Past love

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Freddys POV
I was in my room when I saw a picture of me and Frankie I used to live in New Orleans with her everyone thought we were dating Penelope was a bitch though we were best friends and when I moved she kissed me before I boarded the plane we lost contact though I'm 17 I decided to walk through the park when I saw her
F: f-Frankie
Fr: Freddy?
We hugged I picked her up as we did and she giggled
Fr: (giggles) put me down freddy
F: nah
She playfully glared at me I rolled my eyes and set her down we walked through the park but-
Fr: wait what school do you go to
F: William b Travis prep
Fr: same but I need a favor
F: what
Fr: well not here in private
She took me to her house she locked the door and wrote on a piece of paper
Fr: don't say it out loud
I was confused
I was framed and now no school in New Orleans will accept me so if anyone asks my name is tomika young I'm not 16 I'm 17 my aunt,uncle,and cousins are my family and I don't wear contacts
F: why am I not suprised
She ripped it up and threw some in the fire pit outside and some in the trash she burned half
F: so who's your boyfriend
Fr: are you just trying to find out if I'm single
F: maybe
Fr: single
She smirked
F: same
She kissed my cheek and sat down on the couch I sat next to her I moved her head and kissed her she smiled as we kissed we pulled away I was grinning like an idiot and we watched a movie while we cuddled
Well Frankie is my girlfriend now
Ashers POV
I was walking down the hall when I see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen I was debating wether to talk to her or not but freddy walked up and kissed her I felt a wave of jealousy overcome me she's dating him why am I not suprised
Zacks POV
I was at my locker when freddy and a girl came up to me
F: yo zack
Z: sup
F: meet my girlfriend tomika
T: hi
Z: I'm zack are you new here
T: yeah
Z: have you introduced her to summer
T: who's that
S: GUYS I JUST-oh hi I'm summer
T: Tomika
S: are you new?
T: yeah
F: summer this is my girlfriend
S: oooooh finally you chose someone
T: chose?
Z: a lot of girls go after him
T: and I'm guessing they're mad he's finally tied down
L: why do you say that
She pointed behind us a bunch of girls were glaring at her
L: I'm Lawrence
T: Tomika imma call you Larry and you sum and you well your name is already short so I'll just call you zack
Z: ok
We walked to class a girl tried to slap tomika but she grabbed her hand twisted it and flipped her to the ground we stared at her in horror
T: what
F: I'm used to it by now
S: I love your girlfriend
T: I can tell we're gonna be besties
We walked into class she's now the new bass player and singer
T: what now
S: huh
T: do you guys get gigs
S: yeah
T: oh ok oh wait we actually learn right
Z: I know your scared that your parents-
T: parents? No they can find out I honestly don't care and I don't care about school but I can't let louie find out
F: isn't Louie your best friend
T: yeah he'd be MAD
S: can we meet him
T: I don't know he's really bad at meeting new people last guy ran out screaming I didn't get a second date
F: I never actually got to meet him but you said he was like your brother
T: he is
S: I want a friend ship like that
T: where he chases people away and threatens people who enter your life and possibly stalks them
S: yes
She chuckled
T: ok but watch out if weird things happen to you just Keep in mind he's not that bad
F: weird
We left me,summer,Lawrence's and Freddys locker slammed open and shut
T: seriously Louie
The lights flickered on and off we were freaking out but she looked annoyed the doors slammed shut and locked kids were being slammed against the lockers yet no one was there
T: anyone knows what's for lunch today
She said ignoring everything she dragged us to the lunchroom we sat down
F: that's was weird
T: Louie has a way he NEVER gets caught
L: we see that
We laughed
T: just ignore him
A note dropped down
Bitch you can't ignore me
- Louie
She rolled her eyes and threw it backwards it landed in the trash can
T: he can be annoying
Slime dumped Over her
Z: where did that even come from
T: like I said he has a way
S: I have spare clothes
T: oh thank god
They walked away she can back dry and in new clothes
T: I hate him-I mean he's the best
L: scared?
T: terrified
She sat down
T: he's very protective so be on guard
F: didn't he once shave penelopes eyebrow
T: (dreamily) yeah
We looked at her weirdly
T: what she was a bitch
F: she actually was when I saw it it was like an angel was singing
We laughed but Asher was glaring I think I was the only one who noticed
T: (whispers) you see that
Z: (whispers) yeah
L: what are you two whispering about
T: umm
She looked at Asher he looked away
T: Nothing doesn't seem important anymore
She shrugged and we continued eating
Ashers POV
i HAVE to get tomika she's my soulmate and she's so cute but she's with Freddy maybe I can break them up but how maybe hmmm blackmail no that will never work I know I'll get my sister to kiss him
A: hey jada?
J: yeah
A: I need you to kiss freddy
J: hell no
A: or I'll tell everyone that you peed your pants last semester
J: fine I'll do it
I smirked she looked annoyed
When tomika was looking she kissed him tomika ran out she pushed him away
F: what the hell
J: (gags) now I have to boil my mouth
She left he was confused we heard her throwing up now I feel bad
F: I-I-I.....what?
He walked away than he remembered tomika he ran after her
Tomikas POV
He was kissing jada I ran home my cousin/brother was confused
?: you good
Fr: my boyfriend just cheated on me
?: this will be fun
They smirked Freddy ran through
F: Frankie I'm-
?: let's get him
His eyes widen and he ran out
Fr: I can't believe him
?: now I'm sad
?: I really wanted to put someone in the hospital
Fr: I've never felt closer to you guys
We laughed I went upstairs I didn't cry but I sat there I called summer
Fr: hey sum
S: yeah
Fr: can you come over
S: why
Fr: Freddy cheated on me
I heard something downstairs I went there and saw summer
Fr: I called you two seconds ago
S: I work fast
?: weird
Fr: I'm kinda scared
S: let's kill him
She dragged me out I felt like I was being watched
Fr: is someone watching us
S: you feel it to
Fr: it's weird can we go to your house just in case cause I don't feel safe
S: yeah
We walked to her house we heard footsteps and no one was there we looked at each other and nodded we ran to her house as fast we could and locked the door
Fr: that was fun
S: I've never done something dangerous and that was cool
She smirked and grabbed a vase
S: this is priceless
She smashed it
Fr: you little bitch
S: yup
Fr: your parents are gonna kill you
S: and?
We laughed and sat down the maid cleaned it up we watched a few movies
S: what's this one about
We put it in
?: oh teddy I love you and you know all my secrets like how I've been lying about my name and my sisters are just my cousins
Te: nammilla no your real name faith I love you I'm sorry I kissed jade
I closed it
S: what was that for
Fr: it's my situation exactly
S: your not lying
Fr: wellll
S: Tomika
Fr: it's Frankie
I told her she was cool
S: can we continue watching it
Fr: hell no
S: fine but that was funny
She laughed I rolled my eyes and laughed too
We walked in Asher opened the door for us we smiled and walked in freddy tried to talk to me but me and summer flipped him off we walked to class
I didn't want to sit with Freddy Lawrence did and summer said she and him have to work on a project I was at an empty table when I heard
?: need a friend
I looked up and saw...
Ashers POV
I was gonna sit with her but zack beat me to it
?: need a friend
T: yeah
He sat down I got jealous her back was against his side and her feet were up they talked,laughed,and just in general were being stupid Freddy looked mad but she didn't even notice she was to into the conversation to notice him
Z: wait you snuck out, went to a theme park called ghost world and got arrested
T: yup
Z: your a badass
T: well duh what about you what was the worst thing you've ever done
Z: hmmm nothing I've never done anything bad
T: how? I practically live for danger
Z: well it's all about college
T: yeah well what happens when your 40 your gonna look back and Wish you had a childhood
Z: well I'm in you know what instead of school
T: good enough
They laughed she sat up right and looked down
Z: Freddy?
T: yeah
He put his arm around her she leaned her head on his shoulder this caught Freddys attention
Z: Freddy is a dumbass
Zack flipped him off tomika laughed she kissed his cheek Freddy stood up but summer held him down That should be me
Z&T: besties for life
They laughed
Z: you kissed my cheek to make him mad didn't you
T: maybe I noticed he was watching us a few seconds ago
Z: he was watching us the whole time
T: really
Z: yup
T: friends
She held up her pinkie finger he chuckled
Z: friends
He wrapped his pinkie around her and kissed her forehead it took summer and Lawrence to hold Freddy down
T: this is fun
Z: I know
They laughed the guys couldn't hear their conversation they just watched them the bell rang
T: you can throw this away
She handed him her tray
Z: hell no
Kale took the trays she likes to help people
T&Z: race you
They simultaneously got up and ran I ran after them he was holding her by her waist from behind her Freddy looked crushed
Z: over my dead body
T: have it your way
She got out of his grip and ran it was a tie
T: rematch tomorrow
Z: your on
They laughed and walked through the door
S: look on the bright side Zacks happy
F: he stole her
L: you lost her
F: I know I'm so stupid
This plan isn't working I went to class
Freddys POV
They were sitting on her desk making jokes and doing Rock Paper Scissors
Z: I win
She pushed him off the desk
Z: boops what the hell
Fr: oops
F: boops?
Fr: shut the fuck up
He rolled his eyes and walked to his seat mrfinn started the lesson halfway through Zamika was passing notes after a few minutes mrfinn caught them
M: can I see your notes
Fr: no
M: will you stop
Fr: not likely
M: can you stop
Fr: I don't know should I
Zack was trying to hold in a laugh same thing with summer
M: that is unacceptable behavior
Fr: and that is an unacceptable outfit
M: did you do the homework
Fr: did you grade our tests
M: I have other tests to grade
Fr: and I have other teachers homework to do
M: you are impossible
Fr: thank you I try
Summer was on the floor dying of laughter zack was laughing but not as hard
Fr: you gonna glare with the tennis balls you call eyes or teach us something with your fake degree
He went to the chalkboard and continued summer wiped her tears she was laughing so much zack stopped laughing
Frankie was signing up for the talent show I went up to her
F: hey
Fr: (bored) oh hi
F: Frankie I-
A: hey guys
Fr: (annoyed) oh hi Asher
A: just wondering if you wanna-
Z: hey guys
Fr: (happy) hi zack
Me and Asher threw him a glare he was confused
Z: umm weird
Fr: bye guys
She left
F: bro your stealing her
Z: you don't own her so stop treating her like an object you wont let anyone else have her and you cheated on her with jada news flash shit face she has feelings and is not something you can use you fucked up so stop blaming me and I don't like her I'm cheering her up after YOU broke her heart you know the thing you'll never have
He walked away he's right I treated her like nothing i didn't kiss jada though
A: I was so close to asking her out
The lights went out
Pm: technical difficulties I plugged something in and it broke the circuits
I heard Frankie whimper
Frankies POV
The lights went out I'm usually not scared but this time I wasn't expecting it I jumped someone caught me I whimpered
Z: it's ok
Fr: t-thanks
He set me down he held my waist from beside me after a few seconds the power came on most kids were holding each other
Fr: never again
Z: you were scared
Fr: I was not
Z: you jumped I had to catch you
Fr: shut up
Asher and Freddy were listening to us every one left it was the end of the day zack walked me home
Ashers POV
He's in the way I knocked him unconscious and took him to my house I tied him up
Frankies POV
It was the talent show I sang

Everyone cheered summer hit the back of Freddys head
S: nice going ya dick
F: look I know fucked up but do you have to always hit me
S: yes
Fr: this is why we're besties
Everyone laughed and I walked off stage
Jada came up to me
J: Tomika
Fr: no
J: it's about zack
Fr: what about him
J: Asher blackmailed me to kiss Freddy he's in love with you and the other day he kidnapped zack he's at our house and Freddy didn't kiss back also ask Freddy I threw up right after
She left I ran to Freddy
F: Frankie I-
I cut him off by kissing him he was shocked but kissed back I saw in the corner of my eye asher pissed but-
S&L: awwww
Fr: are you fucking kidding me
S: sorry
Fr: guys follow me
They nodded we went to Ashers house zack was tied up with ducktape over his mouth
S: that bastard
We went in and untied him
Z: those ropes hurt
L: guess what treddys together
Z: awww hurt her and you'll die
F: ok ok
Fr: come on
We left I called the cops and asher was taken away he was screaming yelling and cussing and trying to break free he looked mental
Fr: good to know
He got out of their grip I hid behind Larry and zack he tried to go after me but the cops held him back and put him in the car they drove off
The car turned we could hear his screams getting fainter and fainter till they stopped we went home I'm fucking ok now

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