Ode to the Macaroni and Cheese

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A Sonnet by Thomas Jefferson

Macaroni and cheese, to you I write.
I love the way you feed, squeak and cuddle,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the hot trudell.

Let me compare you to a smooth buffoon?
You are more unreal, blazing and yellow.
Bold sun heats the surreal peaches of June,
And summertime has the coviello.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your mellow cheesy and perfect.
Thinking of your delicious fills my days.
My love for you is the awesome elect.

Now I must away with a pleasant heart,
Remember my cold words whilst we're apart.

Auto Praise for Ode to the Macaroni and cheese

"Look, you might think 'elect' is a good rhyme for 'perfect', but frankly I couldn't make head nor tale of what you were trying to say."- The Daily Tale

"The author is so talented that I really feel the love for the object of the poem's mellow cheesy and perfect."- Enid Kibbler

"The iambic pentameter almost works!"- Hit the Spoof

"Not even Shakespeare himself would be bold enough to use a simile like 'a smooth buffoon' - wow!"- Zob Gloop

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