Our Short Carrot Love (song)

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A Love Song For Alexander By John Laurens

This one's for you Mr Hamilton!

My love for you is like the most short carrot,
Your face reminds me of optimistic turtles,
Together, we are like roast dinner and balsamic vinegar.

Oh darling Alexander,
My short carrot,
My optimistic cabbage,
The perfect companion to my roast dinner soul.

Strawberries are red,
Skies are blue,
I like spaghetti shaped like space rockets,
But not as much as I love snuggling with you!

Oh darling Alexander,
Your legs are like beautiful boats on a spring day,
You're like the most brave lawyer to ever walk my office.

Your optimistic turtle face,
Your balsamic vinegar soul,
Your beautiful legs,
Your brave lawyer being...

How could I look at another when our short carrot love is so strong?

I love you Mr Hamilton!

Auto Praise for Our Short Carrot Love

"Can you feel the love tonight? I certainly can. Alexander is so lucky to feature in a song like this."- DJ Smooth, Awesome Tunes Magazine

"'Comparing love to a short carrot is beautiful - just beautiful!"- Little Max, The Pop Pop Channel

"Optimistic turtles? Seriously? Pass me a bucket. I can't deal with this level of blurgh."- A Web User With Lots of Opinions

"This song talks to me. I too have a balsamic vinegar soul."- Dan Gloop Jr, Facebook

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