He said not looking at me I hit his stomach
L: yeah bitch?
T: help
L: can you like go
F: no
L: I've done everything I can
T: call someone
F: I'm just asking you to talk
L: if your asking then her answer is no
F: fine I'm telling her
L: and since when did you become the boss of her you take her someone here I will call the librarian and your probably already on thin ice with her
He left I hugged him
T: thank you
L: (gags) human touch
T: oh shut up
L: ok
He didn't say anything
T: I mean talk
L: you can't tell me what to do
T: yeah we're gonna get along just fine
We laughed
I was at my locker with Larry I got an A on the project he invited me to the computer lab with his friends we went there I met his girlfriend Esme, and his friends zack and summer they were cool
I was with lesme they kissed I awwwed and they blushed after they left I felt someone behind me
T: summer I told you we can be friends and zack your cute but not my type
?: not either
I rolled my eyes and turned around I see freddy
T: ok what what can I do to get you to leave me alone
F: date me
T: rather not plus that'll bring you closer to me and that's what I'm trying to avoid
F: so you won't catch feelings
T: no so I won't catch a disease
?: babe who's this
Jada the most popular girl I school came up
T: I'm-
J: I don't care bitch
I looked down at my feet and fixed my glasses I walked away holding my books I went to class
Freddys POV
I hated seeing her leave like that
J: finally I can breathe again
F: we're not dating
J: I know you two aren't your with me
F: no me and you aren't dating so stop tying you only like me cause I'm popular
J: no I love you
F: middle school I asked you out you said "no way in hell"
J: that was before-
F: I was popular
I left I went to Mc Donald's and got some food I went back to school and into class I didn't care I was late I sat down next to tomika she looked a little sad I lifted her head and smiled at her she smiled back I kissed her cheek and she blushed we faced forward
We were making out on my bed at my house she was wearing contacts
T: no no no this can't happen
F: it already is
T: no I don't know why I'm here
F: cause you want me you blushed in class earlier and yesterday let me give you a hickey
T: I-
F: face it you want me
T: just sex
F: no
T: no I don't want a boyfriend just..someone who can fuck me
F: no
T: fine I'll ask zack
The thought of someone else fucking her got me mad I pinned her down
F: fine
I kissed her roughly and you know what happened next
We're fuck buddys now but I want more why is it just sex I say I don't like her when really I do I think she's suspecting me I walked into school jada ran up and kissed me I knew tomika was watching so I kissed back now she won't think I like her if she knows she'll leave and sex is the only way I can get to her
Tomikas POV
Ok truth is I like Freddy I started catching feelings why did I say just sex he walked in he's so perfect and what's wrong with me jada ran up and kissed him I expected him to push her away but instead he kissed back wow and I really thought he liked me 
We were at this hotel doing "it"
T: (moans) Freddy
I moaned his name loudly
T: so uh you and jada
I kissed him
F: yeah we started dating today
T: co-(moans)
He pushed into me
T: cool umm why
Am I not enough
F: realized I liked her
T: umm let's go home
F: why what's wrong
T: I'm not really in the mood to do anything else
F: maybe I can change your mind
He started sucking my neck I moaned but I know he's really thinking its Jada ugh I can't tell him I like him he'll stop this and this is the only way I can get to him cause that's all we are just friends with benefits but god I want more
I was at my locker when Jada stormed up to me she pushed me
T: umm what's wrong
J: stay away from Freddy, you change your clothes start having friends and wear contacts you think your cool ha hes pitying you he told me he just felt bad and is only here for your innocence
Oh she's lying
T: uh jada
J: stop talking to him he's gonna stop once he gets your-
T: me and him had sex a month ago and he's still talking to me
She stiffened I scoffed and left but what she said was true I'm not loved I ditched class and went home I went to my bathroom and out on my glasses I changed into nerdy clothes and took off my light makeup but ended up putting it back on I grabbed my backpack and went to school Freddy was a little shocked to see me like that but jada was smirking I went to the library when I was looking at books I could feel someone behind me I also knew someone was staring at my ass
T: Freddy
F: what happened to you
I turned around
T: I don't think we should do this anymore
F: wait what
T: it's cheating and I don't want to be the side chick plus it's not like this is going anywhere
F: but-
I kissed his cheek
T: bye Freddy
I left I a tear rolled down my cheek as I left the school I wiped it
Freddys POV
What just happened I went to my locker Jada came up
F: I think we should take a break
J: what why
F: why did Tomika just break up with me
J: I talked to her anyway-
F: yeah we're done
I walked away she was MAD but I don't care
Tomikas POV
I took a shortcut through this grass field no one was here I kept walking it started raining great I was now soaking wet I hear
I turn and see freddy in the pouring rain
He walked up so our lips were centimeters apart
F: cause it's love miki
T: w-what
He took off my glasses and put them in his pocket
F: Tomika I love you more than sex I only dated Jada so you wouldn't be suspicious please love me back your my light my sunshine my world the reason I wake up in the morning please give me a chance I love yo-
I cut him off by kissing him I felt sparks when I stopped our foreheads were touching we were smiling uncontrollably
T: I love you to
He kissed me

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