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Freddys POV
I'm seventeen and am the drummer in school of rock, my best friend Tomika is coming to my school today she's never met my friends cause she's never left the house if your confused her dad killed her mom in front of tomika he kept her inside so she wouldn't say anything he let me in the house only cause I was the only friend she had but when he stopped letting me in she snuck out and told the police, he was arrested she spent an entire year in her room traumatized I was the only person she let in now she's here I entered the classroom
F: guys there's a new girl and please be careful with her she's my best friend
S: what's her name
F: Tomika she's shy she hasn't ever talked to anyone but her dad,mom,and me so this is the first time she's been out of the house in YEARS
Z: why
F: it's private I'll tell you when she lets me, I'll go get her
I walked out
Summers POV
I hope Tomikas not a threat a really like Freddy, he came in he was holding hands with this girl she didn't have the uniform and looked like

That was her outfit she looked pretty she hid behind FreddyT: (quietly) hi F: this is tomikaL: so why haven't you've been out of the houseF: LAWRENCE She started tearing up F: sorry he can't take a hint to save his lifeT: (quietly) I-it's ok S: ca...

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That was her outfit she looked pretty she hid behind Freddy
T: (quietly) hi
F: this is tomika
L: so why haven't you've been out of the house
She started tearing up
F: sorry he can't take a hint to save his life
T: (quietly) I-it's ok
S: can you tell us about you
F: one thing you need to know
Z: what
F: don't let the face fool you
She looked confused he went behind her
T: (quietly) huh
F: your dangerous
T: (shakes head)
He sighed he put a hand on her shoulder from behind her her eyes widen she grabs it and twists it and flips him to the ground
F: I'm fine this is nothing compared to what she did to my ex-girlfriend
T: that bitchy assless hoe called me a slut I was just putting her in her place
She speaks and not nicely
F: life support?
We looked shocked
T: i would have done more but the cops came
She helped him up
Z: your right we can't let the face fool us
She shrugged and she's mute again she looked at me
T: (shyly) hi
S: hi I'm summer
T: (quietly) t-tomika
Freddy showed her to her seat she sat next to him in the back aparently his parents requested that I wonder why she started looking nervous halfway through the lesson I guess she's never been around people he sat her in his lap and rubbed her back she sank in his chest I'm a little jelly
M: and we rock
She looked confused
Z: were a band
S: can you sing
T: n-
F: yes
She glared at him and he smiled innocently
T: (quietly) f-fine only I-if Freddy sings w-with me
Z: he can sing?
She nods her head we went to our instruments and played

They were REALLY good I had no idea he could sing
M: wow I've never heard that song who made it Camila Cabello,Ed Sheeran-
F: actually me and tomika made it
Z: you guys are really talented
She gave him a small smile and sat down after a few minutes we went to lunch freddy stayed back with tomika I felt jealous but when I went back they weren't theyre
Tomikas POV
Me and Freddy went to the roof
T: hey Freddy
F: yeah
T: is it nice here cause I'm fucking terrified and I could use some advice
F: come on mika you'll be fine
He kissed me softly and NO were not dating we're friends with benefits and yes we've slept together
T: thanks
F: no problem
He hugged my side and we talked after a few minutes the bell rang and we went to class we played again I got to go home early cause I got really nervous I live with Freddy when I got there I saw a note
Dear Tomika and Freddy I'm going back to grandpa I know the first time was for a long time but this time it's only for a month please use a condom
Yes she knows we do it and I know we're only fucking 17 but it calms me down I get stressed and it's either drugs or sex
F: you good
T: oh shit you scared me
F: sorry
T: Umm your moms out I'm gonna make dinner
I handed him the note I made raviolis we ate and went to bed we sleep in the same bed I was still tense from today he noticed and started sucking my neck
T: Freddy
F: (against neck) yeah
T: I'm scared
F: (against neck) why
T: because I don't like school
F: (against neck) who does
T: I don't wanna go back
He sucked more leaving a hickey and I moaned
F: (against neck) Tomika you've always been homeschooled you'll like it I promise
T: but-
He kissed me
F: I'm gonna change your mind
We layed down he got on top of me he started kissing my neck
T: (moans) Freddy
He started taking off my clothes leaving me naked under him
F: god your beautiful
I kissed him he took off his clothes And you know what happens next
T: oh god yes
T: baby don't stop
He went harder and faster I moaned he never says anything he let's his body do the talking
T: faster
He went faster pulling in and out I couldn't help but moan
T: I'm gonna cum
He pushed in more indicating he was to but he didn't pull out we cummed inside each other I let out a deep groan as I felt him cum inside me we were both so careless he got off me but I pulled him back and kissed him roughly he kissed back and we did it
T: baby I'm sore
He got off me still not saying a word I found it hot I bit my lip
T: baby say something
He didn't I started sucking his neck I got on top of him and started moving my hips
F: your sore
T: finally you talked
F: yeah yeah now get off I know it hurts for you
I pinned him down
T: but when you pleasure me like you do I suck it up
I smashed my lips on his and you know what happens next
I woke up next to freddy we don't like each other like I said sex calms me down I know for a fact he doesn't like me like that cause I know when he's lying I also don't like him like that I woke him up by kissing his neck I had light hickeys on mine I've never had to cover them up he got on his clothes I did to and covered my hickeys we walked to school I was still terrified I was wearing

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