Chapter One - Close Encounters

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Four of the Empire's top officials turned their attention to the man at the head of the conference table. This man wore dark robes and a black cloak with the hood pulled up to cover his face. Underneath that hood, a set of hard, icy blue eyes seemed to glow despite the hood's shadow which stopped just below the apples of his cheeks. A strong jaw with blonde stubble and a set of rosy lips were the only illuminated parts of his face.

"Lord Vader," The man to his right acknowledged him. "I'm assuming your ready to get down to buisness?"

"Exactly. You four men are the top ranking officers of the Empire under myself." Vader began addressing them. "As you know, the late Emperor's death was nearly a year ago. I think we should honor him on the anniversary of his death in some way which is why I've called all of you in today. What do you think we should do?"

The four men glanced at each other in silence. It was Admiral Prett who spoke up first. "Perhaps you could have the slaves begin the construction of a large monument?"

Vader shook his head at this idea. He brought one of his hands up to his chin, resting on his elbow. "No, it has to be something we can do annually. One monument won't take forever to build nor will it last forever."

After another moment of silence, Moff Tarkin cleared his throat. "What about some sort of address done by yourself?"

Vader just glared at Tarkin. "No. Next idea?"

It was the clone commander who spoke up next, his yellow helmet sitting in his lap. "How about an annual holiday? You could call it... Emperor's day?"

Vader thought about it for a moment, thinking of the pros and cons of the troopers idea. "That could work, Cody. Before we vote, Rex, what do you think we should do?"

The final official, a clone captain, spoke up next after taking off his navy-and-white helmet. "What about an Imperial ball?"

Vader's lips curled into a small smile. "That could also work. So here's what we're voting on; an annual holiday called Emperor's day or an annual imperial ball held on the anniversary of his death?"

The men all nodded their acceptance so Vader took it one step further. "All in favor of an annual holiday, say I..."

Tarkin and Cody spoke in unison. "I!"

"All in favor of an annual imperial ball?"

Prett, Rex and Vader all said "I" together.

Vader stood up from his chair, the four men following suit. "We are all in agreement then, an imperial ball will be held in a week's time on the anniversary of his late Highness' death. Meeting adjourned until tomorrow evening, same time and place. Dismissed."


Outside the capital's main citadel, a disguised Vader took a stroll on the outskirts of the slave district. He wore some old jedi robes that his master had given to him as if to mock the old wizards, all the robes black and warn by a true sith lord. With his hood up only in the city shadows, young Vader took his time unwinding without his hood and without a care in the world.

About half a mile from the slave district was a small stream, which was Vader's favorite destination. As he drew closer tonight, he felt a strange force signature...

Someone's in my sanctuary!

Initially, Vader felt pissed off because if it was a slave, there was a whole mess of rules that prohib-

"Are you," A heavenly voice sung out. "Are you, comin' to the tree?"

Vader stalked silently closer, his hand ready to snatch his lightsaber out.

"They strung up a man, they say who murdered three..."

A tree thick with leaves gave Vader a higher perspective as he came closer. He could see the voice's owner sitting with their back towards him, her hands busy at work with laundry.

"Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be... If we met, at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

Vader closed his eyes, listening to the soft voice sing on.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... Where the dead man called out, for his love to flee... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

He glanced down at the woman, trying to make out her appearance in the moonlight.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

She was small in size, a very petite woman from what Vader could tell. Her skin seemed to glow and her dark curls shined brightly down her back.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

Vader looked over at the basket, noticing how it's almost empty. Song's almost over then, He thought to himself. He almost was disappointed but he didn't let it get him down.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

The woman was on the last few articles of clothing.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... They strung up a man, they say who murdered three... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

She began to pick up the washed clothes and her washing board.

"Are you, are you, comin' to the tree... Where the dead man called out, for his love to flee... Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be, if we met at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

With that, she stood up and grabbed the wet laundry. Carrying it on her side, the woman began the long walk back to the slave district.

Vader smirked to himself and once the woman was out of earshot, he voiced his thoughts aloud.

"Looks like I found the balls' entertainment. I will find you again, Angel..."

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