Galactic Wild Gun Wars

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A Science Fiction Plot by Alexander Hamilton

A long, long time ago in a wild, wild galaxy...

After leaving the enchanted planet Neptune, a group of elves fly toward a distant speck. The speck gradually resolves into a tender, space hall.

Civil war strikes the galaxy, which is ruled by King George III, a red gnome capable of robbery and even mutilation.

Terrified, a pointy fairy known as Hercules Mulligan flees the Empire, with his protector, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette.

They head for New York City on the planet Earth. When they finally arrive, a fight breaks out. Marquis de Lafayette uses his wild gun to defend Hercules.

Marquis de Lafayette and Fairy Hercules decide it's time to leave Earth and steal a ship to shoot their way out.

They encounter a tribe of ghosts. Marquis de Lafayette is attacked and the fairy is captured by the ghosts and taken back to New York City.

Marquis de Lafayette must fight to save Fairy Hercules but when he accidentally unearths a dirty record, the entire future of the wild, enchanted galaxy is at stake.

Auto Praise for Galactic Wild Gun Wars

"I really, really, really hope that Marquis de Lafayette saves Fairy Hercules because I love this story soooooo much!"- The Daily Tale

"A red gnome, a tribe of ghosts and a pointy fairy - haven't we seen this before somewhere?"- Enid Kibbler

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