Son - A Tanka Poem

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by Eliza Hamilton

I so love my son
He is just so brave and kind.
He has two green eyes
And adorable freckles
When he plays I feel happy

Auto Praise for Son - A Tanka Poem"

I love a good tanka - so much meatier than a haiku, and Eliza Hamilton really makes the most of those extra two lines."- The Daily Tale

"I didn't think I like haiku, but after reading Son - A Tanka Poem, I can see the merits of something briefer."- Enid Kibbler"

This son is so vivid to me, thanks to this beautuful verse."- Hit the Spoof

"My favourite part of this poem is 'adorable freckles'."- Zob Gloop

"I love Japanese poetry, and I can tell that Eliza Hamilton really does love that son."- Betty Borison

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