Small, Green Turtle

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A Concrete Poem

Presented as text

Small, Green Turtle
presented as an image


extremely green 

decidedly darling 

clear, dear, humble 

ever so shiny 

so cute 

so tiny tail

 a shell shiny! 

a turtle

 that thought

 all small
love it



 rather tiny 




 rather shiny



 a hat


 a turtle 

so shiny 

 a shell

 decidedly darling 


very small

 shining shell, small can, lovely hat 

quite darling 

 clear, naive, new 

extremely adorable 

adorable, clear, lovable

 you positively darling
adorable, dear, new

 clear, small, funny 

shining shell, small tail, endearing chapeau 

polished plate, small chase, adorable chapeau 

lustrous scale, small tail, endearing chapeau 

ever so sheeny racing shell angling, softly 

its polished carapace cresting, softly 

clear shell, tiny tail, endearing lid 

lustrous shell, tiny tag, lovable hat 

its small seat wriggling, blithely 

clear case leaning, softly 

adorable, clear, lovable 

positively democratic 

adorable, lovely, new 

adorable, clear, new 

positively adorable 

clear, small, funny 

clear, common, new 

ever so democratic 

lustrous shell leaning, softly 

tiny bottom squirming, blithely 

sunny carapace pointing, softly 

tiny fanny twisting, blithely 

a tail

 ever so adorable 


 very cute     

Auto Praise for Small, Green Turtle

"I never tire of seeing concrete poems in the shape of a ghost."- Zob Gloop

"The line polished plate, small chase, adorable chapeau is just so perfect. It really shows the author's talent."- Betty Borison

"Oh please! The first line is ever so adorable and is goes down hill from there. What repetitive twaddle!"- Enid Kibbler

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