Along Came Alexander

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A Hot Romance
by Alexander Hamilton

John Laurens is a sexy, muscular, and kind painter from New York City. His life is going nowhere until he meets Alexander Hamilton, a hot, curvy man with a passion for food.

John takes an instant disliking to Alexander and the forgetful and smelly ways he learned during his years in France.

However, when a cow tries to eat John, Alexander springs to the rescue. John begins to notices that Alexander is actually rather special at heart.

But, the pressures of Alexander's job as a private detective leave him blind to John's affections and John takes up socializing to try and distract himself.

Finally, when a stupid gardener, Thomas Jefferson, threatens to come between them, Alexander has to act fast. But will they ever find the hot love that they deserve?

Auto Praise for Along Came Alexander

"I fell in love with the smart Alexander Hamilton. Last night I dreamed that he was in my teapot."- The Daily Tale

"About as enjoyable as being slapped with a dead fish, but Along came Alexander does deliver a strong social lesson."- Enid Kibbler

"I love the bit where a cow tries to eat John - nearly fell off my seat."- Hit the Spoof

"I could do better."- Zob Gloop

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